Ahh don’t want a pickle; I just wanna ride on my motorsickle!
I am learning to pick a banjo
Been at it two weeks and already have five songs down.
If folks don’t like it I can use the neck as a handle to wield it as a sort of hammer.
Is it just me, or do some of you see a resemblance between Dementia Joe and Slingblade? Of course, Our Poor Joey doesn’t have Slingblade’s brevity of expression yet, but it won’t be long now.
@ Marco. “Mm hm”
What everyone needs to remember of how corrupt and ‘incestuous’ the Swamp in DC, to the degree how the Fourth Estate and Lobbyists are all sleeping with one another, literally in the same bed!!
When you realize how bad it really is? You just want to close the laptop and realize there is nothing that can be done about that.
Just one case? Andrea Mitchell(presstitute) and Allan Greenspan (the dam Fed chairman). Is that one high level enough for ya’s??!
I’m addicted to placebos.
Schifty Farkas: Something you step in if you’re not careful and don’t observe the eyes. And it leaves an odor.
So for all of the talk about DeSantis opening Florida up and being so courageous, he has just recently entered an order that beach property owners not only can’t rent their property for an INDEFINITE period of time, they are not allowed to even advertise. But hotels are okay to open…
And on to Gov. Kemp, Georgia is NOT open. Most places are still closed except for the big boxes. What is up with this crap?!?!
I’ll take prolific actors that no one knows their names for $1,000.00 Alex.
Leo Gordon
Royal Dano
John Dehner
I like more of that potted meat. Mash it up fer me so it don’t hurt my teef.
Starting in California…
No officials should be paid while the government is shut down.
Yesterday I heard a state fish and game mouthpiece say they were not accepting cash for over the counter transactions because of chinese19. He said they only accepted debit cards and checks. Then he changed the subject and sanctimoniously said game poachers push the legal envelope. OK, mouthpiece, let’s talk legal envelope. It’s written on every federal reserve note: Cash is legal tender for all debts public and private. You, fish and game mouthpeice, are a legal envelope pushing asshole. Oh, what? Cash is dirty and virus laden? Well where do you think the debit cards live when they are out of sight? The debit cards live in the billfolds right next to the dirty cash. Idiots in government couldn’t survive in the real world.
BB – John Dehner should be very well known as the voice of Paladin.
Also Frontier Gentleman.
What type of wine pairs with grey squirrel vs black?
I have a rant. And it’s not just about Liberal leaning blogs/articles, because the right does this shit, too.
I hate that you will see a story about something that is in no way related to illness or politics, yet they always start off with a coronavirus message in the introduction that has nothing to do with the content of the story!!!
For example. I was reading a story about food, which contained a recipe.
Wouldn’t you know it, the very first paragraph started it off with
“In this time of COVID-19, we need some comforting recipes to keep our minds off the…”
OK look- from now on, if I so much as see any word relating to the chinavirus, in a story, art work, or video that has nothing to do with the chinavirus, I will delete the bookmark, or just plain edit out that portion of the article if I happen to post it here.
Obeezy knew.
My son’s teacher sent a history lesson video. Apparently, Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America. He asked me if this was true. Again, I had to explain to him that his teachers don’t know what they are talking about..
Joe is so hot, i want to mash up his stewed prunes for him . GET READY FOR PAIN REPUBLITARDS, JOE IS COMING AND HES BRINGING HELL WITH HIM!
Recently, Michelle O’ said this :
” W ” was elected in 2000 because
too many d-crats stayed home.
What reaction would there be if anyone said :
Obama was elected in 2008 because
Too many white voters stayed home !
We all know the immediate reaction
and inflammatory rhetoric.
But why not the anger and rhetoric
in response to Michelle’s idiotic statement ?
It’s the same thing !
Evil-lyn Farkas is running in the NY 17th Congressional District, this lying bitch has no shame today and that is btw how you can identify a liberal/leftist…no shame whatsoever, no sense of guilt, no sense of remorse! (They are only capable of PROJECTING it onto others) she was caught known lying to the ‘press’ on a show and that is what she was basically being busted for in the below article:
What can ‘one’ assume when they see such actions of an individual? If anything unethical and possible quite criminal.
I made a list a yesterday, on another post, of the List of Traitors, I forgot to put her near the top of it.
I’m done with ranting.
I sure have been enjoying the sunshine here in lower Michigan. We had so much cold rainy days in March and April, I don’t even mind the below average temps for May so far. I can sit in the sun breaking down all of our moving boxes and actually get warm! Notice I didn’t say hot. Hot will come in August when it’s 90 degrees with 100% humidity. I was in Texas in the early 70s when it was nearly 110 degrees and it was more comfortable that that! Sometimes wish I had taken my boss up with the offer to move with him and his family when he moved the business to Texas. Instead, after months of looking for work in Michigan, I moved to Minnesota! How stupid was that!?
Oh, back to the sunshine. We are now getting baby leaves on our trees. This is the most fun time of Spring!
Nancy Pelosi smells like a port-a-john at a mid-summer burrito festival.
Oh Lead Salad… you just picked a scab open!
I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn´t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, “That’s the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want”, autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, They don´t like me cuz I´m Black, Al-Qaeda appeasing, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Agitator whose only real accomplishment has been to perpetrate the most scandalous betrayal of the America people in history!
Holy shit! Where´s the Tylenol!
John Q. Public – I’ve talked many times about working in a convenience store here in Florida in a past life. I can’t tell you how many times a big (usually black) woman would reach into her bra and pull out either a sweat covered credit card or sweat soaked bills. Point taken!
My cherry tomato plant is now 2′ tall. Sun is limited here (bunch of trees) so it stays under a grow light all night.
Gen Glover:
How about David Gregory on NBC? His wife is chief council for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
@ Brain Scientist
Don’t those carbos induce Car – Ma ?
@ Cassandra lolol
Horatio Prim- Saw it! And I had that story scheduled for later.
That bitch is crazy as hell.
Scientists are baffled as to why Coronavirus seems to be infecting black Americans at a much higher rate. Meanwhile, totally unrelated, people are lining up to buy the new Air Jordan’s which are going on sale in Atlanta!
NOPE! Those with morals and those without morals DO NOT mix.
I just want to fast forward to December – Trump won a second term, this virus has been forgotten, all this social distancing crap has greatly scaled back or disappeared, and the only people that wear a mask are the morons that will still be clinging to saving one life, ya all are selfish – the moral narcissists which will be great because we can easily identify them. They probably also will have pink pussy hats on too.
One more TV ad that refers to the ‘New Normal’ and I will hunt down the makers and go medieval on their sorry sick commie asses.
Herd immunity through self isolation is an oxymoron
Been working on a software project for a year. Finally created/ran reports…it all works! In meeting on Wednesday, the director’s pet turd announced she now wants control of the software as I apparently do not know what I am doing. I rolled my eyes, she stood up, threw stuff, screamed and all 275 lbs plodded out the door. The director looked at me and asked what MY problem was. I told her to f&*% herself and I left. No one else knows the software program. I am home and happy that I no longer work with 10 f’ing inbred liberals! And yes, this job was funded 100% off the governement teat.
