One of the Impeachment Aces Up The Left’s Sleeve – The Emoluments Clause- Is Struck Down By Appeals Court – IOTW Report

One of the Impeachment Aces Up The Left’s Sleeve – The Emoluments Clause- Is Struck Down By Appeals Court

Hey left! So far there isn’t a smidgen of impeachment material against president Trump.


Daily Caller-

President Donald Trump’s continued ownership of a luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., does not violate anti-corruption provisions of the Constitution, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The plaintiffs, Maryland and the District of Columbia, do not have standing to bring a lawsuit enforcing the Constitution’s emoluments clauses against the president, a unanimous panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said. Those clauses prohibit officeholders from accepting “any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever” from foreign powers without congressional approval.

“The District and Maryland’s interest in enforcing the emoluments clauses is so attenuated and abstract that their prosecution of this case readily provokes the question of whether this action against the president is an appropriate use of the courts, which were created to resolve real cases and controversies between the parties,” Judge Paul Niemeyer wrote for the court.

The 4th Circuit’s decision returns the case to the trial court with orders to dismiss. 

10 Comments on One of the Impeachment Aces Up The Left’s Sleeve – The Emoluments Clause- Is Struck Down By Appeals Court

  1. Right…but being a million dollars in debt when leaving the White House after 8 years and somehow earning $20M in two years despite only giving speeches raises no concerns at all!

  2. If this keeps up where President Trump is continuously making their heads explode, within another 6 months they all will need safe spaces aka “Rubber Rooms” to deal with their TDS.

  3. Can counter actions be brought against the litigants? ohhhh, say, IRS tax audits (as one example)? You may call it petty. “Weaponizing” the Fedgov. But O’Bozo already went there. Doesn’t make it right, but, well, just saying.


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