Open Letter by Department Store Owner Says San Francisco is Unlivable – IOTW Report

Open Letter by Department Store Owner Says San Francisco is Unlivable


The owner of a historic San Francisco luxury department store called out city and state leadership for the area’s “unlivable” conditions Sunday.

In a full-page ad published in the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday, Gump’s CEO John Chachas penned an open letter calling for their “destructive” and “failed public policies” to be abandoned.

“An Open Letter to Governor Newsom, Mayor Breed and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Gump’s has been a San Francisco icon for more than 165 years. Today, as we prepare for our 166th holiday season at 250 Post Street, we fear this may be our last because of the profound erosion of this city’s current conditions,” Chachas wrote. 

He continued, “San Francisco now suffers from a ‘tyranny of the minority’ —behavior and actions of the few that jeopardize the livelihood of the many. The ramifications of COVID policies advising people to abandon their offices are only beginning to be understood. Equally devastating have been a litany of destructive San Francisco strategies, including allowing the homeless to occupy our sidewalks, to openly distribute and use illegal drugs, to harass the public and to defile the city’s streets.” 


21 Comments on Open Letter by Department Store Owner Says San Francisco is Unlivable

  1. …uh oh…

    …he said ‘tyranny of the minority’ like its a BAD thing.

    No Democrat will read past that.

    They will simply misinterpret it as rayyciss, demand he be fired forthwith, and cancel Gumps if they dont capitulate and replace him with a trans Black puppy player.

    Nice try, guy, but much too little, much too late.

    Sodom On The Sea will insist on burning, whether you will or no.

    Don’t look back lest you be turned to salt.

  2. Shut down and move to another state. Anyone living there, move away. Businesses, move away. Take you tax dollars with you. Let it collapse entirely. If you stay, you’re enabling and tolerating what’s happening. That’s what’s led our country to collapse – tolerance of perverse, unacceptable and uncivilized behavior. I see no hope for the future unless drastic change happens. I’m old and only have a few years left to watch it. I pity the young. Leftists have destroyed this country and the American Dream,

  3. A few years ago, the wild animal park in our area closed. I miss it. But now, I can go to San Francisco for basically the same thing. Feral animals hibernating during the day but coming out at night to feed and hunt for prey. Dung everywhere. Plenty of natural habitat in the streets and under overpasses. Wild, unpredicable behavior – keep your distance. Survival of the fitest; and those who can’t survive are removed fairly quickly.

    Thanks, San Francisco politicians.

  4. “San Franciscans deserve better than the current condition of our city.”

    Like hell they do. The rotten despicable subhuman pieces of shit have been voting for decades to impose this shit on innocent human beings who truly don’t deserve it. Enjoy the suck, motherfuckers. You earned it.

  5. @ Vicious Sid AT 11:37 AM

    “Leftists have destroyed this country and the American Dream…”

    By design. American has been the best hope good and decent people around the world have had to escape tyranny. The progressive movement is and has been since it’s inception, totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is understandable that they would desire to destroy the best hope on earth. What allowed this is good and decent people conceding good intentions where it is TOTALLY unwarranted and tolerating it.

    Anyone who has cast a single legitimate vote for ANY Democrat in the last decade has self identified themselves as being perfectly fine with implementing Satan’s agenda and is no longer eligible to be recognized as good and/or decent by people who reject Satan and all he stands for.

    And I mean for that statement to be taken literally.

  6. Suck it up butter cup, this is what you voted for. If elections were held today you’d still vote the same way. Now here’s where it gets better. Democrat governments never cut spending just because of a drop in tax receipts. No. What they do is raise taxes on dumb shits who stay. That would be you. Wiser people leave, causing another tax increase for dumb shits who stay, causing more people to leave. Get it? Didn’t think so.

  7. JDHasty@12:26PM
    You are too kind hearted. Anyone who made even the slightest swipe at supporting or defending democrat policies in the last twenty five years is culpable. If their views changed and they ceased supporting the leftist satanists then good, responsibility must be borne however.

  8. what? San Fran is not the beacon of progress that the progressives have made? you just don’t know great progressiveness when you see it. I bet you don’t think hunters art is worth 500k either.

  9. Every democrat city has setup a literal racial spoils system where any black person can rip off any person or store with virtual impunity. And if the cops get too good at stopping them, the filthy stinking democrats will destroy a few cops’ lives as an example to the others, i.e. don’t arrest the darkees.


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