Open Thread Request – IOTW Report

Open Thread Request

Talking to Abigail Adams right now, and she mentioned she would like to see an open thread once in awhile.

She doesn’t know I’m posting this. (Shhhhhh)

108 Comments on Open Thread Request

  1. Husband: My wife is missing. She went out yesterday and hasn’t come home.

    Sergeant: What’s her height?

    Husband: Gee, I’m not sure. Probably a little over five-feet.

    Sergeant: Color of eyes?

    Husband: Sort of brown I think. Never really noticed.

    Sergeant: Color of hair?

    Husband: Changes a couple times a year. Maybe dark brown now. I can’t remember.

    Sergeant: What kind of car did she go in?

    Husband: She went in my car.

    Sergeant: Was there anything of value in the car?

    Husband: Yes, my golf clubs. Titleist TS3 9 degree driver with Tensei Orange TX flex CK60 with 74 Tungsten Prepreg shaft. Titleist TS3 15 degree Fairway woods with Hzrdus 6.5x 76g shaft. Titleist 3-4 718 TMB irons with Nippon modus 120 x shafts. Titleist 718 AP2 irons 5-50deg with nippon modus 120 x shafts. Titleist Vokey Sm8 52,56 & 60 degree wedges. Scotty Cameron Newport 2.5 35 inch putter with Superstroke Pistol GT Tour Skull grip. Titleist mid Staff bag. Nikon range finder. 12 x pro V1s. 3 x Titleist players golf gloves. Titleist towel. Alignment sticks with stitched leather cover. Dubai Hills by Jumeirah bag tag

    Sergeant: Hang in there. We’ll find your clubs.

  2. Happy birthday, again, Abigail, from a Blue team member living in dark Blue California.

    Listened to Trump’s presser today and learned global warming is now good for us.
    It kills the virus.

  3. Open thread? OK, then! My question to @the dirtball earlier was actually a serious request for more information. Just what kind of damage does a blue laser do to enforcer surveillance drone cameras? Does it just block image capture or does it harm the CCD? (I hope so). Uh, “my friend’s laser” is a serious piece of gear, so serious that you need eye protection even if it’s turned off. (-:

  4. Huby takes his wife to a Dance club.
    There they see a guy on the dance floor break dancing,
    moon walking, doing back-flips and the whole works!

    The wife turns to Huby and says with a smile:
    “See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me
    and I turned him down”.

    The husband sez:
    “Looks like he’s still celebrating!”

  5. All Too Much — Thank you!!! This is one birthday I hope I never remember — I’m SICK SICK SICK of this virus stuff!

    That’s why I called Fur. I’m going to find a pickle ball club now.

  6. We need an Open Thread like an aorta blood clot.
    Who wants to wade neck-deep in a hundred bloated comments?
    What the hell do you think this blog is, the Conservative Treehouse?
    Yeah, I said it.

    Hey, Abigail… how about once-a-year (on New Year’s Eve)?

  7. Ok, Ann Thracts. Calm down. There is a whole string of other threads on the front page today.

    I made the suggestion because so much of the rest of our lives is being dictated to us right now. It doesn’t hurt to have a little free for all now and then. There’s almost never an Open Thread at IOTW.

  8. @BFH – funny you started this one. I was going to send this to you (the below), to SEND to AA. She said something about liking movies/series with period clothing? Shakespearean OR something like that.

    Will the Seven Years War do? Barry Lyndon, Stanley Kubrick, 1975 came to mind, it’s THREE hours long and not for everyone!

    But that said, per this thread, now Everyone can enjoy…

    Saw that movie when I was TEN years old!!

    (oh btw BFH, you ‘kill me’ with that comment…)

  9. Tell me what sense it makes for a family to go out for a walk, lined up like little ducklings keeping their required 6′ of distance and then all go home together and sit next to each other for dinner?

  10. I have been watching an interesting show called “A Crime to Remember.” I watched one today about some murders in Chicago in 1945-46 where the newspapers tried a guy on the front page.

    The guy had basically been tortured by the Chicago Police. They went so far as to give him sodium pentathol and he still did not confess, so the doctors and police declared that he was a Schizophrenic and his real persona did not know what his other persona had done. He was then told to confess or he would fry in the electric chair, so he confessed. Someone else had even confessed to one of the crimes and there was evidence to suggest that he had done it, but that was ignored.

