Open Letter to the Gender-Confused Dude in the Beard and Lipstick: My Kid Is Going to Stare – IOTW Report

Open Letter to the Gender-Confused Dude in the Beard and Lipstick: My Kid Is Going to Stare

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Excerpts from Megan Fox@PJM

Dear Gender-Confused, Questioning, or Queer Guy with the beard wearing lipstick: I saw your open letter to parents like me with young children who stare at you when you are out fannying about in your skirt and your lipstick without bothering to shave your face or attempting to pass as a woman in any way. You think it’s rude that my kid stares at you in the mall or at the beach or wherever you happen to be defying all gender-normative behavior.

You don’t like it and you especially don’t like it when I tell my child not to stare at strangers or talk about them in public. You think I should drop whatever I’m doing at the moment to explain queer theory to my kindergartner. Let me save you the trouble of worrying about this a second longer.

That’s not going to happen. more here

17 Comments on Open Letter to the Gender-Confused Dude in the Beard and Lipstick: My Kid Is Going to Stare

  1. “Yes, son, that queer has mental issues. We don’t stare at fucked up people, OK?”

    They want to be noticed… but they don’t want to be noticed. Like most mentally incompetent fucktards.

  2. Bravo Dianny! bravo!

    can’t stand these attention-whores. ‘why are you staring? omg! you must accept me!’ … no … no one owes you anything, least of all respect … acceptance, like respect, is earned …. life ain’t easy, it’s even harder when you’re willingly stupid

    (prayers, Dianny)

  3. I have a good sense of humor, when I see something absurd and ridiculous, I usually laugh.
    I can only assume that’s what is expected.

    If you act stupid and don’t want the pointing of fingers and the ensuing laughter, get help.

  4. Kids know the difference between men and women and how either sex should look or act. When my son was 4 or 5, he saw a snippet of Jay Manuel on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ that was on TV. He asked me why does that woman look like a man. I told him that the person was a man. He looked confused and then asked me why does that man sound like a woman. What in the heck to say to him?
    Kids know. There are men and there are women. Period. Point blank. Full stop. That is why they try to brainwash children at an early age.

  5. I point, laugh and then mock.
    Hurt feelings, gosh, I hope so.
    If you don’t want to be laughed at, don’t go out dressed like a clown.
    No, it’s NOT Ma’am, it’s fruit cake, nutty.

  6. I saw a really tall, masculine-looking guy cruising the aisles of a Goodwill shoe rack. I wondered why he was in the women’s section until I rounded the corner and came face-to-face with his “bosoms” — enormous push up bra bosoms! When I looked down he was teetering on a pair of size 12, stiletto heels — fuschia. He wore no makeup and in every other respect looked like a big, strapping laddie. It left me feeling nauseous, like I’d just encountered a two-headed, talking dog.

    If this behavior is so normal, why does the Left make such a whoppin’ big deal over it? Because it’s not normal, that’s why.

  7. They have the right to dress any way they want, but I reserve the right to be disgusted by anything I consider deviant, and I won’t put up with being told how to raise MY kids by a bunch of preachy Queers (which is what they call themselves)! Only the Left thinks they have the “right” to tell someone how to think and impose their so-called “values” on them dressed like THAT!

  8. TRF — Bingo!

    Jordan Peterson captures the dynamic of how Leftists seek power by changing the rules of social engagement. They create “victim” classes who then insist that in order for there to be “fairness” the only right thing to do is for the rest of society to bend to their dictated rules. This is how the culture war is being fought on all levels by the Left. We have recognized this in Progressive whites for a while — calling it “entitlement.” It’s also how we have arrived at this thing called “My truth” (instead of the actual truth). In this twisted way our society is being rendered toothless against every kind of perversion.

  9. The whole idea is to make your kid stare, so that the freak can play the sacred victim, and then get the state to punish you for your bigotry, and maybe get some windfall payout his deranged suffering

    This is a tyranny of lunatics — and since we’re dealing with lunatics, this cant be dealt with using reason. It cant even be dealt with by clear and unmistakeable threats that we will be forced to defend ourselves with force.

    I see this from personal experience. Some of my siblings, who have been responsible adults their whole lives are devolving into madness


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