Democrats like muslim man meat.
Bad_Brad: I know Leo Gordon. I just saw a Royal Dano in an Alfred Hitchcock Presents yesterday. And as TRF pointed out John Dehner is well known for the things listed. He also appeared on Hogan’s Heroes a number of times.
Have Gun Will Travel was unique in that it was the only show that started on television then went to radio back during the “Golden Age.” I prefer Richard Boone as Paladin myself. Gene Roddenberry wrote a number of episodes for the show.
Thank you, MJA, for the rant.
Totally agree that making everything about the China Virus is pandering to the lowest form of emotionalism, fear, and insecurity.
I am also sick and tired of the sad, marked by mask rash, faces of the dove commercials; the crying moms or their stoic children who have lost a loved one who get a free home from a charity; children offering to send blankets to donors to a children’s hospital — all of these “use of victims” media messages.
I weary of all the emotional outpouring of the media in all forms.
Gavin Newsom’s on my radio right now, so I gotta Rant
Fxck you, you fxcking fxck.
Rant over.
Really, this guy talks so much after a while he’s not even paying attention to what he says. He’s such an ass.
I need a haircut.
Leo Gordon is probably the most interesting of the three. Dirt floor poor growing up. Did sometime in the pen for armed robbery. Several well known directors have said the guy just scared the shit out of them. Nothing like being type cast huh.
He did a pretty serious roll on Little House On the Prairie I happen to catch. About an aging wrestler. A real departure from his usual. He did a great job.
Ironically of the three, Royal Dano was probably the most prolific. And nobody knows who that guy is.
BFH had a mind reader moment. I was going to ask if he could make a ‘burning question’ post. Will use this rant or whatever to ask my burning question. No one on my WW 2 forums, Deutsches Afrika Korps forums can answer this. I did send an e-mail to the DAK veterans web site but not sure any if those old geezers are still alive.
Sorry no pictures will show up here. Does anyone know? I’ll buy you a virtual beer.
I have a question and don’t want to assume something obvious is the correct answer. This DAK man is getting a cholera vaccination in the chest. In Australian Jack Barber’s book ‘The War, The Whores and the Afrika Korps’ (recommended by a forum member) he writes about getting the typhoid jab in his chest and how sore it is. There are some photos of WW 1 German soldiers getting their vaccinations in the back between the shoulder blade and the arm pit.
The obvious reason for this would be to avoid a sore arm or immobility for using a weapon. Is that the correct answer for what seems to be odd//alternative sites for immunizations? I don’t want to assume it is because all the photos I find of US troops getting their vaccination in WW 2 shows them given in the left arm.
I can’t any information at all on vaccination sites. This web site has a wealth of information on WW 2 vaccines and preventative health yet nothing to answer my question.
So I am asking is the obvious answer the correct one and why did the US use the arm as a vaccination site? This is just pure curiosity about the difference between countries.
Personal experience – I had typhoid shots as a kid (Army brat) and both typhoid and cholera shots before going to teach math in the Ivory Coast in the early 1980’s. I don’t remember if they caused a stiff arm or not. The only one I remember giving a arm movement problem was part 1 of Shingrix this year.
OK I’ve used up my allotted space for the year.
Better Remain Anonymous This Time – lol! oh shit!
Sorry about your job and the effort you had to put into it.
But good for you standing up for yourself. And I hope they call you back for twice the salary.
Hey Kurtz,
Don’t get a cut like the one you gave Chef, OK?
@ Better Remain Anonymous This Time, God Bless and good luck at finding something much better. Is the 275 pounder nick named Coni the Barbarian by any chance?
ode to t**t-run ore-gone:
.a royal dhimmi-rat fingered her crown
.then proclaimed herself queen of the “town”
.she ascended her throne
.strained daintily & groaned,
.squeezed out a miniature k. brown!
John Dehner was great in an ep of Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Played a philosophical police detective who was so full of BS that Kolchak finally gets fed up and calls him on it. Watching him and Darren McGavin play off each other is great. Hans Conreid is in it too, also hilarious. Oh, and there’s a murdeorus haunted suit of armor stomping around.
My bank keeps emailing me every freaking day about how they can help me with my ‘rona problems.
But in the same email, they tell me they are limited on staff so they cannot help me with any actual banking issues. Well is your staff sending these emails? If they are, tell them to stop it and get to work!!!!!
I just bought one tomato plant – beefsteak.
Freeze warning tonight. I will keep it in the house.
I’m planting it in a bucket tomorrow and putting it against the south side of the house. I anticipate fresh tomatoes by July 4.
@MJA and @Eugenia,
Thank you for the wishes and support! Lots of great people here and this is my ‘go to’ site when I need a boost! I’m pretty sure they won’t be calling me back, and I’m okay with that. Eugenia, she does wear bright purple & turquoise hair…
@ Bad Brad
I remember all of them. A couple more but maybe not as prolific…. Skip Homeier, Claude Akins, Geoffrey Lewis, James Best….
John Dehnner was a regular on both radio and TV episodes of Gunsmoke. As well as a regular on other CBS radio programs including Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, one of my favorite old time radio programs. And a narrator at times as well for some other CBS radio programs like Suspense, Escape, CBS Radio Workshop etc. He was also a Disney animator early on in his life. I saw Leo Gordon (he almost always played heavies or a bad guy) on a TV episode of Have Gun Will Travel with Richard Boone yesterday. Richard Boone is also of my favorite actors. Being laid up I watch a lot of old westerns including old B&W episodes of Gunsmoke from the mid to late 50’s and early 60’s’, Have Gun Will Travel, Wanted Dead or Alive with Steve McQueen and John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart, Randolph Scott, Joel McCrea, Gary Cooper, Audie Murphy etc. westerns when ever they show them on INSP TV on weekends. And yes we could use kickass hero like Paladin again these days and I don’t give a damn what gutless,weenie millennials who weren’t raised on Westerns think about it. My favorite western character actor is still squinty one eyed Jack Elam and Slim Pickens in anything.
MJA, I’m SO sick of hearing “We are all in this together” crap.
Oh, yeah? BS! Just shut your mouth!
^^^ Right there with ya on that one!
We’re all in this together is one hell of an oxymoron, or # alone/together. How can one be alone and together at the same time, it just doesn’t make any sense.
Bad Brad & Others: Leo Gordon was the Pilgrim who caused a lot of trouble in John Wayne’s 1963 Western movie “McClintock.”
I had a rant prepared but Hillezelbub murdered it…
For Comey, I’m thinking Alcatraz. Yeah, it’s closed down and there’s no staff but if just one cell door will lock… Put him in and then leave.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of cells there. Let’s see.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Jim Acosta
All the others that aren’t coming to mind right now.
And I didn’t even mention Harry Carey Jr. or Ben Johnson or Walter Brennan. I love the movie the Westerner with Gary Cooper and Walter Brennan. The Oxbow Incident with Dana Andrews is probably one of the best westerns ever.