    These shows are done somewhat as dramas, and each has a “narrator” who usually had some connection to the case. This episode’s narrator was a cub reporter who’s first big story was this series of murders. He was so disgusted by everything that he ended up quitting his newspaper job even though he was then considered hot stuff. His narration spoke words to the effect of “If the press is supposed to keeps an eye on everyone to make sure they do things right, then who keeps an eye on the press to make sure that they do things right?”

    I was surprised to hear that question in a TV show although I have been asking it for years.

  11. My 14 year old used car which I’ve owned for a year has an idiot light in the dash that tells me it needs an oil change…..How do it know?….Does it pull it’s own dip stick?….Well, it is 14 after all…..

  12. thanks ghost, I saw that title on YT and put it on my playlist. I’m getting low on all the Victorian bodice rippers (so boring after a while since they all have the same plot). I do admire how the Victorians insulted each other, though. So much more intense and effective than using swear words.

  13. I’ll take an aorta blood clot over continued ChiCom Flu discussion. In fact for one of the few times I couldn’t watch all of Intellectual Froglegs a couple days ago because all I saw was WuFlu talk. I can’t take any more.

  14. Jimmy, since you asked that question, I looked up some of the counties in WA today. They’re not keeping accurate stats, like not listing those who are recovered. Relatively few deaths per county and no underlying or age data given.

  15. Thanks, AA. I live in a county (Snohomish) that I would like to take to Eastern Washington, complete with Puget Sound, the coast and the Olympics. The “culture” really is different here.

  16. joe6 — I couldn’t listen to it because of all the clips of the media he stuck in there.

    The only thing I can think of that made me sicker of news was when we remodeled our kitchen and ate out of microwave for six months. Built a special location for the new microwave, but never installed one. Never wanted to eat anything out of a microwave again. I still can’t go down the frozen food aisle in a grocery store without clutching my stomach.

  17. Is it allowed to express my complete exhaustion?

    No march madness
    No restaurants.
    No bars
    No baseball.
    No PGA golf
    No golf for plebes.
    No tennis.
    No strolls on remote beaches.

    There will be NO enjoyment of any kind.

    Get back to your hovels.

    It’s the New Democrat Dark Ages.

    Everything that isn’t Forbidden is Mandatory.

    Has the world ever seen this before?

    I mean. In this country?

  18. I see so many around me who have had their world turned upside down. Out of work, scolded into their homes, some afraid to do anything.

    But for me and Mack (he posts here occasionally as that), not much has changed day to day. We’re interstate natural gas pipeline workers and nobody told us we could work from home. Because… that won’t work.

    We’re not really around other people doing what we do, so that didn’t change. Most of you never think about people like us. And we’re very happy about that. If you did notice us that usually means something went horribly wrong.

    I’m not bitching, I’m thankful. Mack’s retiring next summer with me a couple of years still to go. Both of us hope the people that replace us give half a damn about doing this job how it has to be done. If they don’t, you’re going to find out more about natural gas transmission than you wanted to know.

    God bless you all, hope to still talk with all of you after the bug is old news.

  19. Horses are cool.

    People wearing masks are usually dicks.

    Non essential businesses will bend over backwards to make a sale. (new drum brushes at 25. Top of the line bafroom faucet set for 62)

    I like social distancing and limited customers in the grocery store.

    1200 bucks bought a ton of crap I don’t need.

    Democrats are fucking stupid asshoes.

    Cops seem bored as hell.

  20. ghost — Yup, have that in the queue, too! Thanks!

    Watched “Mill on the Floss” written by George Eliot today. Jeese Louise, the Victorians and their tangled up love lives. So-so production. So much of that English era is like reading the last chapter of The Grapes of Wrath over and over and over again. I’m trying to light a backfire on my Coronavirus Depression.

  21. I’m in Douglas Co., MO. These people have been dead for decades.

    Far more cows than people… there may even be more ducks than people. That’s why I like it here.

  22. Our Father, who art in heaven…
    Hallowed be thy name.

    Please excuse me when I Blastpheme, take your name in
    Again and exclaim….

    Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!! For the love of God

    Fill in the blanks.

    I’ve got less than a week left of patience for the lefttards Intent on destroying the American people and their way of life.

    OK. Less than a minute.
    It’s over for left tards.
    Inclusion little napoleon Fauci. Scarf broad Birx.
    Go back to your lavish offices and LEAVE US ALONE.

  23. PHenry — I hear you loud and clear, friend. Loud and clear. This gov’t is standing on my very last nerve. And they’re pressing their heel down on it.

    I see at least two primary camps of ordinary people: One is unquestioning of anything and just comply with everything, and only too willing to rat out their neighbors; the second one responded reasonably to the threat, but have been paying attention to the contradictions and sketchy gov’t info. Reasonable people cannot be expected to put up with open-ended, unreasonable demands for much longer.

  24. I love the reduced traffic but the few cars on the road seem to be speeding! I drove by one that was caught today. Found a new place with a daily “senior grocery shopping” so got my alarm set and I think I’ll stick to a similar schedule whenever we get back to normal hopefully pretty soon! We have gardening and other things to do so it’s like normal almost and I love the quiet as we live near the schools that were grand central twice a day but no more. Maybe some of the kids and parents will decide to home school away from the leftist agenda and the bloated system will lose their ten grand per kid a few times–that will sure keep them on their toes!

    I almost never shop at Walmart but I heard they have arrows on the floor telling which way to walk but my men do not follow them!

  25. @AA
    I appreciate your understanding of my points and my iPhone‘a peculiar editing and my fat thumbs.

    Yeah. If Blackface thinks he can dictate another 6 weeks of shutdown he’s not into humanitarian public safety. He’s itching for a fight.
    That is all.

  26. @Jimmy — I checked my own county (Sarasota FL) web site for Chinese Plague stats and found a link that appears to be what you’re looking for. It’s the state dept of health GIS site and has numbers for every Florida county.

    The Sarasota County link has a long GUID-appearing string in it and I suspect that it’s some kind of tracking crap. Whether you follow up is of course up to you.

    First, go to

    Next, search that page for “visit the DOH dashboard here”

    Finally, that “here” is a link to the ARCGIS site. It’s got a long string at the end that I suspect is session-specific but don’t know for sure. If I’m right, then you should probably use the above method to get to the data rather than use this URL that showed up for me:

  27. Taking care of the usual outdoor business last weekend, my nearest neighbor lady slowly approached – asked if I was a ‘six footer’. I replied “Nope”. She gave me a big hug. It was wonderful.

  28. The quiet is actually getting on my nerves. A LOT. It reminds me of the week following 9/11 when the airplanes weren’t flying, except military fighters. This is really something coming from me, a person who prefers the quiet. One other thing that’s weirding me out: all the walkers. They troop past our house wearing their masks and walking 6′ apart. Families, keeping their distance — and then they go home together and all sit on the same sofa to watch tee vee. Then there are the freakin’ “I’m so totally paranoid” crowd who look like they’re afraid the elastic in their own freakin’ underwear! Covered head to toe, masks, goggles, gloves, hats, hoodies, long sleeves, long pants. Looks to me like they only come out of their homes to show everyone what good little compliance bots they are!

    Funny story: Celebrated a little outing the other night and decided to drive through KFC (no comment) for some chicken (I said no comment, SNS). Nice evening, had the windows rolled down, no mask. Got up to the window and the masked and gloved clerk thrust her hand out the drive through window with my order dangling from it, closed the window on her arm so that all I could see was her arm, and shouted “Here’s your order, have a nice day!” She was so afraid of my unmasked face she was giving me free food! So slow on the uptake and unused to driving away without paying, I waited a full 20 seconds for her to come back to the window so I could explain that I hadn’t paid for the food yet. She wasn’t terribly excited to take my ungloved credit card. I should have driven away.

  29. There’s a lot of strange alliances and some very dynamic shit going on right now. I don’t think they’re done yet. However I look forward with giddy excitement when the individual states GDP start coming out in 6 weeks.

  30. @AA – Last movie link, but it is relative to how we all feel according to what I have been reading above, it’s not a period clothing movie and certainly not feel good.

    Papillion, 1973 – last scene for those that have not seen it…(spoiler alert). GREAT movie.

