One of thousands of reasons Queef Olbermann is insufferable – IOTW Report

One of thousands of reasons Queef Olbermann is insufferable


Ummmmmm, Queef. This is the cover of your book-

Not only are you wearing an actual flag, unlike Tomi, you’re draping it on the ground.

Tis is why Queef was nominated for our “Flushing the face” videos back in the day.

18 Comments on One of thousands of reasons Queef Olbermann is insufferable

  1. BB; I went to that post and can’t believe all the hate and outright lies posted by the brainless morons from the left. I keep hoping a plague will wipe these asshats off the planet.

  2. a non a moose

    I’m really not that familiar with twitter, but I get the impression the left lives there. Maybe somebody that uses it a lot could clue us in, but yes it’s depressing as hell reading that shit.

  3. Queef Olbermann.
    Something FINALLY
    “gayer” than “Twilight”…

    …THOUGH “Water For Elephants” is a BRILLIANT MUST SEE film which has Robert Pattinson in the NON GAY lead role!


    This political back and forth is leading to disaster.

    1/2 the country doesn’t want to live under Conservative rule
    1/2 does want to live under liberal rule.

    Peacefully split while it’s still possible.

  5. @Bad_Brad – there are a lot of patriots on Twitter. I’ve been spending a lot of time there lately and am loving how they fight back against the left. There is also a lot of new, breaking information.

    However, Twitter itself is leftist. For example, they just permanently banned Roger Stone for calling Don Lemon of CNN a c**ksucker, but they let Olberman get away with much worse on a regular basis.

    Like this:

  6. riverlife_callie

    Thanks. Twitter will block or eliminate conservatives but Antifa runs amok there. They sound like Nazis

    I really like Instagram. DJT and Don Jr. have a big following there. Mainly Patriots. Not to many Libtards.

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