One Word Was Mysteriously Absent From The Democrats’ Convention – IOTW Report

One Word Was Mysteriously Absent From The Democrats’ Convention

Do you know what it was?

No, it wasn’t freedom, or liberty, or constitution… try again.

see here

20 Comments on One Word Was Mysteriously Absent From The Democrats’ Convention

  1. I haven’t looked, but I’m gonna guess, God.

    Edit: I just looked. I guess I was a little too lofty. But don’t think it won’t come back again when DJT wins. The dems just know that it’s a losing proposition during the election.

  2. Yeahbut, didn’t Mr. Biden (trying to be respectful, after all he is the nominee) use “under God” in his speech? I see it quoted.

    What do you think Joe?


    God Dammit Jim!

    (Joe is angry and tired. It’s dinner time.)

  3. Democrats don’t believe a word of the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag, that I just happened to defecate on, then set on fire.
    Of the United States of America, which I despise, denegrate and disrespect at every opportunity.
    And to the Republic for which it stands. As a democrat, they hate our republic, our electoral process, because they are marxist communists.

    One nation…under whose God? Leave that out.

    With liberty and just us.

    For all y’all all to subjugate yourselves to.

  4. I would suspect God.

    It is a funny thing about progs, they actually envy God. They resent anyone who they think has any thing they believe they have been cheated out of, but is rightfully theirs. That is what is behind the hate they have on for God.

  5. Dimwits only believe in what they can touch or contributes to them.
    Then they can’t believe in Gravityl No one has ever seen it or touched it. Seen it work yes.
    seen it no. Everywhere at once, unseen and untouchable. Sounds like the Creator.

  6. @JD

    I believe that the elimination of God from people’s lives is the worst thing that has ever happened. All other evils and sickness come from that.

    The evil ones think they will overwhelm us and win, but they won’t.

  7. So, ah, I tried being respectful, but I’m done.

    Joe, you’re one big ass white boy lyin’, demented hunky…

    Calling TRF! Come in TRF! 📻 📡 …

    Vocabulary assistance needed in the demented aisle!

  8. Would love to see someone cobble together a video of Berry taking about how great the American Republic is and about the opportunity’s available here as opposed to his native country and the homelands of the former slave high Melania folks.

  9. Their last convention gave them some embarrassing moments as they voted (multiple times) on the inclusion of “God” in their platform.

    This time they avoided the controversy by avoiding God altogether (and by having a sort of pretend convention – avoiding holding a convention).

    They are flailing in desperation, only coherent in their hatreds, and grasping at whatever straws come to hand.
    They (D) should all be deported – to China – to Mongolia – to Africa – to Siberia – to wherever they could implement their Hellish agenda with the least ensuing disaster.

    izlamo delenda est …

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