Open Thread – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Open Thread – Joe Biden

Okay people.


58 Comments on Open Thread – Joe Biden

  1. Congrats on your induction into the pResidential Hall Of Shame!

    I hope you are still sentient and have to Bury Hunter from a Drug Overdose.

    Cheers with a glass of piss you stupid old Pedo!

  2. …………………./´¯/)
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  3. Slow Joe and the Heels-Up Ho
    Beijing☭Biden (h/t Pamella Geller)
    The Commander in Thief
    The Commander-N-Cheat
    Pedo Joe
    pResident Joe
    pResident Plugs
    The White House – world’s most expensive and secure assisted living facility.
    His Fraudulency (h/t – John Nolte)
    Joe Bama
    the Asterisk Administration
    Raggedy Uhmm
    Pretendent Buck Fiden
    The Current White House Occupant
    SS Bidanic
    Joe Chi Minh (h/t –
    cognitively disconnected pretend president (h/t – Sundance)
    The installed occupant of the White House (h/t – Sundance)
    President *
    Joe the Usurper (h/t – Tim)
    Resident Bidepends
    Joey Le Pew (h/t – RadioMattM)
    The Embarrassment of The United States (h/t – Mark Dice)
    Joek Biden (h/t – Benito the Bombed Beaner)
    POTATUS (h/t – Uncle Al)
    Trafficker-in-Chief (h/t – Kat Cammack)
    Bidentia – A devastating condition where a severely compromised dementia patient is used for political gain by a select few “handlers” working in the background. All the while, the patient is lead to believe he is cognizant and “important”, and is presented to the public as “legitimate”. (h/t – Me)
    scroTUS – so called ruler of The United States
    Joepedo (h/t – BFH)
    Traitor Joe’s
    The Silver Alert pResident
    The Man of Da Mentia (h/t A.F. Branco)
    Bidinflation (h/t Hannah Nightingale)
    Punchline President (h/t – Kurt Schlichter)
    the Snortunate Son (h/t – Kurt Schlichter)
    Veep Throat (h/t: Marco)
    Bitanic (h/t – stirrin the pot)
    Kalamity Kamala the Kackling Kommie Kunt of Katastrophy (h/t – TRF and Wild Bill)
    Little Red Lying Hood

  4. I never thought that I could despise a President more than I did with slick willie, barry, jimmah carta and LBJ. I have nothing good to say about joey, he’s lower than whale shit at the bottom of the Marianna’s Trench. BUCK FIDEN! He doesn’t have the authority (constitutional or otherwise) to mandate all these COVID restrictions on our personal freedoms as free American citizens. I can’t stand the SOB.

  5. I’ll be interested in his response when the Taliban celebrate the 20th anniversary of 9/11–using the hostages.

    I’m sure that every horrific possibility which has crossed my mind has occurred to them, too. And more.

  6. @Ann Nonymous Prime

    They are worse than the Comanches:

    Burn people alive, women and children

    Stone women and others to death

    Throw gays and toddlers off buildings

    Knead children into dough and bake them like bread

    Drown all in cages

    Castrate alive

    Cut your eyes out, Jack off your limbs

    Beheading is easy death compared to their methods

    But, let’s not be Islamophobic

    Biden has enabled these animals, coming soon to our neighborhoods

  7. My contempt and hatred of that addled demon are surpassed only by my contempt and hatred of those behind him.

    What’s happening to my country today has me thinking thoughts and contemplating actions that were utterly impossible for me to foresee just a few years ago.

  8. My mother-in-law died from the long drawn out effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. It was a horrible way to go and I would not wish that on another human being.

    Joe Biden is another story. He never ever was a decent human being and he deserves to suffer as much as possible for the evil he has done.

    80 bazillion people did not vote for him!!!!!!

  9. As much as I despise Biden, I think I despise that fucking wife of his even more. She’s knowingly and deliberately pushed a mentally ill man into a position he’s not qualified for, and it’s costing the rest of us dearly so she can live out her fantasy of being First Lady. Enjoy it while it lasts, you sick twisted bitch.

  10. Careful.

    Too much honesty here will be noted, and we do have govposters that will try to steer you into saying actionable things, so if you don’t want to spend 9/11 with the 1/6 patriots do be careful not to be drawn into conversations better had with small, trusted groups, and remember that “clandestine” MEANS “clandestine”…

  11. This explains why they;re putting the fence back up. I listened to what I could of it in a noisy machine shop. The “We’re losing our patience” comment just about blew a vein out of the side of my neck. But after surfing around IG, I hope they keep on their current path. These were not the retards words. Someone wrote this shit for him. So this is the regimes or coups agenda. Turn us into Australia, or worse. The more they keep this shit up, the worse they will lose in the midterms. They are tyrannical.

  12. Also I’ve read a couple LE unions are already planning on suing this admin over the jab mandate for Gov employees. So who ever wrote this for the puppet, fuck off. eventually we will be coming for you. This ain’t Australia

  13. When Biden was “encouraging” everyone to get the poison jab, with no exceptions, he sounded exactly like Jim Jones.

    For some who don’t know, Jim Jones, a demonic cult leader/preacher convinced his followers, (almost one thousand) to commit mass suicide by drinking cyanide-laced Koolaid in Guyana, 1978.

    Biden is capable of more evil acts on a much larger scale. Millions of people are at risk.