Help, I need good and or good funny movie suggestions. Maybe a tad of a summary. I’ve been locked in my house except for doctor crap since end of February.
Rant……rant….. um…. Coleen Moore is eclipsed by Louise Brookes and Clara Bow even though F. Scott Fitzgerald specifically named her as the embodiment of the age.
PJ, two movies I like that most other people don’t seem to like. Get Shorty and Big Lebowski. I don’t watch many movies, that’s the best I can do.
Thanks Joe 6. My front porch is ok on nice days, but it turned cold again.
Karen is a registered Democrat.
All you non-conformists are all alike.
Tired of hearing about “heroes on the front line”. This isn’t a war, and none of them are going to get VA benefits.
In case anyone wants to watch a great documentary about World War II while they are rusticating at home, “The Price of Empire” is on Prime Video. It was produced in 2016, and has 13 episodes. It’s absolutely the most informative and well made documentary on this subject since the 1973-1974 BBC production of “The World At War.” It’s much better than Ken Burns’ “The War.”
Any old Marx Brothers movie will do as well as Steamboat Bill Jr. and Sherlock Jr., The General with Buster Keaton if you like good slapstick and physical humor. And more recently from last year Jo Jo Rabbit. Any Cohen Brothers movie especially Fargo and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and for dark humor Dr. Strangelove . Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers,The Lady Killer also with Peter Sellers and his last movie Being There.
I just wanna know who wears short shorts.
Brad, John Dehner is one of the greatest character actors in All of TV land. The drollest of the droll.
I would have loved to be an actor in those days.
Mannix at 8 am, a quick cameo on I Dream of Genie next, then down the lot to do a Virginian bar fight, then over to Warner Bros to shoot a Maverick or maybe a Lawman, and Maybe out to Agoura Hills in the afternoon to do chase scenes for Cheyene.
My rant:
When I’m rich I won’t using any of that Sham-Poo
I will afford myself the real thing.
Watch old John Wayne movies.
Here are some good ones that are not that popular:
The War Wagon
Marco mentioned McClintock already.
Enjoy the right to state your opinion.
Because in Agusta Ga. the Augusta Chronicle, (owned by Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK), has removed its RANTS & RAVES reader ability to comment. Plus they did with all other articles.
Yep they went Full Conservative Censorship. https://www.augustachronicle.com/news/20200507/rants-and-raves
A few days ago the AC Owner halted all readers comments and replies to the Staff selected R&R’s or any written articles. In fact they removed all reader comments, thus censoring years of Readers writing comments challenging the Left Leaning published articles.
It seems likely they knew with the Gen Flynn issues, the factually documented Joe Biden Sexual Assault charges, and months of Covid-19 misleading articles and headlines. That they no longer could allow readers to factually challenge the Staff’s constantly picked Anti-Trump R&R’s or constant Pro-Liberal-Democrat articles.
BTW: TDS, HELL, and other commonly used news article words are censored word… Funny… Cracker Barrel is displayed as ******* Barrel if used by a Reader.
Public Service Rant Announcement:
DO NOT LICK FOOD STAMPS! Else, you have a high probability of catching the Spanish flu!
Why is Tucker Carlson reporting how great Sweden is for not shutting down due to the Chi-Com-Virus when he’s the one who drove to Mar-a-Lago to warn PDT to shut our country down? He never talks about that.
I think that Phil Swift of the Flex Tape infomercials is the real sham-poo scam artist. He’s a bigger scam artist than Ron Popeil was. And would anyone but a retard ride in a boat covered with Flex Seal. A sucker is born every minute, maybe I should come up with the next gadget, gizmo or doohickey or thingamajig to con suckers out of their money and become
A millionaire..
The opening spoken line of the song was: Hey man, dig that crazy chick.
Pretty astounding lyric for 1958 when we had many clean cut groups like The Crew-Cuts and The Lettermen.
Was supposed to be enjoying Tulip Time… Cancelled
Had tickets for a comedian I like who was to be in downtown GR… Cancelled
Had tickets for Home Free concert… Cancelled
Live roughly 10 minutes from 2 Lake MI beaches…Closed
Everything I had planned for Spring/Summer activities is all cancelled with no indication of when or if it will be rescheduled.
Everytime I see that greasy faced twatwaffle giving one of her “updates”, she yaps on about how she is paying attention to the science, yet she refuses to show the data backing her claim.
PJ — I’m a BIG FAN of 1930’s precode movies! Lot’s of them on YT for free.
Here are some of my very favorites:
— The More the Merrier (Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea, Charles Coburn)
— I Was a Male War Bride (Anne Sheridan, Cary Grant)
— Colonel Effingham’s Raid (Charles Coburn, great supporting cast)
— Pimpernel Smith (Leslie Howard)
— any film w/Leslie Howard (Spitfire, Animal Kingdom, Intermezzo etc.)
— Double Harness (William Powell, Anne Harding)
— any film w/Powell or Harding
— Amazing Adventure (Cary Grant)
— Indiscreet (Cary Grant,Ingrid Bergman — very funny)
— Easy Living (Jean Arthur)
— Never Wave at a WAC (Rosalind Russell)
Search YT for 1930’s and 1940’s comedies. There’s too many to list! ~Hugs from AA
I’m getting a little panicked because I may be getting to that point where I’m watching straight-up random YT vids. I used to laugh (a little derisively — ok, a LOT derisively) to think of anyone wasting time watching cat videos or clicking on a link for an outrageous claim of some sort.
Well I just finished my 2nd hour of watching an Australian guy train unruly horses. And that was after watching an hour or more of a Dutch/Danish/Swedish/? woman do the same thing. And you know what? It’s absolutely fascinating!!
Dang! I’ve always thought you could learn anything from YT. It’s amazing!
Don’t forget the Thin Man movies with William Powell, they still make me laugh. And if you have access to old time radio like XM 148 comedies like Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, Stan Freberg etc.
I don’t like the old movies
I recently saw
Knight and Day with Tom Cruise. It was hilarious
I used to have a list of movies that I have seen over the last 20 years that I liked but I lost it.
The Man Who Would be King
That’s entertaining.
MJA & TRF – you guys are great!
You should have open threads every “Free For All Friday”
Queen to Play is on my list. I saw it. Gave it a 5
AbigailAdams: I’ve seen everyone of those movies on TCM. Absolutely love Ann Harding and Anne Sheridan. Watched “The Unfaithful” again a few days ago as well as “Double Harness” on TCM. Great entertainment, without any explosions or car chases.
Movie favs:
To Kill a Mockingbird – parallels the book to a t – Gregory Peck
Red Rock West – unusual, modern western, clever cat and mouse story
Firefly – Sci Fi – space western – series is brilliant, movie finished story when series ended due to fan demand
Galaxy Quest – Sci- Fi – humor – clever and fun
Bowfinger – Steve Martin – How do you trick a big star to be in your low budget movie
A Fish Called Wanda – Humor – John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline
Ruthless People – Humor – Kidnapping of rich man’s wife
The Fifth Element – Sci Fi – Bruce Willis
None of these are particularly old, but If any come on tv, I stop to watch.
