One Question Answered Reveals What Obama Thinks Of America’s Bedrock Foundation – IOTW Report

One Question Answered Reveals What Obama Thinks Of America’s Bedrock Foundation

9 Comments on One Question Answered Reveals What Obama Thinks Of America’s Bedrock Foundation

  1. And a comleye and total MSM news blackout of the entire issue.
    Im sure at least 80% of the American public have no idea this is happening, much less the consequences.

    Lots of major Fortune 500 business models are at risk here.
    Major new UN taxes and new UN regulations are only a matter of time.
    Don’t these mega- businesses get it?

  2. I see that the UN is calling for Americans overseas to dump Trump. FUCK THE UN (and George Soros as well), they have no business telling us in America how we should vote. But what else do you expect for an organization founded by commies and other pinkos and fellow travelers, Alger Hiss was a charter signer of the UN at it’s inception in San Francisco in 1945. The UN needs to be unceremoniously kicked the hell kicked out of the United States and sent to Europe where it belongs and not a wooden nickle more in any money or support for them ever again. I hate the fucking UN.

  3. What a smug piece of eurotrash this Marby character is. He needs multiple face punches. If I were the Koch brothers or a few conservatives with real money I’d buy up some bodies out of silicon valley and start working on countermeasures.

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