One of the Original Members of the National Review Ream Team “Gets It” – IOTW Report

One of the Original Members of the National Review Ream Team “Gets It”


Women have a right to be offended by Trump’s words. But women have suffered a far worse fate from Secretary Clinton’s and President Obama’s actions. Pulling American troops out of Iraq, despite military advice to the contrary, led to the sudden rise of ISIS and their seizing of many women and young girls as sex slaves.

Are women more in danger from Trump’s words or Hillary’s actions? Are Americans in general more in danger from Trump’s shallowness on issues or Hillary’s ruthless grabs for money and power — a track record that goes all the way back to the days when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas?

Mrs. Clinton’s own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans’ own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, “Citizens United versus FEC.”

-Thomas Sowell


7 Comments on One of the Original Members of the National Review Ream Team “Gets It”

  1. Better late than never…I guess.

    Seeing him participate in the NR smear of Trump along side of The Sweaty Thumb, Kristol, Hayward, Beck and whoever else put him on my shit list. I have 4 or 5 of his well written books and was truly disappointed to find him in that issue.

    Yes it was before Trump got the nomination and I don’t believe he’s a #never Trump so there’s that.

  2. Obama told us what he was going to do before he was elected-transform America. Many didn’t believe him and he in fact did transform America and not in a good way.

    Hi-LIAR-y is doing the same-telling us what she is going to do. Again, it will be to the detriment of all of us and the country will be finished. And yet, the same people that are angry about what Obama did are going to elect this power-hungry woman to finish it.

    America, you deserve what is coming if you put this woman in the White House.

    And you moronic Never Trumpers—it will be on your heads if you truly sit it out or vote for this woman just to prove how morally superior you are.

    Remember what happened when conservatives stayed home on Romney!

    And as a woman I find what Trump said offensive. But what Hillary and Bill did and will do is far more dangerous than words.

  3. I must be in the minority. I kinda found what he said to not only be something men talk and think about, but it’s also that sort of grab-woman-by-hair-take-her-back-to-cave thing that is, well, …manly. I hate our society being so homogeneous that the progs have tried to erase any differences between men and women. And besides, Trump’s biggest attraction to superficial women would be his wealth and I’d bet money he’s had to turn down a lot of offers.

  4. I agree with premise the clintons have been harmful to women but also with everyone else in the country.

    “Women have a right to be offended by Trump’s words”



    why do they have a “right” to be “offended”?

    I love how this line gets thrown out with no accompanying justification as if it alone justifies the article.

  5. AA, I agree with you. My reaction was just “Oh brother “. Woman as a rule want to be desired and wanted, duh! He was not talking assault and he was laughing off the fact he was rejected. My thoughts are all the phoniy males crying foul have their own past to worry about and I wonder about the woman as well. It’s like a fart, he who denies it supplies it 🙂

  6. I don’t know too many women who would like some guy to come up to them and grab them by the pussy. I must travel in different circles than you ladies. That said, what Trump said was a big nothing-burger. It was just guy-talk. I don’t think he actually goes around doing it. The Clintons and Obama have done far worse damage. This is just another squirrel to take the focus off of rotten Hillary.

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