One Percent of the World’s Most Entitled Emit as Much Carbon as Two Thirds of the World’s Poorest – IOTW Report

One Percent of the World’s Most Entitled Emit as Much Carbon as Two Thirds of the World’s Poorest


Private jets. Private yachts. Multiple holidays a year. Garages full of luxury vehicles. Investments driving – and profiting from – high polluting fossil fuel industries. These are just some of the factors that combine to see global elites, who comprise one percent of the planet’s population, emit the same amount of carbon as the world’s poorest two-thirds, or five billion people, an analysis published Sunday by the nonprofit Oxfam International details.

All this as the same rich and famous “super-emitters” from business, finance, entertainment, and politics tell the less fortunate to mind their carbon footprints. More

15 Comments on One Percent of the World’s Most Entitled Emit as Much Carbon as Two Thirds of the World’s Poorest

  1. Then the elites should be the ones buying Teslas, Rivians, Volts, eFords, yada, yada

    And covering their roof with solar panels….

    And polluting the view on their Montana ranches with windmills…

    And pandering to that lil nasty bitch Greta. Hell, they can adopt her.

  2. last paragraph of the article: “We think that unless governments enact climate policy that is progressive, where you see the people who emit the most being asked to take the biggest sacrifices, then we’re never going to get good politics around this,”

    …. game. set. match.

    was there ever greater hypocrisy?

  3. How about East European PROXY WARS in Countries run by Corrupt Assholes who couldn’t abide by Reagan & Gorbachev’s General Agreement of NEUTRALITY?

    Do wars like that Pollute, or are they A CARBON OFFSET due to the REDUCTION in HUMAN CHRISTIAN POPULATION?

    Seriously, what is the Math Formula of this WASTE!

  4. Clearly, the only logical, sustainable, and equitable solution is to raise taxes and impose stringent mobility restrictions on middle class Americans and Europeans, while opening borders to mass migration.

    Trust the science…. political science.

  5. Duh! Mega DUH!
    Globaloney Warming/Climate Change is a fukkin scam!

    Cattle and termites produce more CO_2 than all that humans produce combined.
    A nihilistic totalitarian (Socialist, Nazi, Communist, &c.) means of control – nothing more.

    What rankles is the cowardice in the Academic community – who either give tacit support for this bullshit or remain silent in the face of such monstrous lies.

    It seems a great Purge of Gov’t, Bureaucracy, Academia, Hollyweird, Business, Industry, Media, Wall St., Madison Ave., and “Education” is necessary …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. According to the study, an annual income over $140,000 puts me in the top one percent? So where’s my private jet? If Americans are such heavy polluters, why is the “environmentally conscious “ left working so hard to bring more turd-world non-polluters here? Once Jose has been here 5 years, he and his 10 kids will Also be in the one percent. Shouldn’t we secure the border to “save the planet”?

  7. The bogus-logic-o-meter is pegged on the article above. There is no equivalence or “fair share” of resources, be it money ,fuel, stupidity… oh, wait, should we be limiting the amount of stupidity coming from the progs? It appears that they have used their lifetime allotment and should take a helping of STFU.

  8. What they never tell you is that all breathing organic animal life (including humans) require Oxygen to stay alive and that the supplier of Oxygen is land and ocean plant life requiring carbon dioxide to produce Oxygen and FOOD from CO2 (called, photosynthesis).

    AND, after the CO2 is reduced at or below 150-ppm, a planet-wide extinction level event begins, as Oxygen levels and plant food begin dying out and are no longer capable of sustaining organic life.. First, all plant life, then, the plant eaters and next, the meat eaters. I guess Bolt-Neck Kerry never learned that scientific fact after getting his degree in Political “Science”. He has claimed that the current CO2 level is “considered” extremely dangerous at our current level, implying that it must be reduced to zero…OR…CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!

    Per government regs, CO2 is considered immediately hazardous to life and health starting at 30,000-ppm and higher, due to asphyxiation. Same thing happens when drowning in a lake. Right now, the worldwide average CO2 level is about 420-ppm.

    We will never hear this part of science until the actual 1% producers of their actual CO2 levels compared to every body else’s becomes so well-publicized around the world, that measures begin against them to reduce their own footprints in order to radically reduce their big lie of “Climate Change” because they want it all for themselves and will kill off most of the rest of us with various schemes (think, COVID, Wars, food scarcity, etc.) if they can’t get it all for themselves.


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