Open Border Nimrods Protest First Lady’s Visit To Boston Neonatal Center – IOTW Report

Open Border Nimrods Protest First Lady’s Visit To Boston Neonatal Center

Fox News

First lady Melania Trump visited a Boston hospital Wednesday to meet with caregivers and administrators of a pioneering program that uses cuddling to help infants who are born dependent on drugs or alcohol.

Outside Boston Medical Center in the city’s South End, as many as 200 workers protested the visit, saying the first lady represented an administration who they say has discouraged immigrants from seeking health care with tough immigration policies. Some carried signs that read “BMC cares for all patients” and “We believe that healthy women = healthy families = healthy society.” More

7 Comments on Open Border Nimrods Protest First Lady’s Visit To Boston Neonatal Center

  1. These cretins are so full of hate, anger, jealousy and just plain evil, that they are unable to recognize true goodness when it stares them in the face. Hatred has truly blinded them.

    And I do NOT feel sorry for them; their blindness is of their own making.

  2. BMC is only interested in securing taxpayer dole, not in “caring” for “all patients” at their own expense. Don’t let their hypocrisy fool you.

    Their idea of “caring” is by forcibly extracting money from Other People’s Pockets and delivering it to them – so that they may (in a more leisurely fashion) care for the careless.

    A pox on their lies and hypocrisies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s bad enough the press cannot any longer be trusted, but now we have physicians and others to not trust as well??

    What if I wore a MAGA hat and was involved in an car accident? Can I trust the miscreants at that hospital with my life or a loved ones life??

    They are excrement.

  4. “… sometimes people need false beliefs to make them happy with themselves and with life.  Not everyone can face reality head-on …” [Freud calls what leftists do “displacement”, which in their minds, their anger is always caused by something outside of themselves.  Leftists do not want to solve problems though, they want to “luxuriate” in them; they need problems to explain their anger ~ Patricia McCarthy] “… such false beliefs tend to be deeply entrenched.   The Leftist needs his angry beliefs.  He cannot afford to let go of them because compared to his needs, logic/reason is a weak force.”  ~ John J. Ray, M.A.; PhD

  5. How anyone could find this plastic looking bimbo attractive on any level is beyond me. Baron Trump looks like he is severely dissociated. They have to fill themselves with plastic and tax fraud because they are empty soulless satanists. The Trumps have poisoned and raped living things for centuries and I was one of their victims.

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