Online Whispers From Qanon – IOTW Report

Online Whispers From Qanon

Qanon has been providing deep-throat type information as it relates to political, deep-state, swamp corruption.

There a re whispers that Qanon is about to unload the missing Clinton emails from 2009-2001, the one Hillary wiped, like with a cloth.

Stay tuned.

ht/ bad brad

42 Comments on Online Whispers From Qanon

  1. I’m starting to think Q is a group of people. The “Bread Crumbs” are complexed, requiring a lot of thought. Particularly when one clue feeds several others. Lately a lot of photos have been posted. This would keep one person REAL busy. As much as Trump likes to Tweet directly to the American people I don’t find it to far fetched that he would approve of an effort to let us know what kind of spook, clandestine, stuff was going on. At any rate Q’s been REAL bust for the last couple days.

  2. I always thought I was kind of smart but I can barely follow Q…. it’s very much like reading the lame Cherry blog. Who do you think’s been correct more often Q or the Cherry?

  3. I am not impressed by Q. Lots of crypic questions. Refers to public knowledge. Provides no predictive or actionable info. I’d like to be wrong but suspect we’re being punked.

  4. When Snowden made his “getaway” several years ago, the media were reporting 24/7 where he was. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would have been. As Q noted, he crossed borders without issue. My take at the time was to assume he was delivering something to China, then Russia. Now it sounds like He’s outed as a black hat.

    Will they hang him by his feet like Al Waleed (Dopey)?

  5. I want to believe and have confidence in whoever this “Q” is, but find it very difficult to follow and understand. I’ve always considered myself to be above average in intelligence, but his/her postings make me feel like an idiot. Also, I tend to be very skeptical when continual assurances of “something big happening next week” never materialize or turn out to be things already in the mainstream. I hope I have to eat crow on this, but I guess I’ve been conditioned over the last eight years to be skeptical of nearly everything. I’m just watching and waiting…

  6. I always have thought that the media freaked out waaay too much when Trump joked about the Russians finding her deleted emails. It’d be something if Trump already had her emails at the time he cracked wise about them. Maybe that’s why the deepers were going so hard with their illegal surveillance. They probably thought Trump was going to October surprise her with those emails. Instead, Weiner did it with Huma’s emails.

  7. If you haven’t noticed, the radio nevertrumpers DESPISE these “conspiracy” theories. None of them dare say the letter Q, lest people become curious, but Q is what they are talking around. It is painfully obvious. Medved sounds like he’s talking about Birthers again, and just a few weeks ago Erickson was sniffing that the fringe conspiracy theorists were putting far too much hope in the Nunes FISA memo. Which is why it was labeled a nothingburger immediately on release.

  8. Brown Eyed Girl

    Most people don’t understand how to use that 8Chan board. Open my link above. That takes you to Q’s Bread Crumbs. When you find one you want to explore further click the blue 6 digit numeric code in the upper right of the frame. That takes you to the 4Chan and 8Chan discussions about that topic or clue. You will find some very interesting stuff, with links. As far as Q dropping public info in his drops, that’s never happened. I would understand if people just stated it was to far fetched.

  9. Q is a person or group of persons in military intelligence. Jerome Corsi, who has an intelligent background, insists he has to have intelligence knowledge, and is very close to POTUS.

  10. Oh my gosh, Brad! THIS is the piece I’ve been missing! I’ve been trying to follow on my husband’s Twitter account with no key and no clue. Thank you! No longer feeling like an idiot.

  11. Brad – I saw that. What do you think of the last post?

    United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay?
    What airline check-in counter @ PVG [T2] is located @ [E]?
    What was the location of [E][pic posted other board]?
    Why is this relevant?

    Do you think he’s still talking about McCain?

  12. @ Bad_Brad – I have. I tried following him for several weeks but he never impressed me as being an insider. As an example:
    On Jan 25 Q tweets picture of a pen (inference it’s a presidential pen & Q is close to the president) on paper that has White House logo. All presidential pens have the president’s name on them. This one doesn’t. Photographed on wrong side? The “speculation” was Q was telling us Trump signed the order to release the Nunes memo before he leaving for Davos. False.

    He posts things like this:
    @Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc.

    Do you know that we know?

    Do you know that we see all?

    Do you know that we hear all?

    FEAR the STORM.



    An 18 year old in his mom’s basement could post the same. That’s what most of his posts are like. On Feb 2 when the Nunes memo was released he posted NOTHING. Leading up to it he didn’t give any indication of what was in it beyond what the news was saying.

    Future unlocks past.
    Watch the news.
    Spider web.
    Stop taking the sleeping pill.

  13. @Page O Turner: “An 18 year old in his mom’s basement could post the same.”

    Strongly disagree. Some very decent minds out there are convinced he is genuine. Some of his posts today explain why they just can’t come out and say things directly. They/we are in a war with the deep state. Trump said he would never tell the enemy what he is doing. Also, some of Q’s posts are not directed at us, but at operatives, hence the cryptic codes.

    I believe that POTUS is using Q to slowly make people aware of all the horrible stuff is going to be coming out. Q is using people to wake others up.

    But, of course, you’re free to think what you like. Things are movinng fast now, so we will see soon enough.

  14. Been following Q posts for the past week. I can see how some people are very skeptical of the posts. In the past several days several pictures have showed up by anons and some of the buildings I have actually know and it makes sense. The Russian plane crash with 71 on board contained the name of the CFO of the Russian company that purchased 20% of the uranium. If one were to look at the stock market sales this week it was heavily tilted toward Soros, Fairchilds who are liquidating holdings. Coincidences maybe. What is true is the Democratic party is corrupt to the core.

  15. Page O Turner

    When I started getting interested in Q I was following twitter, listened to a couple idiots on YouTube that sounded like they were inbred. There’s to many yahoos interpreting what his clues are that have NO clue. The valuable insight is not always what he drops but what the 4Chan community come up with in their research. Q does not tweet. The only place you can find the actual, original drops is that link I attached above. If you follow the instructions I gave to brown eyed girl you get to the marrow. As far as I’m concerned everything else is BS. Have said all that I certainly understand if you’re not a believer. But you might take a stroll through some of 4Chans finds before you right him,it,them totally off.

    The significance of the pen had me confused too. However right before that he posted the silhouette of some islands taken from a plane. It took 4Chan about 4 hours to identify the islands and find the date stamp. It was taken from a cell phone aboard AF1 when they were flying to China.

  16. Craig

    Exactly. I haven’t mentioned the Seal Extraction team yet. But one of those 4Chan geeks came up with a Chinese news report the following day confirming “Americans were involved in several arrests”.

  17. riverlife_callie

    “Do you think he’s still talking about McCain?”

    I don’t think so. I have a feeling they’re not so worried about elected officials because they can snatch them any time they want. They seem to have two targets. The Swamp, both domestic and international, and child traffickers. Maybe one in the same. But I think the total count of new GITMO residence is now up to 38.

  18. I’m a little disappointed that the reference to Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg might not be that she is in dire straights, but just the opposite. Likely pointing out that the cures for fatal diseases are available, (pancreatic cancer) but only to the connected. Too much money in treatment compared to cures. For example, jimmy carter, and if the guy we will not name is ok I’ll really be disappointed. Also, Buzzi, seems to be in favor of child marriages.

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