One Can Feel Like Doing This Without Doing It – IOTW Report

One Can Feel Like Doing This Without Doing It

The people in the comments on Twitter are acting as if the original poster is condoning murder. lol.

He simply asked if you ever felt like doing this. One could say, “yes,” and still remain innocent.

38 Comments on One Can Feel Like Doing This Without Doing It

  1. Why in the world would you feel like doing that to one of your friends, BFH? lol

    Slap the biker, 5 points. Knock off the biker, 10 points. Keep the bike upright after knocking him off, 20 points.

  2. My dog got poisoned TWICE in three weeks about 5 years ago. The first time she got home and I doctored her all night. Second time it was 10 below that night…she didn’t make it home……I know who poisoned her…they mostly admitted it to me (sociopathic/pathological liars), But if I ever get a terminal health diagnoses, they are gonna exit this world first….

    The reason they poisoned her? Because she chased their cats in MY pasture. They donated probably 50 cats to the foxes and coyotes. Abandoned 3 cats and a dog when they moved away….

  3. There have been times when I have felt like doing exactly that — and worse — to a bicyclist who truly deserved it. It’s one of the big reasons I refuse to drive in downtown Portland, because doing so would probably eventually end up with me be prosecuted for attempted homicide against some spandex-wearing asshole who thinks that traffic laws don’t apply to him.

  4. Many years ago I was riding my Ducati on a winding road, scraping pegs in the turns and I end up face-to-face with a bicyclist riding his bike in the middle of the lane going the wrong direction. It took everything I had, but I was able to veer enough to get past him without high-siding and crashing. I turned around and went back to yell at the idiot for riding in the road, going the wrong way in a blind curve. He had the nerve to say he had a right to be there. I pointed to the bike path 15 feet away and said NOPE.
    I sure hope he shit himself. I almost did.

  5. It’s the irrational hatred of cyclists that always fascinates me.
    People act like they have to commute behind the Tour de France every day to work.
    “Damn, that cyclist impeded my progress for 0.073 femto-seconds… let’s kill him!”

  6. Loco,

    We have a 5 ft shoulder on the road near me. Do the fags in spandex use it? NO. They instead ride 3 feet from the solid line in the lane of traffic on a 2-lane road. Then when they get all their buddies together to smell each others ass 3-wide and 40-deep, traffic snarls. The shoulder still not used. I’ve had to follow these asshats 3 miles at 10-15 mph, a bit longer than 0.073 seconds, and wanted to knock all of them off.

  7. Sorry Loco, but I disagree. I’ve been behind too many cyclists on narrow, hilly, curvy roads with no bicycle lane or even a shoulder. They ride in the car lane, and if you want to pass you have to put yourself at risk by veering into the opposite lane. Otherwise you drive at their speed for as long as either one of you are on that road, which is almost always longer than 0.073 femto-seconds – whatever that is. It’s fucked up.

  8. What @ecp said. 👍

    We have the honor of being on routes of quite a few bike events throughout the summer here in the PNW. They last all day sometimes all weekend. All skill levels-the spandex brigade in matching team uniforms to boomers who have entered their first race and look like they are going pass out and die along the roadside. Rural 2 lane roads that handle too much traffic now. They post signs weeks in advance so we all know what’s coming up.

    The neighbors get on NextDoor to bitch about bicyclist-it almost ALMOST transcends politics-how much we all despise them.

  9. @ LocoBlancoSaltine AT 7:33 PM

    The fucking assholes brought the animosity on all bicyclists themselves and it’s well deserved when it is directed at those responsible. I’m saying that as a person who has racked up thousands and thousands of miles on bicycles.

  10. who’s dumber? the one’s that did this? (or, was only one person in the vehicle?)
    or … the bicycler who rides in a vehicular road w/ no bike lane?
    or … the county or state that allows bicyclers on roads not designed for bicycles, particularly ones w/ no shoulders?

    I live in a rural/small suburbia section of the state where we have many curvy, dipsy rural one-lane roads, that are still used for farm vehicles, that have many blind spots. the speed limit is posted (usually) at 40 mph.
    we have bike lanes throughout our one highway (2 or more lanes, depending on the density of the area it goes through)
    … guess which roads the bicyclers pick to go on their group bike tours every weekend?

    not even the motor cyclers are that stupid!

  11. There have been many occasions where the THOUGHT to do some cruel, hurtful or potentially deadly thing to someone else has entered my mind. Almost every one of those thoughts were dismissed immediately.

    Very rarely have any of those thoughts ever persisted to the point of FEELING like actually doing it. They were soon dismissed as well.