Poor Lazlo
I’m willing to bet we DVR the exact same shows. My youngest son is named after Clint Walker.
Companies that make and distribute Lysol, Clorox and toilet paper manufacturers have very hinky responses to shortages.
Suspect some of these companies are Deep State co-conspirators attempting to legitimize the pandemic hoax or it could be interference from China.
Enquiring minds want to know, yet I’m convinced the disinfectant and toilet paper shortages are a leftist tactic to keep consumers in panic mode.
I second Knight and Day. Very funny movie. And on the other extreme It’s a Mad Mad Mad World is pretty darn funny too.
Just heard an excellent interview with Papadapolos on Rudys’ radio show, I highly rec it, 770WABC 4-6 ECT, it is VERY good all here would enjoy it. It can sound a bit local but he addresses ALL that is going on now as a former US-DA.
It all started with Papa everyone: Downer(Australia), Misfud (Malta), the Italians diplomats and of course the British with Halpern, who also tried to set up…Flynn!!
How you ask how he might have tried that against the worlds greatest spook? Her name was Svetlana Lochasa(sp). They tried to sexually entrap Flynn.
I Won’t Back Down – J Cash and T Petty, this song gives me the chills every time I hear it:
“Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushing me around
But I stand my ground and I won’t back down.”
True confessions: I just now qualify for the 6am senior shopping hour and actually like grocery shopping with the (other) old folks who keep their distance –and there are no screaming children. I like not feeling horribly guilty for missing Mass… and I LOVE shopping around the livestreamed Masses for good homilies and pretty sanctuaries.
I could rant plenty (like: why are the auto insurance companies automatically discounting premiums for less driving but health insurance premiums stay the same while doctors cancel and postpone our appointments and surgeries?!) but I’m trying to find the silver lining.
Bishop Robert Barron lives in Los Angeles and broadcasts his Masses. We like his Masses.
I am not now and and never have been a patient of Fuck it up Fauci…
I never sought his treatment, nor do I accept his diagnosis,
He is an incompetent, power-hungry, dim wit, liberal.
Ok, when are the damn bars going to open up?
The Thin Man series (3 or 4 of them?) were really good, with lots of sly humor.
There is one scene where the TM couple are ushered into a big mansion by a butler with an awkward walk. He takes them to the big room inside by saying “Walk this way”, whereupon William Powell mimics the weird gait.
Then later, after dinner, the men all gather in another room, supposedly for brandy and cigars. All the old gents except Powell fall asleep and start to snore. Powell has fun by asking them questions or opinions, and then answers them himself.
The old movies are the best entertainment. There is nothing like them anymore and I don’t think there ever will be. Hollywood is dead to me now.
One of my favorites, with a great mix of comedy and sci-fi, is Mars Attacks. I busted a gut watching it.
It’s as if they took the paranoid space invader flicks of the 50’s and combined it with crazy, creative, and unique humor. The result is Mars Attacks!
The Great Escape, Steve McQueen, Capt Virgil Hilts, an aviator the ultimate scene in Hollyweird, @6:08 he pats the Triumph that almost got him out:
Make SURE you go full screen and turn up as LOUD as you can stand it.
All the back drops are REAL…
For lighthearted comedy “The Gods Must Be Crazy”
Just started collecting my westerns in earnest
Got a boat load of John Wayne already
Scalp hunters
The Tall Men
Saddle Tramp (Best scene of a kid hitting an adult with a shovel)
Ordered all the Hopalong series
Gettin’ me some Gene Autry too
You can’t have a Western collection without Evil Roy Slade
My all time Faves:
Western: Man who shot Liberty Valance
SCI FI: The Quiet Earth
Comedy: Heartbreak Ridge
Romantic Comedy: Siege of Firebase Gloria
Musical: Bridge over the River Kwai
Drama: 12: O’clock High
I have a love/hate relationship with my bluetooth speaker. It randomly disconnects for no apparent reason and I struggle to get it reconnected. I hate technology…
we wear short shorts
“What’s all this I hear about endangered feces?”
Who doesn’t like Mars Attacks especialy when they get the Martians heads to explode inside their bubble helmets when they hear Slim Whitman music.
Venezuela – There has been no thread about the ‘incident down there’, so the below is all you need to know:
@MJA@BFH@Claudia@DRT…Please PLEASE spread this propaganda effort by the…CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY and disinformorganizations like the Daily Mail that spread this propaganda!!
PJ, here are a few movies I like:
The Day the Earth Stood Still – 1952 (NOT the horrible remake from a few years ago) – Science Fiction – This is my very favorite movie of all time. Alien lands on Earth to deliver a life/death warning to humanity.
The Dish – 2000 – starring Sam Neill – Australian made film about the Parkes Observatory’s role in relaying live television of humanity’s first steps on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. Based on true story.
Ladyhawk – 1985 – Romance (Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer) and comedy (Matthew Broderick) – A young thief gets involved with a warrior and his lady who were cursed. The warrior is a wolf at night and the lady a hawk by day, never to be together as human. Sniff.
Groundhog Day – 1993 – Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Bill Murray character is stuck in the same day over and over again (Groundhog Day). Funny, some romance, entertaining.
Somewhere In Time – 1980 – Time travel romantic fantasy with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.
Independence Day – 1996 – Science Fiction about evil aliens attacking Earth. Stars Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Margaret Colin, Randy Quaid, Robert Loggia. I lost count how many times I’ve watched this whenever it came on TV (even after I got the DVD!).
Much Ado About Nothing – 1993 – romantic comedy film based on William Shakespeare’s play with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson (and Denzel, sigh).
Gee, didn’t realize how many movies I like that are romance movies. I should have included all the war movies I like (Tora, Tora, Tora is one I watch quite often). Oh, well. Guess I’m just a sap for romance.
The more liberals try to push me to hate Trump, the more I despise liberal, commie, Marxist ASSHOLES.
PJ lots of good movies above to choose from above.
Another one most here would like is.
“You can’t take it with you”.
Its on you tube.
Oh I forgot my rant.
We are out of cookies and cake.
@claudia – “character is stuck in the same day over and over again.”
Yep, that’s the movie that meets current day life, and about sums it up.
‘Ground Hog Several Months’.
Speaking of movies… Get Carter, the original. Always excellent. Jack Carter kills just about everybody who deserves to die.
enough said
I like dill Pickles. Go…..
come on giant asteriod!
Ahh don’t want a pickle; I just wanna ride on my motorsickle!
I am learning to pick a banjo
Been at it two weeks and already have five songs down.
If folks don’t like it I can use the neck as a handle to wield it as a sort of hammer.
Is it just me, or do some of you see a resemblance between Dementia Joe and Slingblade? Of course, Our Poor Joey doesn’t have Slingblade’s brevity of expression yet, but it won’t be long now.
@ Marco. “Mm hm”
What everyone needs to remember of how corrupt and ‘incestuous’ the Swamp in DC, to the degree how the Fourth Estate and Lobbyists are all sleeping with one another, literally in the same bed!!