    Pay attention to what ‘the escaped prisoner’ says in the end there.

    Steve McQueen was the best actor. Yep I said it. Okay, at least in the top five post 1965.

  31. @OutdoorJohn-Love it! I ain’t no “six-footer” neither. My town is very busy. Most people are out doing stuff. I’m getting my garden prepped, canning meat, making jam out of last year’s blueberries, etc. I did watch that documentary “Out of Shadows” about HollyWeird. Anyone else?

  32. Schools closed down because chineevirus.
    Locals decide kids need to eat breakfast so they open up the cafeteria, AT SCHOOL and
    tell the kids to come get breakfast.

    1. I thought everybody had to stay home and away from each other because KILLER VIRUS!111!
    2. Why collect all the kids at school, in one place, to be exposed to the KILLER VIRUS!11!
    3. Aren’t the kids’ parents at home to cook their kids’ breakfasts?!

    My bank keeps emailing me covid19 ‘advice’ and telling me ‘they’re here for me’.
    Well stuff your advice. And I have some advice for you, dear bank.
    You’re not really ‘there’ for me if you people are closed and not answering your phones and your online help is no where to be found!

    Kiss my entire ass!

  33. Oh, I had to throw away my Sketchers today. They kept staining the bottom of my feet black. Very weird.
    They were less than 3 years old and they wore out quickly. So Sketchers can kiss my entire ass, also.

  34. Ghost and AA – For the McQueen fans and ‘war’ movie genre fans.

    The Great Escape – an attempt at freedom.

    And the return ‘home’, who does not remember the baseball hitting the wall and floor at the end, the epitome of America in cinema?

    Now that is a long worth watching movie.

    Also based on what is going on now and what everyone said above, another long lost classic of derangement syndrome.

    The Bridge Over the River Kwai.

  35. ghost, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks! I think I actually saw that film at the theater when it came out. I have to admit, I’ve never been a McQueen fan. Thanks for all your suggestions!

    I was pretty disappointed that the British series “The Mill” apparently ended after only two seasons. It left everything up in the air — even though, as an historical series, we all know how it turned out. Actually, very good acting and costuming. It’s on YT, “The Mill” — 2 seasons, about 12, 50 min episodes.

    The other near-daily stop I make is the family on YT —

    The Holderness Mess

  36. @MJA–Yeah, my bank closed the Drive-Thru lane except for 4-5pm each day just BEFORE the big freak-Out in Mid-March.I told the teller inside that it was a shame to do that. Now the drive-thru is open and the lobby is closed! YAY! Top-down regulation! So much fun! Does anyone else notice that even the cars at the coffee places and stop lights are all spacing themselves out? Too funny!

  37. Sketchers are trash. Long gone are the days of boots (I know Skee-chers aren’t boots) lasting 30 years with one re-sole. I had a set of Carolinas, actually I still have them, that are from 1996. Linesman boots. And I wore them all the time in the telco and used them as loggers for the rest of the time — and any time I needed steel toes. And they never needed new soles.

    Why are we talking about shoes? Oh, yeah, some cobblers used to make good shoes. Lifetime shoes.

  38. I’ve been working! Three projects. Two I thought went away but they came back this week. Thank goodness.

    I’ve watched my silly reality TV shows, Hotel Inspector on YouTube and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, Making the Team. We make our own tortillas and pizza dough now. Bread is next. I’ve made cookies. I can still fit into my jeans for now.

    We are a bit rural. 10 minutes from any town. A neighborhood with no sidewalks. We have walkers but they don’t walk in a row except to get out of the way of traffic. Our neighbors have repainted their house and are rebuilding their deck. A bevy of activity over there. I’m surprised no one has ratted them out but I hope that means the people who live here aren’t “six footers“ either.

    My lefty local FBers are wearing Hazmat suits and happily working from home. Their high tech reality is not really reality. They’ll get the Gates vaccine. He’s their guy.

  39. I think the treads of Carolinas were made of Russian tires, or some shit. You can’t fuck them up. And the uppers were made of some kind of nuclear cow with 1/4 inch hide.

