Who says TV can’t be educational? Attempted kidnap victim learned something… – IOTW Report

Who says TV can’t be educational? Attempted kidnap victim learned something…


As Alyssa Bonal fought the strange man who had just grabbed her by the throat, threatened her with a knife and dragged her toward his van, she had the presence of mind to get as much of the blue slime she had been playing with on him as possible, so police could identify him.

The 11-year-old Pensacola girl said she learned the importance of evidence from her favorite TV show, the long-running detective series “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” Alyssa had been attacked Tuesday as she awaited her school bus, her near-abduction captured by a neighbor’s home security camera.

They got him.

13 Comments on Who says TV can’t be educational? Attempted kidnap victim learned something…

  1. Seriously that little one showed so much savy and courage.

    Total situational awareness and presence of mind. Her fight and flight instincts kicked in simultaneously and when one didn’t work she shifted on the fly to another. Amazing.

    I hope she becomes a Soldier or a LEO. You can train that kind id reaction but she was obviously born with it.

  2. SVU is ham handed schlock. My birthing unit loves it so I get to watch it more than I want to. White people are somehow immensely attractive to the browns. With the critical race theory taking hold we and the Jews will be standing together with our backs in the proverbial corner. Fortunately we’ll be able to use our smarts and physical ability to hold the browns off in the long run. Now if we just quit supporting them with our work.

  3. Did you catch the one line in the story where it said the guy’s kid is not actually in school but online learning?
    That nut has a kid.
    I wouldn’t let a kid watch SVU but at least she picked up on leaving evidence.
    Good for her.

  4. Pink Swastika, yeah, tell me about it. My son (now 18), has always been very protective of me. He knows I’m a fan of the original L &O, and when SVU came into a conversation one day (maybe about five years ago), he declared, “I don’t want you watching that.” He hadn’t ever watched it, but knew what it was about, and instinctively (it seems) understood what you said, that it would be hard to watch. He needn’t have worried, I had no inclination to watch it.


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