Opinions are all over the place on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos – IOTW Report

Opinions are all over the place on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos

Michelle Malkin thinks DeVos is a rotten pick for Education Secretary because she “supports common core.”

DeVos vehemently denies the charge.

Many of you are asking about Common Core. To clarify, I am not a supporter—period. Read my full stance, here: http://betsydevos.com/qa/

The left absolutely hates the pick.

Trump names extremist “school choice” activist Betsy DeVos as Ed Secretary.

The fact that Betsy DeVos is against Teacher’s Unions is more than enough reason that she SHOULDN’T be education secretary.

DeVos says she’s against common core and the left hates her. That makes for a seemingly good pick.

But is it?

Michelle Malkin still says no. 

20 Comments on Opinions are all over the place on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos

  1. Hopefully he’s just testing the waters again for public opinion as we’ve seen him do in prior releases (IMO). Hope he isn’t serious about this f’ing common core nit. I’m not satisfied with the “better than what we had.”

    Besides, WTF is the Federal Government doing telling the states what to do when it’s the states’ school systems anyways!?! Go the F away! Once again it’s a carrot filled with dollars being dangled in front of them in order for the feds to have their influence.

    Trump is on trial with these nominees. We’ll see what his real mettle is as to who he really wants and directly pursues.

  2. it’s been a whole 2 wks since trump was elected

    is it possible that we let the big picture play out before we crucify our pick for the next 4 to 8 yrs

    any of these choices can be replaced if they prove disloyal or don’t toe the line

  3. dunno what I don’t like about DeVos … visceral, I guess; multi-millionaire donor class doesn’t exactly say “My Administration’s different”

    are you listening Mr. Trump? … aka, Mitt Romney, Sec of State?

    … thought Rhee would have been the better pick; she was doing a great job in DC … until the Teachers Union had her kicked out. dunno about her support for Commie Core, but she was a strong advocate for Charter Schools … the exact opposite of Commie Core

  4. Some of the stuff being bandied about, attributed to Trump are troubling, if true.

    However, I am so distrustful of the MSM who would report, “Trump heads the KKK”, if they were reporting that one of his hotels used exclusively white sheets.

    If Trump chooses Megan Kelley or Rosie O’Donnel for any White House position, THEN I’ll be thinking that he is just another lying, two-faced, politician out for himself.

  5. As public schools, charters public schools were as harmed by Common Core as typical assignment public schools. Public schools are a dog on a leash. Charter public schools are a fig on a longer leash.

  6. As long as he keeps the miserable crunt on a very short and tight leash I’m ok with it, however if she strays off the res then I’m off the Trump train. More than 3/4’s of the shit we are having to put up with right now is because of the problems with schools and academia…

  7. Thanks Jerry, as always CTH is ahead of the curve. The DoE is the same as the Dept of Agriculture: a giant slush fund to, as one constitutional scholar says, “reward our friends and punish our enemies”.

  8. Break the backs of the AFT and the NEA and turn “education” over to local communities. Get rid of all the parasitic “hangers-on” infesting the offices of the schools (counselors, specialists, &c.) who bloat the budgets and get rid of shitty teachers (and yes, there are shitty teachers).

    Yeah, I know … “To Dream the Impossible Dream”

    izlamo delenda est …

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