Oregon Becomes First State Requiring Vaccination Police to Check Vaccination Identification Before Entering any Business or Workplace Without Mask – IOTW Report

Oregon Becomes First State Requiring Vaccination Police to Check Vaccination Identification Before Entering any Business or Workplace Without Mask



“Papers, Comrade!”

Some said it wasn’t legal, others said private companies and businesses would not do it, well, regardless of legality – Oregon is doing it:

OREGON – Oregon has lifted its mask mandate for people who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, but is requiring businesses, workplaces and houses of worship to verify the vaccination status of individuals before they enter buildings without a mask.

This statewide mandate, one of the first of its kind in the country, raised concerns that the procedure of verifying vaccinations could be too cumbersome for workers. more

33 Comments on Oregon Becomes First State Requiring Vaccination Police to Check Vaccination Identification Before Entering any Business or Workplace Without Mask

  1. …I’m the minimum wage dude at the door. An angry maskless guy comes in and, best case, flips me a paper with doctor looking squiggles on it saying he’s been jabbed. I’ve got a dozen people at the portal including the impatient angry dude and I don’t have time to phone the whatever on the dubious looking paper to verify.

    Fuck the mask rule.

    Come on in.

    You aren’t paying me enough to do more…

  2. …and the documents WILL be extremely questionable looking, even the legit ones. I can tell you from past experience with medico-legal documents in development (I had to deal with DNRs in the field in the VERY early days of the concept, for example) that these documents are in no way uniform at this point, are written on everything from bonded stationary to restaurant napkins, can be a 3×5 card or a multi-page 11×14 treatse, will have illegible docotor names, unreachable contact numbers, unknown law firm initials, and theoretically medical establishment letterheads on them from places you never heard of that may not even be in business any more.

    And you’re going to ask the greeter at Wal-Mart, who’s had no training in reading medical documents, no hand-to-hand combat training, no way to contact the police (who are probably on the other side of an Antifa barracade anyway), and maybe…MAYBE…a lipstick-sized Mace canister that may or may not have been used before, you’ll find out when you push the button, and to do that with gobs of angry customers backing up at the door and with the POCs doing as Democrats trained them and refusing to present any docuents at all, and do it all for (at best) $15.00/hr in the Portlandia economy?

    Good luck with that.

    …prepare for massive Worker’s Comp claims and lawsuits by both employees and customers.

    Because this is how you GET massive Worker’s Comp claims and lawsuits by customers.

    …assuming they don’t arbitrarily decide that your business is checking the papers too closely on Black people and so they just burn it down instead, that is…

  3. How about I put my mask on as I walk past the reluctant mask Nazi, then once inside take my mask off. Problem solve.
    This whole thing was created to steal an election, or elections. In the process destroying thousands and thousands of business and people’s lives. Meanwhile government workers and favored corporations are unaffected and have even made extreme profits and bonuses.
    I despise these people and I’m not real happy about the government indoctorated righteous mask wearers.

  4. AnonTrooper MAY 21, 2021 AT 9:42 AM
    “Violates HIPAA and possibly ADA depending on the situation.”

    …irrelevant. The law is whatever Democrats SAY it is at any given time, and applied very unevenly with respect to whether you’re a protected class or not.

    …besides, the Government can fight you forever as they have TEAMS of lawyers for that specific purpose paid for, in part, by YOUR tax money, while YOU have to pay YOUR lawyer for every phone call, let alone all the court appearances that will simply be continued to make you run out of money before it even gets heard but forces you to pay your lawyer to show up nonetheless if you don’t want an immediate judgment against you.

    They WILL spend you into the ground, there IS no right or wrong, just who can afford to pay the lawyers longer.

    …ask General Flynn how THAT works…

  5. I went to Trader Joe’s yesterday, Boulder CO. Walked right in without a mask and nobody cared or gave me any particular notice. Not sure that I saw anyone else without a mask though.
    Then I went for a hike, saw lots of little kids in the neighborhood skateboarding and playing around – with masks on. Ugh.
    I hate that we still talk about it.

  6. I’m still amazed at the number of imbeciles either in a car by themselves or walking around outside wearing a mask… even now when it’s 90 degrees outside!!
    Biden Voters!

  7. …my boss is about to lift the mask mandate, but ONLY for vaccinated employees.

    But they said they can’t check, so it’s the honor system.

    I’ve had a TDAP vaccine in the last few years, so I’m vaccinated, right?

    …that’s about all the honor this thoroughly dishonorable Democrat medical fraud deserves…

  8. The Oregon governor is racist. According to Democrats everywhere, minorities are unable to obtain basic identification for anything; how are they ever going to obtain vaccination papers?

  9. So then if this is permitted / required, then it would also be permissible to require proof of a negative test for any other communicable disease? Say, like AIDS/HIV?

  10. I just make a point now to leave in TX is someone requires a mask. Their loss of my business and I’m not going to play this game of acting like I’m losing out on being forced to wear a mask to buy a product.

  11. Will the spineless judiciary do anything when lawsuits point out this is unconstitutional?

    General Mills had said vaxxed people can go without masks starting Mon then realized they have no way to tell so now it’s everyone can go without masks. Except kids in school.
    Talk about teacher union power.

  12. Shit, you think it’s just the Left Coast? NY, CT, MA, NJ are all contenders and the Gov in Pa is doing his worst to stay in the race.

    NM and RI are definitely second tier cases as well.

  13. My opinion is that people are pussies. I went to several states that had mask mandates and not once did I put on a mask. Yep, I got some dirty looks, got some looks of terror and had a few refuse service and told them that was fine I’d take my business elsewhere.
    Everywhere I went and if I had someone ask how I was getting away with it, I’d tell them I’m from Oklahoma we don’t wear masks and I get away with it because it’s not law and I refuse to obey commies.

    My goodness people grow a set, I’m an old lady and never bowed down and will not bow down. There’s not going to be anyone firing a shot when people don’t even have enough courage to not wear a mask.

  14. I drove the better half into Houston, today. We went to a Walmart grocery store, the Russian General Store so she could stock up on genuine Ruskie food items and Collectors Firearms just to look around. I never had on a mask and no one said anything.

  15. I went to Trader Joe’s in CA maskless! I was ready for anyone who questioned me. “Mask off man” holding right hand out in front of me. Happy to say shopping trip successfully, peaceful.

  16. My Petey B and I have a trip planned to Portland next month. This is going to be fun! Why you ask all you hater potaters? Because instead of flashing the young male minimum wage workers at the door my vaccination card, I’m going to be…any guesses? Anyone? You got it! I’ll be flashing them my unbleached elastic starfish!

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