When you realize how bad it really is? You just want to close the laptop and realize there is nothing that can be done about that.
Just one case? Andrea Mitchell(presstitute) and Allan Greenspan (the dam Fed chairman). Is that one high level enough for ya’s??!
I’m addicted to placebos.
Schifty Farkas: Something you step in if you’re not careful and don’t observe the eyes. And it leaves an odor.
So for all of the talk about DeSantis opening Florida up and being so courageous, he has just recently entered an order that beach property owners not only can’t rent their property for an INDEFINITE period of time, they are not allowed to even advertise. But hotels are okay to open…
And on to Gov. Kemp, Georgia is NOT open. Most places are still closed except for the big boxes. What is up with this crap?!?!
I’ll take prolific actors that no one knows their names for $1,000.00 Alex.
Leo Gordon
Royal Dano
John Dehner
I like more of that potted meat. Mash it up fer me so it don’t hurt my teef.
Starting in California…
No officials should be paid while the government is shut down.
Yesterday I heard a state fish and game mouthpiece say they were not accepting cash for over the counter transactions because of chinese19. He said they only accepted debit cards and checks. Then he changed the subject and sanctimoniously said game poachers push the legal envelope. OK, mouthpiece, let’s talk legal envelope. It’s written on every federal reserve note: Cash is legal tender for all debts public and private. You, fish and game mouthpeice, are a legal envelope pushing asshole. Oh, what? Cash is dirty and virus laden? Well where do you think the debit cards live when they are out of sight? The debit cards live in the billfolds right next to the dirty cash. Idiots in government couldn’t survive in the real world.
BB – John Dehner should be very well known as the voice of Paladin.
Also Frontier Gentleman.
What type of wine pairs with grey squirrel vs black?
I have a rant. And it’s not just about Liberal leaning blogs/articles, because the right does this shit, too.
I hate that you will see a story about something that is in no way related to illness or politics, yet they always start off with a coronavirus message in the introduction that has nothing to do with the content of the story!!!
For example. I was reading a story about food, which contained a recipe.
Wouldn’t you know it, the very first paragraph started it off with
“In this time of COVID-19, we need some comforting recipes to keep our minds off the…”
OK look- from now on, if I so much as see any word relating to the chinavirus, in a story, art work, or video that has nothing to do with the chinavirus, I will delete the bookmark, or just plain edit out that portion of the article if I happen to post it here.
Obeezy knew.
My son’s teacher sent a history lesson video. Apparently, Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America. He asked me if this was true. Again, I had to explain to him that his teachers don’t know what they are talking about..
Joe is so hot, i want to mash up his stewed prunes for him . GET READY FOR PAIN REPUBLITARDS, JOE IS COMING AND HES BRINGING HELL WITH HIM!
Recently, Michelle O’ said this :
” W ” was elected in 2000 because
too many d-crats stayed home.
What reaction would there be if anyone said :
Obama was elected in 2008 because
Too many white voters stayed home !
We all know the immediate reaction
and inflammatory rhetoric.
But why not the anger and rhetoric
in response to Michelle’s idiotic statement ?
It’s the same thing !
Evil-lyn Farkas is running in the NY 17th Congressional District, this lying bitch has no shame today and that is btw how you can identify a liberal/leftist…no shame whatsoever, no sense of guilt, no sense of remorse! (They are only capable of PROJECTING it onto others) she was caught known lying to the ‘press’ on a show and that is what she was basically being busted for in the below article:
What can ‘one’ assume when they see such actions of an individual? If anything unethical and possible quite criminal.
I made a list a yesterday, on another post, of the List of Traitors, I forgot to put her near the top of it.
I’m done with ranting.
I sure have been enjoying the sunshine here in lower Michigan. We had so much cold rainy days in March and April, I don’t even mind the below average temps for May so far. I can sit in the sun breaking down all of our moving boxes and actually get warm! Notice I didn’t say hot. Hot will come in August when it’s 90 degrees with 100% humidity. I was in Texas in the early 70s when it was nearly 110 degrees and it was more comfortable that that! Sometimes wish I had taken my boss up with the offer to move with him and his family when he moved the business to Texas. Instead, after months of looking for work in Michigan, I moved to Minnesota! How stupid was that!?
Oh, back to the sunshine. We are now getting baby leaves on our trees. This is the most fun time of Spring!
Nancy Pelosi smells like a port-a-john at a mid-summer burrito festival.
Oh Lead Salad… you just picked a scab open!
I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vactioning, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn´t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, “That’s the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want”, autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, They don´t like me cuz I´m Black, Al-Qaeda appeasing, lawless phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Agitator whose only real accomplishment has been to perpetrate the most scandalous betrayal of the America people in history!
Holy shit! Where´s the Tylenol!
John Q. Public – I’ve talked many times about working in a convenience store here in Florida in a past life. I can’t tell you how many times a big (usually black) woman would reach into her bra and pull out either a sweat covered credit card or sweat soaked bills. Point taken!
My cherry tomato plant is now 2′ tall. Sun is limited here (bunch of trees) so it stays under a grow light all night.
Gen Glover:
How about David Gregory on NBC? His wife is chief council for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
@ Brain Scientist
Don’t those carbos induce Car – Ma ?
@ Cassandra lolol
Horatio Prim- Saw it! And I had that story scheduled for later.
That bitch is crazy as hell.
Scientists are baffled as to why Coronavirus seems to be infecting black Americans at a much higher rate. Meanwhile, totally unrelated, people are lining up to buy the new Air Jordan’s which are going on sale in Atlanta!
I’m deeply in love with Cassandra – Is that wrong?
Stimulus check arrived yesterday.
Woo hoo! Free money!!
TRF: We need a real Paladin these days….
“Can’t we all just get along?”
NOPE! Those with morals and those without morals DO NOT mix.
I just want to fast forward to December – Trump won a second term, this virus has been forgotten, all this social distancing crap has greatly scaled back or disappeared, and the only people that wear a mask are the morons that will still be clinging to saving one life, ya all are selfish – the moral narcissists which will be great because we can easily identify them. They probably also will have pink pussy hats on too.
One more TV ad that refers to the ‘New Normal’ and I will hunt down the makers and go medieval on their sorry sick commie asses.
Herd immunity through self isolation is an oxymoron
Been working on a software project for a year. Finally created/ran reports…it all works! In meeting on Wednesday, the director’s pet turd announced she now wants control of the software as I apparently do not know what I am doing. I rolled my eyes, she stood up, threw stuff, screamed and all 275 lbs plodded out the door. The director looked at me and asked what MY problem was. I told her to f&*% herself and I left. No one else knows the software program. I am home and happy that I no longer work with 10 f’ing inbred liberals! And yes, this job was funded 100% off the governement teat.
Democrats like muslim man meat.
Bad_Brad: I know Leo Gordon. I just saw a Royal Dano in an Alfred Hitchcock Presents yesterday. And as TRF pointed out John Dehner is well known for the things listed. He also appeared on Hogan’s Heroes a number of times.
