One Word GOP Debate Poll – IOTW Report

One Word GOP Debate Poll


Former President Donald Trump won the latest GOP presidential primary debate despite not even attending it, according to a snap poll.

Conducted by J.L. Partners on behalf of the Daily Mail, the poll found that a 27 percent plurality of viewers who tuned into the debate Wednesday evening thought Trump won.

  • “Most strong“: Ramaswamy (24 percent)
  • “Most competent“: DeSantis (26 percent)
  • “Most presidential“: Ramaswamy and DeSantis (19 percent)
  • “Most well-spoken“: Ramaswamy (33 percent)
  • “Most charming“: Haley (11 percent)
  • “Most persuasive“: Ramaswamy (23 percent)
  • “Most boring“: Burgum (24 percent)
  • “Most aggressive“: Ramaswamy and Christie (15 percent)
  • “Most weak“: Burgum (25 percent)
  • “Most annoying“: Christie (20 percent)


16 Comments on One Word GOP Debate Poll

  1. Should something Deep State-ish befall Trump before the general election, I would go with Burgum over any of the other clowns on display, and for the same reason I supported Trump in 16/20. We need more non-politicians in politics.

  2. Every pundit who watched said it was the most boring of all time and pointed out that not one of the candidates mentioned the damage being done by weaponizing the govt. Fox even let that libturd from Univision make a statement in Spanish. ugh.

  3. seems a full media blackout on the live uaw trump speech. could not find it last night. cannot find full speech this morning. way too much effort to find a speech that half the population wants to hear. this is reminding me of the 2020 election.

  4. And if you see anybody from that DEBATE in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

  5. I didn’t bother with the debate because none of them are capable of beating any Democrat candidate. DeSantis missed his golden opportunity to go full MAGA and support Trump in hope of getting the VP slot. Haley failed as governor in SC. Pence and Christie are unelectable. Ramaswamy will not be able to unite the party. Scott and Burgum are wasting their time and money. Trump is currently the only answer.

  6. What debate? I saw a bunch of folks, some sincere, some with the tongue firmly in cheek, going after one another and looking like a platform full of second stringers.

    Not a good look for the deep state Republican Party. The people on the stage were clearly in complete denial about the mood of the people, but that stands to reason as they all represent the status quo with some minor bullshit revisions.

    Now is not the time for the status quo with some minor bullshit revisions at the fringes, we’re in too deep for that, and we were put here by the ‘status quo with a few minor revisions’ people we currently suffer.

  7. not surprising, not one question about covid, its origins and moving forward with future lockdowns. also with all the election interference and known abuse of existing election system, not one word about moving forward. these people are disconnected and in denial about the will of the people. how can i entertain the idea of presidential candidate when election corruption is at the forefront of my thinking?

  8. Republicans love being the Bitchy Back Benchers.
    (another reason they hate President Trump)

    They can sit on the Back Bench and Bitch about everything without having to actually DO anything – and they STILL get a cut of the corruption.
    For instance; some of the assholes who voted to support the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey’s money-laundering in Ukraine, and raising the debt “ceiling,” are now crowing about “impeachment.” Their hypocrisy has no bounds.

    We haven’t had a budget in a decade or more and we’ve certainly had “Republican” held Houses in that time.
    They had the opportunity to repeal ObolaCare (with a single-sentence bill) and fudged on that.

    Worthless pieces of shit – or, actually, worse than worthless – more destructive because of their “stealth” treasons.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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