These critters knew what to do with their extra hour!
What did you do?
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Huh? Why my dog wake me so early? Why do we keep doing this stupid shit?
An extra unpaid hour of work if you worked the night shift
Looks like a Gov’t or Union Work Zone!
On Overtime.
Lots of fond memories …
Thanks, Claudia!
The FedGov writes it up as an hour of OT (at least in the AOC).
izlamo delenda est …
Why is the Koala moving so fast?
Well the 4 month old doesn’t really get DST!!! So up we were at 4:45! All the Christmas decorations out of storage/attic and an undecorated tree up before 7!. A good morning with a smiling happy baby!!
I used my hour for sleeping just like the critters. Been wanting that hour back since March!
Too bad they had first formation an hour early; basterds
There was a big red fox in my front yard last night when I came home from a shopping trip with my wife. He wasn’t afraid of the car lights, but took off when the car door opened.
After hunting all night I bet he was yawning this morning just like the picture.
Kitty yawn…swoon
@MerkelsMerken: Your screen name is very similar to that of MerkelsMerkin.
Do you two know each other?
My favorite Sunday of the year. It’s only an hour but it feels like a holiday.
I just got up an hour earlier. It’s nice to have an extra hour of time on a Sunday. I dislike that it’s going to be dark soon after I get home from work.
Warm Fuzzies Claudia!
Hahaha, cat is sleeping with one eye open!
According to the MSM, this time last year we were 48 hours from President Hillary.
@Vietvet no, I didn’t know that. I’ll change my name, thanks.
I can tell the time on my watch & in my car without having to do math again. I won’t change them in spring because I’d have to change them back. This time of year I celebrate my wise strategy that saves me ten minutes a year! Real time saving.
Woke up an hour early too and it was snowing here in WA State!
Thanks Claudia!
Had I been wise like those two owls, I would’ve chosen the extra hour of sleep. Instead, I got up and went to play golf, very poorly, and mostly in the rain!
Thank goodness I had these adorable snoozin’ critters to come home and look at!