One Right Thinking Dude in a Roomful of Dopes – IOTW Report

One Right Thinking Dude in a Roomful of Dopes

13 Comments on One Right Thinking Dude in a Roomful of Dopes

  1. would’ve been a very good video if the commentator would’ve talked less & shown more

    would’ve been hilarious, but for the proof that we’ve become a nation of ‘non-white victims’

  2. Our common bond is that we are Human and wish to be free.
    Can we agree upon the ideal of liberty, private property rights, principles of limited government and Americans of all backgrounds and heritages can live in harmony as written in our Constitution?

    Hundreds of Thousands of American generations, Native American, East and Western European, East and West Asian, South and Central American descent, fought, bled and died for this Nation to be free.

    Can’t we honor those sacrifices by working together, with our various backgrounds, heritage and traditions to build upon the Foundation they laid? Can we work together to better our Nation and citizens?

    If you choose to be a separatist and chip away at the foundation of this country, you may find it an inhospitable Nation in which to live.
    Perhaps find another Nation that best suits you to live and raise your children.

  3. People came to this country for the opportunity to be free and work at what they love to do. As a result it was called a melting pot as nationalities combined. That’s what made us the most strong, successful, powerful and generous nation. The Left, funded and coordinated by our enemies have mounted a campaign to fracture and divide us amongst all lines of race, color, creed, gender and sexual preference!
    So for years now all we have heard about is so-called “White Supremacy” the KKK, etc. to the extent that you might think your next door neighbor is one! I am over 70 and have yet to meet one (even tho there’s probably a few under my bed).
    Do they exist?
    Sure they do.
    Are they significant?
    You can say the same thing about racism. There will always be racism to some degree. It can’t be helped, but it can be made to be insignificant. I really thought we we at that point where racism was pretty much in the rear view mirror until the Obamboozler came on the scene and his crowd started digging up slavery like it happened a few years ago! This kind of “racism” and “White supremacy” is simply virtual racism conjured up as a tool to divide people with and it looks like they’re doing a pretty good job of that!
    On top of it all, they are infecting the minds of the next generation with this shit if not destroying their ability to think straight with Common Core math, CRT, BLM, etc. And as though that’s not good enough, they’ve taken to questioning gender and genital mutilation! So basically if they can’t foul up the mind, they got ’em by the balls!
    This shit HAS to stop!

  4. BTW – When the Obamboozler was preaching Hope & Change and fundamentally transforming the United States I was asking the question WHY??

    As previously stated our nation was a melting pot as nationalities combined. That’s what made us the most strong, successful, powerful and generous nation. Why would anyone want to change that?
    To destroy it and in doing so to remove the world’s leader!

  5. That reminds me of last weekend, relatives over. My wife said no politics, no Covid discussion. I almost made it through the night. But when the discussion is nonstop nonsense I decided I had to bring something real into the discussion. That’s when the fight broke out.

  6. I stopped with the in-laws in the O’bola years. The two sisters have never paid taxes. Fast forward to whatever year, and the sisters are smoking dope. Legally.

    I smoked dope for many years and it was illegal… and these clowns…

  7. Erik, you know what’s weird? I smoked dope for years too, and I always said that if I could just go into a shop and buy a joint that’s all I would want. So for years Washington has had marijuana shops, and you can go in and by a joint, but I haven’t. I’ve lost the inclination to smoke a joint. WTF is that all about?


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