Just one of many many stories just like it taking place right now – IOTW Report

Just one of many many stories just like it taking place right now

Gates of Vienna-

Notice that the headline says “two dead”, as if the perp and his victim were in the same general class — those who were killed in a “tragic incident”:

Two Dead in Refugee Shelter


 a 41-year-old Afghan and a five-year-old Russian died, the police spokesman Marco Müller announced. When the officers arrived, they established that a 41-year-old Afghan had taken a 47-year-old Russian woman and her five- and six-year-old children hostage on the second floor, using a knife.

The man kept stabbing the woman and the two children. Therefore, the police officers used their firearms, lethally injuring the Afghan. The five-year-old succumbed to his injuries at the scene.


The locals were greatly upset, and rumors spread on social media. But police refused to comment for the first hour and a half.

The mayor is shocked by the incident. Until now, there have been no problems in the asylum seekers’ accommodation, he said to our media outlet. There were just a few occasional rumors at the beginning, and the police had to go there a few times.

He had not had any bad experiences with the refugees so far, said the mayor. Now he will have to see where to go from here. This occurrence is still inexplicable.


We will just have to get used to it.

This is life on planet earth now, and if you seek to cut yourself off from the obvious problem, Muslims, you are a bigot.

ht/ Salve


12 Comments on Just one of many many stories just like it taking place right now

  1. You want to stop this refugee terror bullshit?
    If one of these Muslim bastards gets caught doing some terrorist activity, deport 20 family members with them.
    Complete forfeiture of all possessions, and anything that cannot fit on their backs for their ride in a shipping container back to their place of origin.
    Example: people like that Manchester bomber’s sister who congratulated him on entering paradise. She needs to go. That statement is a statement of support for murder. Her and all her Family get a free boat ride out of the country.
    If they know that the only thing that will keep the whole lot of them from being them shipped out of the country penniless, is them turning their goat molester cousin in to the authorities, they might just do it.

  2. That’s Bavaria. Castle Neuschwanstein will now broadcast the muezzin call to buttsniff 5x per day. Bier est verboten. Schnitzengrubens will no longer be consumed.

    Or Germans could think as individuals for once in their existence. (won’t happen, buh-bye Germany)

  3. These are not civilized people we are dealing with here. Force and violence are all they understand so I suggest we give them a generous serving of both.

  4. I’m willing to be a bigot.

    If you’re more worried about being called a racist than about the survival of your family and your people, you are already as good as dead. So is your family.

    Let’s get rid of the muslims – and also the leftists responsible for opening the borders to, and endlessly defending, the murderous muslim savages.

  5. “Until now, there have been no problems in the asylum seekers’ accommodation, he said to our media outlet. There were just a few occasional rumors at the beginning, and the police had to go there a few times.

    They’re just baffled.

    Isn’t like this is a one-off, and everyone is sparkling brand new to the whole import of our destsruction move. Police need to be called once? Everybody out of the pool.

  6. Yup, suck it up buttercup! Until the jihad goofs start openly targeting progressive elitist liberals specifically, nothing will change.

    Until then, the goofs, in all their smugness are happy to see people die. It’s their innate ability to see all humans as a scourge of the earth, so long as it is not them.

    Yes, I’ve seen leftist openly call for terrorists to target their opposition. It’s not surprising, but quite sick.

  7. I think apart from the media and the cops trying play down and fog what happened one of the really sad things was this quote:

    “There were just a few occasional rumors at the beginning, and the police had to go there a few times.”

    To translate the above it actually means that some of the muslim refugees were trying to get the authorities to do something to stop what was happening/developing and were pretty well ignored. They may have been few but the disgraceful way things were handeled by the Austrians pretty well guaranteed silence from them. Those Austrians and other europeans that once stopped Muslim expansion at the gates of Vienna must be spinning their graves to see how their decendants have turned out.

  8. You never have a problem till the first time.
    Remove the body bring it to the frozen north never to be buried in the ground. No raisons for him.
    Anyone attending any memorial gets deported back to the shit hole they fled.

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