  14. Boo Radley Biden. Living in fear in the Wilmington Hideout.

    Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, the Poser-in-Chief, whose cranium has slipped the surly bonds of cognitive dissonance.

    Sling Blade Joe. He sure likes them Talybon fried potaters. Mmmmmm-Hmmmmm.

    Banjo Joey. The Georgia boy who was adopted by distant relatives living in Pennsylvania. Apparently, he was squealing like a pig when he got off the bus in Scranton.

  15. For me, with Biden it goes back to his treatment of Clarence Thomas as chair of Senate Judiciary Committee.
    But in reality Biden isn’t doing this, although he has just barely enough consciousness to read the words and to talk back to people a little.

  16. All of those of us whom are between the ages forty five and seventy five need to remember, we allowed this. We kept our noses to the grindstone, worked for our families, strove within a deteriorating system, excused punks… LBJ… Carter… slick Willie and sick Hilly, GWB and Barry Stompyfoot… and here we are.

    Joe Biden is the senile shell of a viciously corrupt amoral predator. He is a willing victim of elder abuse perpetrated primarily by his amoral predator of a wife, ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden and his ‘family’. The political hacks and junkies, the parasites and flunkies surrounding him have no guilt in the abuse, you whip a working horse until it dies. His kin, his people, and himself are the true evil here.

    But, my adult and elder friends, it is we who are at the greatest fault for this charade of tragedy we all are experiencing. Now we have to look to those whom we’ve so severely failed in these last four and more decades to help us retrieve what we have failed to nurture and protect.

    Joe Biden is an animated, rotting, corpse, propped up by the cabal of incompetents surrounding him, and is in no way capable of obtaining blame or censure for the acts attributed to him.

  17. It’s important to realize if the Retard and his handlers are successful at implementing the Tyrannical EO/Mandate, you’ll also be getting a booster every 6 months at a minimum. Me and the wife got the Jab. We’re not getting any boosters.

  18. Submitted as a public service—
    Borrowed complete from another message board.

    Biden does not really have the authority to force anyone to take an experimental substance.
    By the way, regarding number 3 – all testing on animals resulted in the death of the animal.
    All died. 100% of them.

    Nullification of the Nuremberg Codes.
    I hate to say it but we’re at the tipping point. These codes were enacted in 1947 after the acts of Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele and his ilk. Now we, the American citizen, are the test subjects just as the Nazis of WWII Germany. Under these rules, anyone who violates them is considered a genocidal war criminal. This includes those that give material support.
    The ten points of the Nuremberg Code for human experimentation are as follows:
    1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential. This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the effects upon his health or person, which may come from his participation in the experiment.
    2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
    3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation.
    4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
    5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.
    6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.i
    7. Proper preparations should be made, and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
    8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
    9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
    10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

    No one in our government at any level is opposed to the abuse of its citizens. It’s quite clear there are physical reactions to the vaccine including death. The percentage may be small, but we don’t know the long term effects to those who have taken it since there is no clinical trial and the FDA has not approved it yet.
    Anyone who speaks out against the vaccine on social is shut down as will I. We are living in a fascist society now supported by proxy by the Government.

  19. geoff the aardvark said it for me. This lump of flesh is not the President but the illegal Resident. His dementia is advancing. Pill Biden despises him and is engaging in elder abuse because she is desperate to be First Lady. Both are worthless pieces of rat vomit. The Resident has the blood of our service men and women on his hands. When it is their turn to die I hope it is prolonged agony. Rot in Hell.

  20. Biden can go to hell and take his puppetmasters with him.

    I’m rooting for the Taliban to figure out how to fly one of those planes we gave them and drop a bomb on Washington D.C.

  21. So the addle-brained son of a whore wants to force people to be jabbed with an experimental vaccine that does not work. Last time I checked the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights, their was no mention of the government having the power to mandate jack shit.
    Wonder how the lame stream media is going to cover the upcoming civil war.

  22. These smug rumpswabs think we’re all going to obey?
    There are already more than half a dozen governors filing lawsuits.

    There’s somethung they didn’t think about.
    A lot of people have been working from home. They don’t care about office rules.

    I’m hoping the company my hubby works for doesn’t go along. They do a lot of govt work.
    He’s the only CPE (Certified Professional Estimator) in a company of 65,000 employees.
    Although if they fire him he has companies trying to hire him all the time.

    Off topic a bit:
    Want to know what else Biden and his idiots ruined?
    Space Force.
    They have stopped working on the headquarters and don’t respond to correspondence so the company had to draw up papers saying they were terminating the contract until the govt gets their act together.

  23. Never thought I would live to see the day a Civil War II would break out because of some commie bastards. You know, “It can’t happen here.” Well it is, and I don’t think these asswholes know what they’re asking for. I respect my septic tanks sludge more than joke bidet. He’s the most hated man alive and even those that try to prop hom up have to be saying”wtf is going on?” He’s always been a dick wad and the last 7 or 8 months have proven it.

  24. I don’t wish death on anyone on the left. I pray that, instead, God will expose all the evil, corrupt, illegal, immoral plans and actions. From both the left and the right.

    We are in need of JUSTICE. May there be enough Patriots who will see that justice is served.

  25. @ Dry gulched
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 AT 8:27 AM,
    Just remember that with most rebellions, the first rebels are slaughtered. Without command, control and communications they have nothing.


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