One Man’s Testimonial About Motor City Madness – IOTW Report

One Man’s Testimonial About Motor City Madness

On the surface, parts of Detroit appear to be on the mend if not outright thriving.  There’s a pioneering spirit to resuscitate the “Comeback City” that is starting to drive real estate prices up in some districts.  Then there’s the car thefts, break-ins and murders that beat the honest man down and will probably eventually drive him out.

The writer of this story had two cars stolen and stripped and his shop (and living) looted.  He hasn’t given up, but Detroit has taken its toll.


20 Comments on One Man’s Testimonial About Motor City Madness

  1. Wow… read the whole thing.

    Beirut circa 1982 comes to mind, except those thugs pulled car bombings, but maybe Deee-troit still has some room to grow.

    Detroit has become a weird sort of dystopian place, straight out of a post-apocalyptic nightmare, except this one is real. Strangely, everyone plays their part to perfection, and in a psychotic way, it works for the players. Cops, robbers, politicians and thugs against the people who try to make Detroit a GOOD place again. “Don’t mess with our ‘thang’ we got here!” they seem to be saying.

    And… say it: “Democratic Politics at its finest!!”

  2. Last time I visited Detroit was in the mid 70s. The Renaissance Center was fairly new and beautiful. Don’t remember any abandoned factories or houses, much less the trashed cars. Of course, I may have not gone to the worst sections of the city. Now, ALL parts of the city are worst. Sigh.

  3. Read the whole story. I wouldn’t visit Detroit on a bet. Maybe it is time to start using bait cars with just enough C4 to take care of the thieves. Alternate these with a sniper team to take out the thieves and do this a few times. Find the crooked cops and frame them up for narcotics or better yet some federal offense and have them do the 90% of their sentence out of state. Either that or invite the Mafia back and pay them weekly to keep order.

  4. live in a Third World Shithole (Detroit) and you can expect these results. Plus, Dearborn is in the same state as Detroit – it’s America’s Gaza Strip, a filthy flyblown shithole infested by Filthy Mohammedan Savages

  5. I wonder how much those who over pay for real estate would be willing to pay for a private security firm to protect themselves and their belongings?

    With the cops running their own side rack in auto shops, I’d think there would be a real demand for an honest protector of self and property.

  6. @PHenry; I suspect the fans are from the suburbs who only come in for the game. In addition I would think that they get large tax breaks from the city to stay there on the theory it provides jobs (and apparently those jobs involve stealing the visitors cars while they’re at the game).

  7. Phenry, Detroit grinds up urban hipsters, puts them in gondola cars, burns them in a power plant and sells the eletricity to Canada. There’s a never-ending supply, and it works out perfectly because the hipsters just love the retro warehouses down by the railyard.

  8. Anybody who lives in Detroit with first hand knowledge of police gang corruption on one side and non-police gang corruption on the other side is a victim of their own stupidity.

  9. I read the whole story. Who the f@ck buys a 700k loft apartment and in a shithole like Detroit? What the hell were you thinking? You deserve to have that shit happen to you dumbass.

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