One of The Ten Candidates Refused To Put Hand On Heart For National Anthem – IOTW Report

One of The Ten Candidates Refused To Put Hand On Heart For National Anthem

Only Daily Wire seems to have noticed that when the national anthem was played last night all the democrat candidates put hand on heart, except one, and you’ll never guess which one it was. Here

I wonder which will be the first to take a knee next time? – Dr. Tar

23 Comments on One of The Ten Candidates Refused To Put Hand On Heart For National Anthem

  1. At the rate these brain dead Trump hating people are going, it won’t be long before they’ll want illegals to be eligible to run for president.

    One of them may name Ilhan Omar as their running mate.

  2. I’m surprised they even played the National Anthem. None of them know the words, all probably mentally reciting favorite passages from Maya Angelou or Charles Ogletree.

    To be fair to Timmy, past behavior suggests he was “deer in the headlights” overwhelmed, “OK, remember to use the Che reference, say something in Spanish, mention that you a Katy Perry song as your personal ringtone to look hip, Oh crap, is my fly open?”

  3. Well, I DID miss it! I guessed it would be either the crystal woo woo bint or diBlabio.

    @ crazyeighter: I’d bet that tonight Spartacus and willie’s squeeze will damage their knees in the race to be first “to take the knee”.

  4. Saxindacity
    JULY 31, 2019 AT 3:47 PM
    “At the rate these brain dead Trump hating people are going, it won’t be long before they’ll want illegals to be eligible to run for president.”

    …last time I looked, the 8 years of Barry Soetoro qualify as an illegal alien Presidency…

  5. Tonight Gropin’ Joe will sniff Kamala Harris’s hair and then really LAY into her for a moment or two and then say “my time is up.”
    Premature Ejaculation.
    Just sayin.’

  6. @Billie Fuster — All of them are commies!

    Wish none of them had been hypocritical enough to put their hands over their hearts for OUR (not their) national anthem.

  7. I’d have more respect for them if they dispensed with the pretense altogether; No National Anthem, no American flag pins, no discussions about past greatness, personal liberty, freedom of anything, and certainly do not ever ever bring up bastardized versions of Christianity (the only kind they know). It is just a show for them anyway, they have no real love for this racist, imperialist, patriarchal, unjust exploiter of the masses country, save us the lip service.


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