Oregon county dropping charges against people accused of various crimes, including hit-and-run incidents and assaults – IOTW Report

Oregon county dropping charges against people accused of various crimes, including hit-and-run incidents and assaults

Blaze: Hundreds of suspected wife-beaters, burglars, drunk drivers, and berserkers of various intensity will not face justice in Oregon’s most populous county, according to leftist Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt. For lack of public defenders, dangerous personalities are being set free under the justified impression that Portland, the slogan of which is “the City that Works,” is a legally dysfunctional city in a legally dysfunctional county.

Schmidt announced on Monday that in “February of this year, a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge dismissed the first of what is now nearing 300 cases due to a lack of defense counsel over my objection on the basis of victims’ rights.”

The ardent BLM supporter indicated that every week since, judges have dismissed case hearings, meaning accused criminals are being cut loose.

Citing “a lack of public defenders to provide counsel to defendants,” Schmidt indicated that the “courts are put in the position of releasing defendants without prosecutors having so much as an opportunity to request bail or release conditions. And it’s not getting any better.” more

11 Comments on Oregon county dropping charges against people accused of various crimes, including hit-and-run incidents and assaults

  1. By Oct. 5, 2020, Schmidt’s office had dropped charges in nearly 90% of the riot-related cases, reported KOIN. Multnomah County has reportedly been facing the fallout of that soft-on-crime approach ever since. It doesn’t help that Schmidt hasn’t changed his ways.

    Now that Schmidt’s pro-criminal policies have caused problems so widespread withing the court system, he’s pointing the blame finger at judges. He has changed his song, but his dance is the same Soros Two-Step.

  2. After I had moved to Portland from Spokane in the fall of 1971 and I still had Wash. license plates on my 55 Chevy station wagon I was stopped by an Oregon state trooper and was told that since I had moved to Portland and was living there that I needed to get an Oregon driver’s license and Oregon license plates and he gave me a ticket for which I had to go to court and appear before a judge and prove that I was no longer a resident of Wash. state since I lived in Oregon now. I did all that and became legal to drive in Oregon, but I think it was all bs since I was only in Portland temporarily for one year before joining the Navy a year later. California never required me to change my home address in Spokane when I was in the Navy for 3 years, even when I got a ticket for polluting the air in my 55 Ford F 100 P/U truck in the Spring of 1975 before going overseas a second time. And since I forgot about that ticket before going overseas when I was ready to be discharged from the Navy, they had a hold on my discharge for that unpaid ticket which cost me $75 or I could go to jail, I paid the damn ticket and flew home and swore that I’d never go back to San Diego again. 21 years later I was back in San Diego rescuing with Operation Rescue rescuing at an abortion clinic during the Republican Natl. Convention in Aug. 1996. We almost got arrested inside the basement of a clinic in La Mesa, but they let us go after they had taken our pictures, I did get another ticket years later in 2005 for that but God miraculously paid for that which was a blessing.


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