  40. MJA — Oh yeah, Fur reminded me of that on our phone call! So, which is it, right? Either ALL people doing “unessential” activities are required to follow the rulz or NONE of us are. Pretty binary.

    How about the police ordered to scatter nails in a church parking lot, arresting pastors and church goers but no mention whatsoever of muslims meeting at their mosques? This is happening everywhere in the world.

  41. First off, MJA, what the hell is your shoe size? Sketchers? SKETCHERS!?!?! I’ll mail you a pair of chucks in whatever color you like.

    Second, Justin makes great steel toe rough out boots. Just dye em black and polish them up. BAM!!! Wehrmacht winners on each foot.

    But yeah……. people do seem to be painting houses where I live….. I’m assuming out of boredom.

  42. Anonymous Erik – Carolinas boots are the best I’ve ever owned. I’ve got a 12 year-old pair that I’ve worn to death – but they’re still like new. I grease them twice a year with Hubberd’s boot grease. The only thing that stands up to them are my 1967 pair of Danner glacier climbing boots made in Denmark. Made in America leather products – city dwellers aren’t even aware of them.

  43. I with you, Jimmy. Carolinas are of the highest water. At least they were. I had some Carolina Engineers that pissed me of when the soles were worn out at 10 years. But they didn’t have the same soles as climbers. Or loggers.

    They were still pretty excellent for 10 years.

  44. ‘The War, The Whores and the AfriKa Korps’ today’s readingduring the year of the plague.

    Reading the way through the entire war in North Africa. Who could resist this title? It’s a break from the 12,00 pages of Alan Morehead’s ‘The Desert War’.
    An enjoyable read from a disappearing breed. The flies, the latrines…what more do you want? Oh yeah the Egyptian whores in Cairo.

    On the outbreak of World War II Jack Barber, aged twenty joined the Australian Infantry Forces (AIF). He was sent to North Africa and spent the best part of 1941 in the besieged city of Tobruk.

    The War, the Whores and the Afrika corps is an atmospheric account of that turbulent time, told from a footslogger’s perspective. Jack Barber covers the range of his experience from the brothels of Egypt to the privations and the horrors of life under siege, with Rommel’s troops and Luftwaffe never far away. Graphic accounts of life under fire and the camaraderie amongst men from many walks of life, including a safe-blower and a trumpeter who used to serenade the enemy from his position in the salient!As Barber notes, Tobruk was a great place for making friends, but a hell of a place for losing them.

  45. I went to the small grocery store yesterday to grab stuff to make venison chili. The blood donor bus was in the parking lot so I went in and donated blood. I hope I helped someone.

  46. Jimmy I have a pair of Danners that are at least 45 years old and have been resoled 4 or 5 times, hiking and hunting boots good for about 5 degrees with good wool socks, still water proof unless I get over the top.
    Paid 135.00 for them.
    I still think they are the best boots ever made, all the loggers wore them. Have to look up Carolina’s

  47. I still have both my GI-issue black high tops and my steel-toed (lower) boots. Both are incredibly comfortable, but it took some time for them to break in. I think they’re up in the attic.

  48. I also went up the country to retrieve my deer feeder from the woods, yesterday. On the way back, I visited a friend who runs a gun store in a tiny little papermill town. Amazingly, he sells more very high dollar guns than almost any gun store in America. I’m talking African big bore doubles and the like that cost tens of thousands apiece. He was completely out of most calibers of ammo, especially 9mm. He knows what I’ve got and asked me if I’d sell some of my stockpile to him, cash on the barrel head. I politely declined. I’m staying prepared.

  49. Geoff C. The Saltine – you made me go get my Danner’s out of the closet. Hadn’t worn them for about four years (favorite for tree cutting and brushing on steep banks). They’re 53 years old and they’re still soft and supple – but I shall grease them tomorrow for gp.

    Take care of your boots and they’ll take care of you. Same with all tools – and people! (Not that I need taking care of… yet.)

  50. AA, Ghost: Period dramas are my fave films… A Room With A View, The Bostonians, anything by Merchant & Ivory.

    Haven’t watched any movies lately though; been working. WTF is a nonessential job anyway? That is a bureaucratic oxymoron. You got a boss or a client willing to pay you, your job is essential to them.

