One of my favorite videos of the year — – IOTW Report

One of my favorite videos of the year —

ht/ jerry manderin

23 Comments on One of my favorite videos of the year —

  1. Yep, that’s right up there with the gal standing in front of a car blocking its passage and someone throws a road cone at her and hits her in the head. That was pure joy to watch! I sent the video out to my email list to cheer them up. 🙂

  2. “aw, and now you’ve got the cops” All that hate.” And the driver hits the ignition thinking it stalled, grinds the starter gear, trys to go into reverse but no. Is so frustrated but sheepish realizing his hate cost him 1000.00 deductable, a ticket for careless driving, and 3-4 weeks without his wheels. and right infront of the world and everyone.

    LOL. This is better than that girl flipping off a Trump rally and rear ending the car infront of her with a cop behind her.

  3. Mr. Big of iotwR is fast. I just found that video elsewhere. Came to iotwR to find the best place to post it. Only to discover it already has it’s own thread.

    It takes 15 minutes to watch it 30x. Time well spent to reset after watching videos of violet AntiFa/BLM jerks attacking Trump supporters. Usually ones less able to defend themselves.


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