Have Gun Will Travel was unique in that it was the only show that started on television then went to radio back during the “Golden Age.” I prefer Richard Boone as Paladin myself. Gene Roddenberry wrote a number of episodes for the show.
Thank you, MJA, for the rant.
Totally agree that making everything about the China Virus is pandering to the lowest form of emotionalism, fear, and insecurity.
I am also sick and tired of the sad, marked by mask rash, faces of the dove commercials; the crying moms or their stoic children who have lost a loved one who get a free home from a charity; children offering to send blankets to donors to a children’s hospital — all of these “use of victims” media messages.
I weary of all the emotional outpouring of the media in all forms.
Gavin Newsom’s on my radio right now, so I gotta Rant
Fxck you, you fxcking fxck.
Rant over.
Really, this guy talks so much after a while he’s not even paying attention to what he says. He’s such an ass.
I need a haircut.
Leo Gordon is probably the most interesting of the three. Dirt floor poor growing up. Did sometime in the pen for armed robbery. Several well known directors have said the guy just scared the shit out of them. Nothing like being type cast huh.
He did a pretty serious roll on Little House On the Prairie I happen to catch. About an aging wrestler. A real departure from his usual. He did a great job.
Ironically of the three, Royal Dano was probably the most prolific. And nobody knows who that guy is.
BFH had a mind reader moment. I was going to ask if he could make a ‘burning question’ post. Will use this rant or whatever to ask my burning question. No one on my WW 2 forums, Deutsches Afrika Korps forums can answer this. I did send an e-mail to the DAK veterans web site but not sure any if those old geezers are still alive.
Sorry no pictures will show up here. Does anyone know? I’ll buy you a virtual beer.
I have a question and don’t want to assume something obvious is the correct answer. This DAK man is getting a cholera vaccination in the chest. In Australian Jack Barber’s book ‘The War, The Whores and the Afrika Korps’ (recommended by a forum member) he writes about getting the typhoid jab in his chest and how sore it is. There are some photos of WW 1 German soldiers getting their vaccinations in the back between the shoulder blade and the arm pit.
The obvious reason for this would be to avoid a sore arm or immobility for using a weapon. Is that the correct answer for what seems to be odd//alternative sites for immunizations? I don’t want to assume it is because all the photos I find of US troops getting their vaccination in WW 2 shows them given in the left arm.
I can’t any information at all on vaccination sites. This web site has a wealth of information on WW 2 vaccines and preventative health yet nothing to answer my question.
So I am asking is the obvious answer the correct one and why did the US use the arm as a vaccination site? This is just pure curiosity about the difference between countries.
Personal experience – I had typhoid shots as a kid (Army brat) and both typhoid and cholera shots before going to teach math in the Ivory Coast in the early 1980’s. I don’t remember if they caused a stiff arm or not. The only one I remember giving a arm movement problem was part 1 of Shingrix this year.
OK I’ve used up my allotted space for the year.
Better Remain Anonymous This Time – lol! oh shit!
Sorry about your job and the effort you had to put into it.
But good for you standing up for yourself. And I hope they call you back for twice the salary.
Hey Kurtz,
Don’t get a cut like the one you gave Chef, OK?
@ Better Remain Anonymous This Time, God Bless and good luck at finding something much better. Is the 275 pounder nick named Coni the Barbarian by any chance?
ode to t**t-run ore-gone:
.a royal dhimmi-rat fingered her crown
.then proclaimed herself queen of the “town”
.she ascended her throne
.strained daintily & groaned,
.squeezed out a miniature k. brown!
John Dehner was great in an ep of Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Played a philosophical police detective who was so full of BS that Kolchak finally gets fed up and calls him on it. Watching him and Darren McGavin play off each other is great. Hans Conreid is in it too, also hilarious. Oh, and there’s a murdeorus haunted suit of armor stomping around.
My bank keeps emailing me every freaking day about how they can help me with my ‘rona problems.
But in the same email, they tell me they are limited on staff so they cannot help me with any actual banking issues. Well is your staff sending these emails? If they are, tell them to stop it and get to work!!!!!
I just bought one tomato plant – beefsteak.
Freeze warning tonight. I will keep it in the house.
I’m planting it in a bucket tomorrow and putting it against the south side of the house. I anticipate fresh tomatoes by July 4.
@MJA and @Eugenia,
Thank you for the wishes and support! Lots of great people here and this is my ‘go to’ site when I need a boost! I’m pretty sure they won’t be calling me back, and I’m okay with that. Eugenia, she does wear bright purple & turquoise hair…
@ Bad Brad
I remember all of them. A couple more but maybe not as prolific…. Skip Homeier, Claude Akins, Geoffrey Lewis, James Best….
John Dehnner was a regular on both radio and TV episodes of Gunsmoke. As well as a regular on other CBS radio programs including Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, one of my favorite old time radio programs. And a narrator at times as well for some other CBS radio programs like Suspense, Escape, CBS Radio Workshop etc. He was also a Disney animator early on in his life. I saw Leo Gordon (he almost always played heavies or a bad guy) on a TV episode of Have Gun Will Travel with Richard Boone yesterday. Richard Boone is also of my favorite actors. Being laid up I watch a lot of old westerns including old B&W episodes of Gunsmoke from the mid to late 50’s and early 60’s’, Have Gun Will Travel, Wanted Dead or Alive with Steve McQueen and John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart, Randolph Scott, Joel McCrea, Gary Cooper, Audie Murphy etc. westerns when ever they show them on INSP TV on weekends. And yes we could use kickass hero like Paladin again these days and I don’t give a damn what gutless,weenie millennials who weren’t raised on Westerns think about it. My favorite western character actor is still squinty one eyed Jack Elam and Slim Pickens in anything.
MJA, I’m SO sick of hearing “We are all in this together” crap.
Oh, yeah? BS! Just shut your mouth!
^^^ Right there with ya on that one!
We’re all in this together is one hell of an oxymoron, or # alone/together. How can one be alone and together at the same time, it just doesn’t make any sense.
Bad Brad & Others: Leo Gordon was the Pilgrim who caused a lot of trouble in John Wayne’s 1963 Western movie “McClintock.”
every goddamn commercial is identical:
I had a rant prepared but Hillezelbub murdered it…
For Comey, I’m thinking Alcatraz. Yeah, it’s closed down and there’s no staff but if just one cell door will lock… Put him in and then leave.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of cells there. Let’s see.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Jim Acosta
All the others that aren’t coming to mind right now.
And I didn’t even mention Harry Carey Jr. or Ben Johnson or Walter Brennan. I love the movie the Westerner with Gary Cooper and Walter Brennan. The Oxbow Incident with Dana Andrews is probably one of the best westerns ever.
Help, I need good and or good funny movie suggestions. Maybe a tad of a summary. I’ve been locked in my house except for doctor crap since end of February.
Rant……rant….. um…. Coleen Moore is eclipsed by Louise Brookes and Clara Bow even though F. Scott Fitzgerald specifically named her as the embodiment of the age.