    I have NEVER been stupid enough to actually act upon any of those thoughts. But even if I have, I would never have been stupid enough to record myself acting upon them. Nor would I have been stupid enough to post that evidence on Twitter.

  12. I hate some of the bike rider situations mentioned above. However another POV:

    My 22 yo daughter lives by campus in Cincinnati and relies on her bike to commute to work. She was obeying the rules of the road in a high traffic (both cars and pedestrian) 25 mph and traffic lights area when she stopped at a red light. The black driver behind her yelled for her to get off the road. When the light turned green, before she could pedal out of the way, he deliberately rear ended her, knocked her off the bike and ran her bike over. And took off. You all try getting a phone call from your daughter 4 hours away that she was deliberately hit by a POS who couldn’t tolerate her presence long enough to let her move.

  13. btw, back in my high school days there were a couple of brothers, the Johnson boys, that were driving their daddy’s pick up truck. up ahead of them, on the side of the road they spied an older fella walking on the road shoulder.

    one of the brothers, on the passenger side, told his brother to step on the gas & get close to the feller as he leaned out the window. he hit the guy w/ his arm & let out a howl as his arm broke from the force of it hitting the back of the man.

    true story, at least the way the brothers told it.
    kids are stupid, but karma’s a bitch

    no one ever knew what happened to the old feller

  14. There are so many more jerks on the road now-in cars, trucks, motorcycles and on bikes. I blame Covid because aggressive driving has greatly increased here. Masks and vax made people nuts.

  15. Who in their right mind believes everyone in vehicles is going to look out for you when you’re at the right side of the right lane. I can’t stand it when I happen to be “uptown” in our small downtown and someone whizzes between me and the parked cars along the street. Just as the main 4 light ahead turns yellow.

  16. Who hasn’t had a destructive thought. The point is to never act on those thoughts. Thw consequences are too costly.

    There is nothing wrong with that guy’s comment. He’s just speaking the truth, something the left, self-righteous Twit commenters hate.

    BTW, When I get near a cyclist I’ll change lanes or pick another route to avoid them. I don’t trust their judgment of distance. One fraction of an inch too close to the car and the cyclist would get the worst of it…by accident of course – seriously.

  17. About 100 bicyclists are killed in DC every year. I can see why. I used to ride from the Dupont CO to Metro CO and back (becasue we couldn’t park a personal vehicle at Metro, but we had a big fenced Bell lot at Dupont) and it was always pretty sedate. I illegally stayed on the sidewalks, and no one ever gave me any grief.

    My old bike is still chained to the radiator at the south entrance. HAA! Been there 20 years. Chico laughs about it. “That damn bike is STILL there!”

  18. Those guys and gals all over the streets with brain buckets and spandex get squashed all the time. I was out there in a suit and a fedora (and planned my routes wisely — and always had time padding if shit got hosed) and I never got squashed. I disobeyed the law. Also that was a long time ago, and I’d bet there are far more cyclists out there, now.

    There are many bike lanes on DC and they still get squashed. I think the biggest lessons are don’t be in a hurry, and stay out of where the motorized vehicles be at. Car and truck drivers are looking for other car and truck drivers… and pedestrians. Little pedal bikes moving fast aren’t as readily seen.

  19. To top it off he landed in a poison ivy patch (just wishin’)

    I am with 99th Squad Leader and try to find another path because they are always on the up and down hill areas around here. Who said Ohio is flat? Richfield, Bath, Ghent it never fails they are riding in the middle of the road and you can’t see over the ills.

    The worst are a-holes in N. Royalton who ignore all the special bike paths and ride in the middle of the road. Most bike riders have a brain and are considerate but there is special kind of stupid minority of bike privilege jerks.

  20. Times have changed. When I was a kid I used to ride my bike all over town on the streets. I never had one person shout at me, throw objects at me, or try to run me off the road.

    This changed some time in the mid 1980s.

    I blame climate change. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.

  21. Eugenia, driving near bike riders/cyclists is frustrating. I routinely avoid them. It must be a midwest thing cause bike riders think they own the road there. Especially in the small or midsize cities.

    BTW, I’m a fellow Midwesterner from Illinois. You’re right, not all of the Midwest is flat. My home town is in a valley and full of hills.

  22. I hope the yee-haw who did that was charged and convicted of assault with intent to commit serious bodily injury. Shoving that kid could have caused a spinal injury resulting in permanent paralysis. Even if the kid was blocking traffic or acting obnoxious, a real man would have honked, or flipped him the bird, or – better yet – done nothing. I hope the yee-haw is sitting in prison experiencing all of the sodomy his tender little rectum can handle.


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