One of Maxine’s Minions Fulfilling Her Order Harasses Mitch McConnell and Wife in Restaurant – Other Customers Start Yelling At the Harasser – IOTW Report

One of Maxine’s Minions Fulfilling Her Order Harasses Mitch McConnell and Wife in Restaurant – Other Customers Start Yelling At the Harasser

17 Comments on One of Maxine’s Minions Fulfilling Her Order Harasses Mitch McConnell and Wife in Restaurant – Other Customers Start Yelling At the Harasser

  1. Where are the anit- fascist when you need one? Oh, that’s right, Antifa is the new SA. So does that make it not only a morale good to punch these thugs in the face but rather a moral imperative?

  2. They not only need to leave, but leave bloody! I’m already anti-social and short tempered I don’t need to be hearing some asshole running his mouth with the latest DNC talking points. I’m sure I could find something hard and metallic to bust his skull with!

    I’m tired of their shit!

  3. You’ll never find a video of any Tea Partier behaving like this toward any individual in the Bush or Obama administration. Imagine what Fake News would have said about that on their nightly news! The outrage!!! This, they think it’s just fine, because Republicans.

    Someone is going to get hurt. Where is McConnell’s security detail?

  4. I hate hillary and 0bama with a passion and I have a big mouth. But even I am not so tacky to do this type of shit if I saw one of them sitting in the restaurant. I wouldn’t even stand outside with a sign. I’d just get my food to go and leave.

  5. Sarah Palin was responsible for a shooting because she had targets on a map, Maxine Waters and the rest of the lunatics bear no responsibility as far as the media is concerned. Space those politicians calling for that type of behavior should be censored and arrested for inciting violence

  6. Illustr8r and MJA if E. Chow was able to become president she would be number 14 in line, she is more important in the line to the white house than Mitch.She is the one who needs SS cover.

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