Open Thread: Hillary on her way to deliver her concession speech – IOTW Report

Open Thread: Hillary on her way to deliver her concession speech

The motorcade carrying Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad drives past the American Mission to the United Nations on it's way to a Midtown hotel, Sunday, May 2, 2010 in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

She finally left the hotel in one of the dozens of cars that will motorcade her towards her final speech.








112 Comments on Open Thread: Hillary on her way to deliver her concession speech

  1. I will be shocked if she shows one ounce of class or grace. She knows she is toast and lost $500 million in bribes and influence peddling. I smell a serious case of Sour grapes coming our way.

  2. …because she was finally riding in a wheelchair? It will be interesting now to track her health now that she doesn’t have to be propped.up with drugs. But then, who REALLY cares? Me, I’m so tired of seeing her lying face.

  3. On the other side of the speech coin, I’ve been trying to place the music that Trump used as he appeared for his victory speech. The first few notes on the trumpet reminded me of Fanfare for the Common Man by Copland but I was wrong. Did any of you recognize it?

  4. As a side note, what will happen to the Clinton Foundation? The Clintons are done politically, and with the Republicans holding the House and the Senate they will have little to no influence as private citizens. I cannot see millions pouring in to the Clinton Foundation when there is nothing that can be bought or sold.

    And Chelsea may need to get a real job.

  5. And there’s her push for Shelly O, another disgraced lawyer who only got famous by being married to a POTUS who tried to dictate our lives, to run for office.

    The Bible? Who does she think she is kidding?

  6. @Wyatt, I read somewhere this morning that they rigged/stole 200,000 votes in PA.
    Not to mention all the “problems” with the machines.
    If the truth were known, I’m pretty sure Trump won the popular vote.

  7. @BFH November 9, 2016 at 11:52 am

    > Why doesn’t Trump just say he identifies as a woman?


    > There, glass ceiling shattered.

    Because it keeps needing shattering. Again. And again. Again, again, again!!!!!! I’m a princess, you patriarchal bastards!!!!!!

  8. From her concession speech:
    “We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought.”

    YOU and YOUR party has done nothing but be fluffers for the balkanization of the country, in an effort to close the Hegelian circle to your advantage. Zip it.

  9. I expected her to give an OK speech. And she did. The thing I found the most interesting was the two beta-males behind her. Were they crying?
    Kaine realizing he is going back into obscurity and Bill realizing he won’t be dickin’ bimbos in the oval.

  10. That Nixon graphic is a powerful image. That’s got to be a painful thorn in her side, I know she’s had to have seen it by now with all the internet searching her flying monkeys were busy with.

    Love the Kleenex one and the “All Ways Tired” one too.

    Won’t it be nice to not have to listen to that screeching cackling voice and look at that painfully ugly face anymore.

  11. Nixon had nothing to do with the break ins. He got in trouble for trying to cover it up and lying about it. Hillary, on the other has her manly fingerprints on every single one of the Clinton felonies going back 30 years. If there was any real justice Hillary would just be getting out of prison for the felonies she committed in year one.

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