Also, I find Democrats to be quite irritating.
They Live corona virus edition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQtwLmvVGEI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR32lW7JzHcMZb-4XSqvUIAMvFrIU4PougeJlnITrr-QVvLq7kCQFnuJBvE .
PJ, two movies I like that most other people don’t seem to like. Get Shorty and Big Lebowski. I don’t watch many movies, that’s the best I can do.
Thanks Joe 6. My front porch is ok on nice days, but it turned cold again.
Karen is a registered Democrat.
All you non-conformists are all alike.
Tired of hearing about “heroes on the front line”. This isn’t a war, and none of them are going to get VA benefits.
In case anyone wants to watch a great documentary about World War II while they are rusticating at home, “The Price of Empire” is on Prime Video. It was produced in 2016, and has 13 episodes. It’s absolutely the most informative and well made documentary on this subject since the 1973-1974 BBC production of “The World At War.” It’s much better than Ken Burns’ “The War.”
Any old Marx Brothers movie will do as well as Steamboat Bill Jr. and Sherlock Jr., The General with Buster Keaton if you like good slapstick and physical humor. And more recently from last year Jo Jo Rabbit. Any Cohen Brothers movie especially Fargo and Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and for dark humor Dr. Strangelove . Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers,The Lady Killer also with Peter Sellers and his last movie Being There.
I just wanna know who wears short shorts.
Brad, John Dehner is one of the greatest character actors in All of TV land. The drollest of the droll.
I would have loved to be an actor in those days.
Mannix at 8 am, a quick cameo on I Dream of Genie next, then down the lot to do a Virginian bar fight, then over to Warner Bros to shoot a Maverick or maybe a Lawman, and Maybe out to Agoura Hills in the afternoon to do chase scenes for Cheyene.
My rant:
When I’m rich I won’t using any of that Sham-Poo
I will afford myself the real thing.
Watch old John Wayne movies.
Here are some good ones that are not that popular:
The War Wagon
Marco mentioned McClintock already.
Enjoy the right to state your opinion.
Because in Agusta Ga. the Augusta Chronicle, (owned by Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK), has removed its RANTS & RAVES reader ability to comment. Plus they did with all other articles.
Yep they went Full Conservative Censorship. https://www.augustachronicle.com/news/20200507/rants-and-raves
A few days ago the AC Owner halted all readers comments and replies to the Staff selected R&R’s or any written articles. In fact they removed all reader comments, thus censoring years of Readers writing comments challenging the Left Leaning published articles.
It seems likely they knew with the Gen Flynn issues, the factually documented Joe Biden Sexual Assault charges, and months of Covid-19 misleading articles and headlines. That they no longer could allow readers to factually challenge the Staff’s constantly picked Anti-Trump R&R’s or constant Pro-Liberal-Democrat articles.
BTW: TDS, HELL, and other commonly used news article words are censored word… Funny… Cracker Barrel is displayed as ******* Barrel if used by a Reader.
Public Service Rant Announcement:
DO NOT LICK FOOD STAMPS! Else, you have a high probability of catching the Spanish flu!
Why is Tucker Carlson reporting how great Sweden is for not shutting down due to the Chi-Com-Virus when he’s the one who drove to Mar-a-Lago to warn PDT to shut our country down? He never talks about that.
I think that Phil Swift of the Flex Tape infomercials is the real sham-poo scam artist. He’s a bigger scam artist than Ron Popeil was. And would anyone but a retard ride in a boat covered with Flex Seal. A sucker is born every minute, maybe I should come up with the next gadget, gizmo or doohickey or thingamajig to con suckers out of their money and become
A millionaire..
The opening spoken line of the song was: Hey man, dig that crazy chick.
Pretty astounding lyric for 1958 when we had many clean cut groups like The Crew-Cuts and The Lettermen.
Was supposed to be enjoying Tulip Time… Cancelled
Had tickets for a comedian I like who was to be in downtown GR… Cancelled
Had tickets for Home Free concert… Cancelled
Live roughly 10 minutes from 2 Lake MI beaches…Closed
Everything I had planned for Spring/Summer activities is all cancelled with no indication of when or if it will be rescheduled.
Everytime I see that greasy faced twatwaffle giving one of her “updates”, she yaps on about how she is paying attention to the science, yet she refuses to show the data backing her claim.
PJ — I’m a BIG FAN of 1930’s precode movies! Lot’s of them on YT for free.
Here are some of my very favorites:
— The More the Merrier (Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea, Charles Coburn)
— I Was a Male War Bride (Anne Sheridan, Cary Grant)
— Colonel Effingham’s Raid (Charles Coburn, great supporting cast)
— Pimpernel Smith (Leslie Howard)
— any film w/Leslie Howard (Spitfire, Animal Kingdom, Intermezzo etc.)
— Double Harness (William Powell, Anne Harding)
— any film w/Powell or Harding
— Amazing Adventure (Cary Grant)
— Indiscreet (Cary Grant,Ingrid Bergman — very funny)
— Easy Living (Jean Arthur)
— Never Wave at a WAC (Rosalind Russell)
Search YT for 1930’s and 1940’s comedies. There’s too many to list! ~Hugs from AA
I’m getting a little panicked because I may be getting to that point where I’m watching straight-up random YT vids. I used to laugh (a little derisively — ok, a LOT derisively) to think of anyone wasting time watching cat videos or clicking on a link for an outrageous claim of some sort.
Well I just finished my 2nd hour of watching an Australian guy train unruly horses. And that was after watching an hour or more of a Dutch/Danish/Swedish/? woman do the same thing. And you know what? It’s absolutely fascinating!!
Dang! I’ve always thought you could learn anything from YT. It’s amazing!
Don’t forget the Thin Man movies with William Powell, they still make me laugh. And if you have access to old time radio like XM 148 comedies like Jack Benny, Fibber McGee and Molly, Stan Freberg etc.
I don’t like the old movies
I recently saw
Knight and Day with Tom Cruise. It was hilarious
I used to have a list of movies that I have seen over the last 20 years that I liked but I lost it.
The Man Who Would be King
That’s entertaining.
MJA & TRF – you guys are great!
You should have open threads every “Free For All Friday”
Queen to Play is on my list. I saw it. Gave it a 5
AbigailAdams: I’ve seen everyone of those movies on TCM. Absolutely love Ann Harding and Anne Sheridan. Watched “The Unfaithful” again a few days ago as well as “Double Harness” on TCM. Great entertainment, without any explosions or car chases.
Movie favs:
To Kill a Mockingbird – parallels the book to a t – Gregory Peck
Red Rock West – unusual, modern western, clever cat and mouse story
Firefly – Sci Fi – space western – series is brilliant, movie finished story when series ended due to fan demand
Galaxy Quest – Sci- Fi – humor – clever and fun
Bowfinger – Steve Martin – How do you trick a big star to be in your low budget movie
A Fish Called Wanda – Humor – John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline
Ruthless People – Humor – Kidnapping of rich man’s wife
The Fifth Element – Sci Fi – Bruce Willis
None of these are particularly old, but If any come on tv, I stop to watch.
