Oops – IOTW Report


35 Comments on Oops

  1. My thought are you don’t pay any taxes on that bike to maintain the roads and I do. Get the fuck out of my way. I deal with these assholes daily and amazingly I’ve only kicked one over while one foot was still clipped in.

    By the way it sure looked to me like the dumb ass on the bike steered into the path of the car.

  2. @You Just Gave Him Your Trailer:

    Doesn’t matter.
    As soon as you leave the scene you accept guilt.

    Do you know something about this incident that isn’t included in the video? We do not see the driver of the car/trailer “leave the scene”. What we do see can just as easily be taken to be the driver heading for the nearest place to get out of the traffic lane…which is the correct and responsible thing to do.

  3. Depends upon the law in the state. Was there a shoulder that the idiot could drive on? If not and law allows the cyclist to be on the road (though he was nuts) then the driver is supposed to allow him (and probably give him room to ride). To many cyclists are stupid or are trying to make a point (I saw three kids on bicycles last week around sunset and all three were wearing very dark clothes and no reflectors on their bikes or clothes.). However, as was written earlier, if the car left the scene then the driver is screwed.

  4. ‘Share the road’ is somewhat valid – but it doesn’t mean the cyclist gets to leave the edge and force the driver into danger, at least not without a compelling safety reason.
    Seems like every one of this type of video is the cyclist assuming that he owns the entire road, and like throwing soup on the Mona Lisa is somehow saving society by destroying it.

  5. The LAW demands that a bike share the road. That being said, they should ride as close to the shoulder as possible, single file ONLY. For many years, a bicycle was my ONLY form of transit. For most kids it was how we got EVERYWHERE. Sorry all of you that demand bikes ONLY ride on designated bike paths, but those GO NOWHERE that anyone needs to get. I used to ride my bike as much to work as anywhere else. Do you object to that? GOVERNMENT is to blame for roads that cannot handle even one bicycle and a car passing.

  6. Lesson learned – don’t pull your bike in front of a car pulling a travel trailer. The driver has too many other things to worry about than you trying to play chicken with him. The car’s stopping distance is more than quadrupled due to the mass and instability of that thing he’s pulling. He’s damned lucky only the bike was crushed.

  7. The video is just too clear and focused on the point of impact. It seems as though the d*k on the bike was playing for the camera.
    The whole scene was set up to use as evidence to restrict the free flow of cars because the assholes on the bikes can’t “Share the Road”!

  8. I’ve loved riding bikes all my life, and I’ll never understand assholes who block traffic on their bike, especially on roads with bike lanes or near full bike paths or bike arteries on less traveled streets between major routes.

    They’re just shitheads who can’t have good time unless they’re ruining someone else’s day.

    There really should be an 11th commandment:

    In shared spaces, stay the hell out of other people’s way.

  9. As a little kid in Azusa CA I got the spanking of a lifetime by my Dad when he caught me riding my bike on a busy street. Dad was right. I could easily have been killed instantly.

    Does spandex lessen the pain of a good spanking? I hope not. But I don’t wish to administer that punishment.

  10. My bike riding experiences and practices generally rely on the rules of physics. Cars weigh a few thousand pounds. I’m heavy, but not a thousand pounds heavy. I may have the right of way or permission to be there, but in a motor vehicle versus a bicycle, I lose.

    I also understand that motorists have many things to look out for, so I watch out for them.

  11. Uncle Al is correct again. Damn it. LOL. If you’re not guilty, don’t flee the scene. Stupid move, however who was behind the wheel? Some grey haired old lady? That might make a difference. Especially if she had grey hair and dark skin.

  12. If you’re going to play in traffic on your bicycle and pretend you’re a car, get a goddam mirror like cars have. I know it ruins your sleek super-coolness, but it beats twisting your head around while you’re hunched over the handlebars with your ass in the wind.

  13. Looks like a foreign country, not a US license plate, cars driving in left lane, England maybe. Here in America pedestrians & bikes have the right of way. I just love when lazyass motorists block the sidewalk don’t honor the white line marker for stopping with the look, Well I can’t go because of traffic so neither the fock can you. Then he/she gets the 🖕 & move motherf@cker yelled at em. Works both ways, jerkoffs.
    They bikes, don’t pay taxes claims bozo. Like you do, sure you do,🤞. If they work, they pay taxes brainiac. Unlike ur welfare check types.

  14. “Looks like a foreign country, not a US license plate…”

    Thanks, Captain Obvious. Not that it has anything to do with the crux of the matter.

    BTW, thumbing yourself up is poor form, no matter which country you’re in.

  15. Bicyclists under age 16 get complete courtesy and respect, consideration and caution, even when they’re being jerks, because they’re children. Adult bicyclists are judged and treated per their behavior. Follow the rules of the road and be courteous to the drivers and receive that in return.

    We all know the deal.

  16. Cyclist being a jerk. Driver lost better judgement. In the end, guy on the bike behaved similar to pedestrians who self-righteously step into traffic without visual responsibility for their own well being -because- “pedestrian rights”. Fatigue. 😒


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