Oral Sex Causing Spread of Untreatable Gonorrhea – IOTW Report

Oral Sex Causing Spread of Untreatable Gonorrhea

Those giving oral sex to persons infected with gonorrhea are creating a bacterial DNA exchange in the back of their throats allowing the contagious disease to swap out genetic code with those bugs that have immunity to antibiotics, thus creating and spreading a new drug resistant clap.


17 Comments on Oral Sex Causing Spread of Untreatable Gonorrhea

  1. So all that “free” love & sex has a price.

    Thank God (literally thank God) for his code of chastity and fidelity in and and outside of marriage between a man and woman. First it was meant to protect from this and second it set the standard for marriage and family.

  2. @Zonga – That’s a real eye-opener, that graph. I was looking at the legend to understand the graph lines and thought to myself, “Wait a minute. The legend has three solid lines defined but I only see two in the graph.”

    Then I looked up.

    There’s nothing wrong with putting the legend in the graph itself, but it is usually done so your eyes move in the same direction between that legend and all the data lines/points. The gray line is different here. I wonder if that was done purposefully to drive a point home.

  3. If people would abstain until marriage…. this would be a LOT less of an epidemic. Just sayin’. Maybe us ‘prudish’ Christians have it right after all, eh? :b


    A LOT of disease is spread by BI-SEXUAL men who have sex with women.

    In fact, ALL of the AIDS / HIV reports from which ever state you want to look up, are dominated by:
    #1 Gay men
    #2 Bi-sexual men
    #3 Gay men who share needles

    Read the book: Myth of Heterosexual AIDS

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