Poor Lazlo
I’m willing to bet we DVR the exact same shows. My youngest son is named after Clint Walker.
Companies that make and distribute Lysol, Clorox and toilet paper manufacturers have very hinky responses to shortages.
https://cen.acs.org/business/specialty-chemicals/Disinfectant-demand-coronavirus-concerns-challenges/98/i15 .
https://marker.medium.com/what-everyones-getting-wrong-about-the-toilet-paper-shortage-c812e1358fe0 .
Suspect some of these companies are Deep State co-conspirators attempting to legitimize the pandemic hoax or it could be interference from China.
Enquiring minds want to know, yet I’m convinced the disinfectant and toilet paper shortages are a leftist tactic to keep consumers in panic mode.
I second Knight and Day. Very funny movie. And on the other extreme It’s a Mad Mad Mad World is pretty darn funny too.
Just heard an excellent interview with Papadapolos on Rudys’ radio show, I highly rec it, 770WABC 4-6 ECT, it is VERY good all here would enjoy it. It can sound a bit local but he addresses ALL that is going on now as a former US-DA.
It all started with Papa everyone: Downer(Australia), Misfud (Malta), the Italians diplomats and of course the British with Halpern, who also tried to set up…Flynn!!
How you ask how he might have tried that against the worlds greatest spook? Her name was Svetlana Lochasa(sp). They tried to sexually entrap Flynn.
I Won’t Back Down – J Cash and T Petty, this song gives me the chills every time I hear it:
“Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushing me around
But I stand my ground and I won’t back down.”
True confessions: I just now qualify for the 6am senior shopping hour and actually like grocery shopping with the (other) old folks who keep their distance –and there are no screaming children. I like not feeling horribly guilty for missing Mass… and I LOVE shopping around the livestreamed Masses for good homilies and pretty sanctuaries.
I could rant plenty (like: why are the auto insurance companies automatically discounting premiums for less driving but health insurance premiums stay the same while doctors cancel and postpone our appointments and surgeries?!) but I’m trying to find the silver lining.
Bishop Robert Barron lives in Los Angeles and broadcasts his Masses. We like his Masses.
I am not now and and never have been a patient of Fuck it up Fauci…
I never sought his treatment, nor do I accept his diagnosis,
He is an incompetent, power-hungry, dim wit, liberal.
Ok, when are the damn bars going to open up?
The Thin Man series (3 or 4 of them?) were really good, with lots of sly humor.
There is one scene where the TM couple are ushered into a big mansion by a butler with an awkward walk. He takes them to the big room inside by saying “Walk this way”, whereupon William Powell mimics the weird gait.
Then later, after dinner, the men all gather in another room, supposedly for brandy and cigars. All the old gents except Powell fall asleep and start to snore. Powell has fun by asking them questions or opinions, and then answers them himself.
The old movies are the best entertainment. There is nothing like them anymore and I don’t think there ever will be. Hollywood is dead to me now.
One of my favorites, with a great mix of comedy and sci-fi, is Mars Attacks. I busted a gut watching it.
It’s as if they took the paranoid space invader flicks of the 50’s and combined it with crazy, creative, and unique humor. The result is Mars Attacks!
The Great Escape, Steve McQueen, Capt Virgil Hilts, an aviator the ultimate scene in Hollyweird, @6:08 he pats the Triumph that almost got him out:
Make SURE you go full screen and turn up as LOUD as you can stand it.
All the back drops are REAL…
For lighthearted comedy “The Gods Must Be Crazy”
Just started collecting my westerns in earnest
Got a boat load of John Wayne already
Scalp hunters
The Tall Men
Saddle Tramp (Best scene of a kid hitting an adult with a shovel)
Ordered all the Hopalong series
Gettin’ me some Gene Autry too
You can’t have a Western collection without Evil Roy Slade
My all time Faves:
Western: Man who shot Liberty Valance
SCI FI: The Quiet Earth
Comedy: Heartbreak Ridge
Romantic Comedy: Siege of Firebase Gloria
Musical: Bridge over the River Kwai
Drama: 12: O’clock High
I have a love/hate relationship with my bluetooth speaker. It randomly disconnects for no apparent reason and I struggle to get it reconnected. I hate technology…
we wear short shorts
“What’s all this I hear about endangered feces?”
Who doesn’t like Mars Attacks especialy when they get the Martians heads to explode inside their bubble helmets when they hear Slim Whitman music.
Venezuela – There has been no thread about the ‘incident down there’, so the below is all you need to know:
@MJA@BFH@Claudia@DRT…Please PLEASE spread this propaganda effort by the…CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY and disinformorganizations like the Daily Mail that spread this propaganda!!
PJ, here are a few movies I like:
The Day the Earth Stood Still – 1952 (NOT the horrible remake from a few years ago) – Science Fiction – This is my very favorite movie of all time. Alien lands on Earth to deliver a life/death warning to humanity.
The Dish – 2000 – starring Sam Neill – Australian made film about the Parkes Observatory’s role in relaying live television of humanity’s first steps on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. Based on true story.
Ladyhawk – 1985 – Romance (Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer) and comedy (Matthew Broderick) – A young thief gets involved with a warrior and his lady who were cursed. The warrior is a wolf at night and the lady a hawk by day, never to be together as human. Sniff.
Groundhog Day – 1993 – Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Bill Murray character is stuck in the same day over and over again (Groundhog Day). Funny, some romance, entertaining.
Somewhere In Time – 1980 – Time travel romantic fantasy with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.
Independence Day – 1996 – Science Fiction about evil aliens attacking Earth. Stars Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Margaret Colin, Randy Quaid, Robert Loggia. I lost count how many times I’ve watched this whenever it came on TV (even after I got the DVD!).
Much Ado About Nothing – 1993 – romantic comedy film based on William Shakespeare’s play with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson (and Denzel, sigh).
Gee, didn’t realize how many movies I like that are romance movies. I should have included all the war movies I like (Tora, Tora, Tora is one I watch quite often). Oh, well. Guess I’m just a sap for romance.
The more liberals try to push me to hate Trump, the more I despise liberal, commie, Marxist ASSHOLES.
PJ lots of good movies above to choose from above.
Another one most here would like is.
“You can’t take it with you”.
Its on you tube.
Oh I forgot my rant.
We are out of cookies and cake.
@claudia – “character is stuck in the same day over and over again.”
Yep, that’s the movie that meets current day life, and about sums it up.
‘Ground Hog Several Months’.
Speaking of movies… Get Carter, the original. Always excellent. Jack Carter kills just about everybody who deserves to die.
Except it’s Michael Caine, in a three piece suit, killing everyone who deserves to die.
“BODY HEAT”… now THAT is a movie!!
Sheila Jackson Lee envelope drop to Michael Bromwich:
Bill Clinton leaving Ron Brown funeral…
I like the movie Tune in Tomorrow with Keanu Reeves. a very funny movie.