Opera House Singer Has No Home – IOTW Report

Opera House Singer Has No Home

The homeless opera singer went viral.

17 Comments on Opera House Singer Has No Home

  1. Years ago, I dated a young (skinny) woman that sang soprano and was destined to be a street person.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Remember the Bum with the “Golden Radio Voice” ? First Weekend with

    some Money and He holed up in a Motel with Crack and a Prostitute.

    That being said, I wish this Lady the best.

  3. Wishing her well and yes, she’s talented, but there’s a reason she’s homeless. Suspect she’s got mental issues that won’t be abated by lots of attention and the pressure of giving scheduled performances, if taken off the streets. Her mental health may need attention first, for the best outcome.


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