Oppressed! De Blasio boasts his son is active in Yale protests – IOTW Report

Oppressed! De Blasio boasts his son is active in Yale protests

RedAlertPolitics: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is gloating that his son is earning his social justice warrior credentials by protesting charges of racism at Yale University.

de blasios

Politico New York reported that the mayor disclosed on Monday that Dante was involved in several anti-racism protests on campus.

“He has certainly been involved on the discussion on the campus. He’s active in the black student union, and he’s been to some of the protests,” de Blasio said.  read more



17 Comments on Oppressed! De Blasio boasts his son is active in Yale protests

  1. Oh for crying out loud!

    I see De Blozo has appropriated his son’s black culture by wearing a typical African motif print shirt. The mayor should suffer constant shaming on social media for that.

  2. There is no hope for any blacks in this country if the half white son of the mayor of the biggest city in the US and his black formerly lesbian wife is oppressed at one of the top US Ivy League schools.

    I suggest that blacks just give up and move to a black majority country. It is obvious that political power, special laws, special treatment and $50 trillion in spending won’t change the way they alone out of all ethnic/racial groups are oppressed.

  3. Well the racist policy of affirmative action is alive and well at Yale. So i hope he is protesting a policy that allows dim wits like him to attend in the place of a qualified Asian or white student

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