One Anti-Trump Hollywood Idiot Says He’s in Escrow in Another Country – IOTW Report

One Anti-Trump Hollywood Idiot Says He’s in Escrow in Another Country

C-List George Lopez is angry that Trump won. He says he can “suck his ass.” He tells the reporter that his house is in escrow.

One down, thousands and thousands more to go.

36 Comments on One Anti-Trump Hollywood Idiot Says He’s in Escrow in Another Country

  1. poor george, truth be told, you suck ass, that’s why your shows always get canceled. enjoy the suck! you’ve earned it!

    haha, one kidney george. what a derp!

    your wife totally F’d you! and you deserved it!

  2. This makes no sense. Mexican-american born to migrant workers makes it big in Hollywood says he’s moving out of US because future president wants to export illegals and visa jumpers?

    Is he for his people or what? He hates the nation that allowed him his fame and fortune? Why don’t you stay and fight for your parent’s legacy, you fat bitch?

  3. Oh man, is this moron a major anti-white racist, and complete dim bulb dope. “Comedian” is extremely generous, the better label is dumbass George Lopez. George do you need any help packing your stuff, don’t let the door hit you in the ass. Are you sure your car doesn’t have room for 10 more hollywood types?

  4. George you can’t leave fast enough for my likes. The more dopes you take with you, the better. I’m staying here and I’ll enjoy the extra elbow room. BTW why do stupid morons wear those stupid little hats around airports? If you just didn’t wear the hat, people might be in suspense wondering if you are a moron; when you wear one of those, you just remove all doubt.

  5. He made millions here. He got his kidney transplant here. Has been won’t be missed…I here there is a nice place in southern Mexico where they are trying to build a wall (good work for a loudmouth).

  6. All of his shows had his name on the title and all failed. LOL Take the hint!!!
    Also, quit whining. He’s been whining about his mom leaving him treating him like shit for the last 30 years. He probably has a tattoo that says, “Sad Girl”.

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