Oregon AG’s Lawsuit To Restrain Feds From Arresting Rioters Is Tossed On Standing – IOTW Report

Oregon AG’s Lawsuit To Restrain Feds From Arresting Rioters Is Tossed On Standing


A federal judge on Friday denied the Oregon attorney general’s request for a temporary restraining order against certain actions by federal authorities in Portland, saying the state lacked the legal standing to seek that relief.

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum filed a lawsuit on July 17 against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Federal Protection Service and their agents. In it, she alleged that federal officers in the city of Portland have acted unlawfully by seizing and detaining Oregonians without probable cause, and she sought a restraining order that would temporarily stop them from using such tactics.

“We are today asking the federal court to stop the federal police from secretly stopping and forcibly grabbing Oregonians off our streets,” Rosenblum wrote in a statement.

The lawsuit specifically asked the judge to require federal officers to identify themselves and their agency before detaining any protesters, explain the basis for making any detentions or arrests and not arrest individuals without a warrant or probable cause.

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman denied that request. More

13 Comments on Oregon AG’s Lawsuit To Restrain Feds From Arresting Rioters Is Tossed On Standing

  1. Hey ELLEN, Using the logic of your lawsuit, does everyone going to your house to burn it down and kill you and your family have to be wearing the proper attire?

  2. It’s a district court decision. You can bet Rosenblum will appeal to the 9th circuit, and maybe get an injunction from them in the meantime. These people never stop.

  3. I’ve read that the rioters have made it impossible to identify and put a face to their leaders. I say that is a lie. Every elected democrat in office is the face of this communist insurrection.

    If we are ever going to know peace and domestic tranquillity again in America they all need to be hung.

  4. This Bush appointed Judge made the correct decision in this case but also approved the FISA warrant against Carter Page. I wonder whether the the City DA making the motion would have made the difference as he/she would clearly have had standing. I think anyway.


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