Opposites Attract?? – IOTW Report

Opposites Attract??

This was on Twitter.

This is a question for conservative women. Would you ever become a romantically involved with a Democrat man?

I guess we should ask the men the same. Would you ever become a romantically involved with a Democrat woman?

36 Comments on Opposites Attract??

  1. I did. I married her. To be fair, we both voted for carter.

    By 1980 I was clear I was not a Democrat.

    It took until 2016 for her to see the light. She got a full-hose dose of woke liberalism while working for a community college.

    Bottom line: Democrat girls, on average, are easier to get into bed. Voting “anything goes” translates to their sexual behavior too.

    So, of course, many a young man ends up dating these available women. They’re more influenced by their little head when they do, though.

    I think political turn-offs come later in life when you know you’re wasting your time with someone like that. Plus, you don’t want to catch anything. (shiver)

  2. Until slick willy came around I never paid much attention to politics. Then I realized what a snake he was and noticed more and more democrats are all snakes. Many republicans are too, they just grift off the conservative base.
    I can’t even stand being in the same room with a vocal libtard now. I despise them all for being so stupid and so strong willed about it.

  3. Mr. Kakalogical opens the car door for me, every single time.
    He stands when a woman enters or leaves a room.
    He takes his hat off when he goes inside.
    I’d never experience any of these wonderful gestures with a soy boy, beta male.
    Mr. Kakalogical loves God, his country, me and my crazy family, and President Trump.
    He is conservative, and he is all mine, ladies.
    I wouldn’t have it any other way!

  4. Sure, why not. It just takes a lil’ patience.

    Also, a degree in philosophy and logic helps.

    You get them on your side by making their argument for them. Use their premises and logically follow them through. First day of deprogramming is tough. You’ll be lucky to get make up sex. After that though, it’s all downhill. No skirt wants to be perceived as stupid.

  5. Who was that husband-wife political commentator team? He was a flaming libtard and she was just as outspoken conservative. Apparently they seemed to make it work for them. That’s the only example I can think of that works. Everyone else in ordinary life……not-so-much.

  6. I hate to stereotype ( that’s a lie, I love to stereotype), but just about every Liberal/Lefty woman I have known has been as ugly on the outside as they were on the inside so that’s a big NO for me.

    Besides, Mrs Galt, while she wouldn’t kill me, would make my life so miserable that I would wish she had.

  7. No for me. Even the two relationships I had in my late 20s were with conservative men. Fortunately neither of them worked out because they weren’t Christian. A must for me now.

  8. As for political opposite couples in the limelight, what’s the deal with Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George?

    He’s completely despicable, a liar, and a Democrat. But I repeat myself.

    The fact he is her husband makes me doubt her loyalty and true intentions. How can you go home to an enemy of your politics every day?

    At some point you have to question the integrity of someone who stays in a relationship with a loser like him. You can only rise so far with an anchor attached to you.

  9. No. Itโ€™s a deal breaker. Jesus followers only. Equally important, I will never have a romance with someone that has bastardized their DNA. Pure heart with pure blood. โค๏ธ ๐Ÿฉธ


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