  51. AA
    APRIL 23, 2020 AT 10:10 PM

    “Funny story: Celebrated a little outing the other night and decided to drive through KFC (no comment) for some chicken (I said no comment, SNS). ”

    …she said no comment specifically to me.

    I’m sad.

    If I can’t comment, how am I going to tell her about the KFC buffet in Dandridge Tennessee where they had heroin addicts who…no, no comment, even though she probably SHOULD know about the gravy…nah, she said “NO”, plus the NDA kind of says it in writing, too…
    And also, that time we had this OD patient who horked in his kid’s laptop-themed box back in the day, and we were trying to figure out what pleasures he was mixing for the hospital, so we took this soggy, crumbling, puke-filled carboard box with us and scrabbled through vomitus mixed with uneaten mashed potatoes and chicken bones for pill fragments while this guy was on his side on the cot with a nice litle yellowish bile trail drooling down onto the relatively cleen, hospital-white sheeted cot through the sort of goofy grin a person only gets when they’re off mentally visiting tangerine trees and marmalade skies, but the SMELL he was giving US was…

    …nope, nope, she said “No Comment”, so I’m just gonna…

  52. I worked in chemical plants for thirty-five years. High quality, steel toed work boots are vital. Once you get them broken in, they can made the difference between going home in a good mood or miserable. My ex always wondered why those boots cost so much until one day she stepped into mine and she marveled at the comfort. She never mentioned the cost issue again.

  53. Hambone
    APRIL 24, 2020 AT 12:40 AM
    “I worked in chemical plants for thirty-five years. High quality, steel toed work boots are vital.”

    ..I’ve worn steel toes every day since I was 16 and I hate to be without them because I’m so used to kicking things with impunity, but I know a guy who had a forklift drop a load of steel on his cheap ones that actually collapsed and cut his toes off, but they dug them out of the toe box at the hospital and reattached them so he was able to walk, but never got feeling in them and refuses to ever wear steel toes again.

    I actually had a forklift driver drive up on top of one of MY steel toes, and the guy panicked and stopped with it on top of my foot so I had to pull my foot out before he panicked more and did something stupid that we’d both regret. My foot was fine, and once he pulled off it, I could put my shoe back on, too, no harm no foul.

    Until our Saftey Nazi suspended both of us, him for being careless, me for being too close.

    My wife also drove the F-150 up on it when I was holding the gate one time, but again, it was fine, or would be if I could be 100% sure it wasn’t intentional…

    …anyway, steel toes good. Smashed toes bad.

  54. Steve Brown
    APRIL 23, 2020 AT 9:31 PM
    “any survivor fans here? ”

    …yeah, I liked “Eye of the Tiger” just fine but the follow up…ohhh, you mean the TV show, sorry, don’t watch TV, too many gay couple commercials now for my tastes plus they always put SOME lefty message in EVERYTHING, but sorry about your nephew, tho, here’s some inspirational music for him…

  55. Finally an free for all thread and I have no idea what I want to say. :b

    Hm. Well. I’ve been working on a miniature project- air spraying some of the finer pieces… playing animal crossing like an addict.

    And I’m finally catching up on my laundry which is nice.

  56. AA: on my first job after coming to the Great White North I worked outside. One day three fighter jets went screaming overhead. My first thought was “Oh F**k, what happened now?”

    That was my introduction to the Abbottsford Air Show. the RCAF Air Acrobatics Team was practising.

  57. Johnny Cash and Tom Petty, I Won’t Back Down:

    “Well I won’t back down
    No I won’t back down
    You can stand me up at the gates of hell
    But I won’t back down
    No I’ll stand my ground, won’t be turned around
    And I’ll keep this world from draggin me down
    Gonna stand my ground
    … and I won’t back down
    Hey baby, there ain’t no easy way out
    Hey I will stand my ground
    And I won’t back down
    Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
    In a world that keeps on pushin me around
    But I’ll stand my ground
    …and I won’t back down
    Hey baby, there ain’t no easy way out
    Hey I will stand my ground
    And I won’t back down
    No I won’t back down…”

    Should be the iOTW motto, an anthem. I won’t back EFFING down.

    We ride like Revere and team did, a patriot, a crier, not a cryer.

    Someone, god bless them, put those lanterns in that church tower.


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