Open Letter to Attorney General Bill Barr – “We The People” Already Know – IOTW Report

Open Letter to Attorney General Bill Barr – “We The People” Already Know

Conservative Treehouse:

Dear Attorney General Barr,

Former HPSCI Chairman, and current HPSCI ranking member, Devin Nunes appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss several matters of importance.  One of the critical topics touched is the ongoing investigations of Obama era intelligence and political surveillance via the DOJ-NSD FBI, CIA, DNI and State Dept.

Representative Nunes hits the key point when he highlights current redactions and current decisions to classify ongoing investigative documents.  It is critically important to accept this reality. There are current intelligence officers and career officials in place hiding material by labeling evidence as classified.  more

10 Comments on Open Letter to Attorney General Bill Barr – “We The People” Already Know

  1. It seems that all Barr wants to do is sit on his fat ass and collect a paycheck. Perhaps he had one of those Tarmac Meeting with the Klintons concerning waking up with a pillow over his head.

  2. Once again Sundance has gone above and beyond in his analysis of the fragmented, trickle down reports from our shady DOJ and the equally shady FBI. Hats off to an outstanding report!!! Mean while any actual justice is being ham-strung in our left leaning, crooked justice system.

  3. Barr said May-it’s almost May. John Soloman is positive that Durham is preparing indictments. Letting that ratbastard Wolfe off the hook was a travesty. I’m trying to be an optimist and it’s pretty fookin’ difficult.

  4. At this point, if we had a functioning DOJ, there would already be many democrats serving time and many more in the court system. The fact that none have even been indicted after all these years and so many laws broken, means it will never happen. They used federal law enforcement to attempt a coup and got clean away with it. Think they won’t keep trying?

  5. More ‘evidence’. Are we supposed to get excited?

    I am more and more convinced that the only way any of the criminal coup participants, or Hillary, or the criminals of congress, will EVER receive justice is when the mountainous pile of evidence falls over on them, and kills them, IF they are standing near it.

    Just look at the way they maneuvered this faux pandemic. Not the illness, just the inflated hype of fear. Not much worse than the flu and Christians and Jews have lost their rights, citizens hunker down and await the other show to drop, while the thieves make off with everything.


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