Oregon court rules Christian bakery must pay $135G to lesbian couple – IOTW Report

Oregon court rules Christian bakery must pay $135G to lesbian couple

Fox- The Oregon Court of Appeals upheld a decision that forced two Christian bakers to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple who said they felt “mentally raped” when the bakers declined to make a wedding cake.

“Freedom of expression for ourselves should require freedom of expression for others,” First Liberty Institute president Kelly Shackelford said.

First Liberty, one of the nation’s most prominent religious liberty law firms, represented the Kleins.

“The Oregon Court of Appeals decided that Aaron and Melissa Klein are not entitled to the Constitution’s promise of religious liberty and free speech,” Shackelford said.

The Kleins, who owned Sweet Cakes By Melissa, made national headlines in 2013 when they declined to make a wedding cake for Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer.

The Kleins were subjected to a homofascist mob that boycotted their business, threatened other wedding vendors and subjected their young children to death threats.

The lesbian couple filed a complaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries – leading to a drawn-out court battle and tens of thousands of dollars in fines.


32 Comments on Oregon court rules Christian bakery must pay $135G to lesbian couple

  1. “Freedom of speech for me means oppression, slander, and denial of the pursuit of happiness for you.” Isn’t that how the document reads…

    Thought police state thinking and actions upheld.

  2. Based on this court ruling, anyone that hurts a mentally deranged leftist’s feelings can now be fined into financial ruin regardless of how true the statement that supposedly hurt their feelings is. The SCOTUS MUST take up this case and rightly rule (simply affirm the obvious) that based on the Constitution, the first amendment guarantees the right to free speech and the freedom to practice one’s religion as individuals see fit regardless of whether someone else’s “feelings” are hurt by it.

    There is no right for anyone to not be offended by what the Bible clearly states and what has been the intellectual and moral basis of Western Civilization for hundreds of years as reflected in the Constitution. These “judges” should be impeached immediately by congress and replaced with sane people that can readily recognize what the US Constitution clearly states.

  3. This is a travesty. Decent citizens should petition the courts to overturn.
    (If they can find any in Oregon)

    And Weight gain? They “suffered” weight gain??
    No, I think bullish dykes “enjoy” the weight gain.

  4. Is state law (or regulation) subject to The Constitution? Yes or no, this whole thing stinks, and the Lezbies need to be subject to all the mean, nasty, demeaning, shaming, scorn, and shunning that free citizens can heap upon them.

  5. Is it the Kleins personally that must pay? Or the Sweet Cakes store that must pay?
    If it’s the store, then declare bankruptcy, dissolve the store, move out of state, start a new store. Fa’keem.
    I wish life were that simple.

  6. I wonder how many bakeries those dykes checked out before they found just the right one to go after. They could have had a cake made in plenty of bakeries in that area without forcing that one to comply with their wishes.

  7. can’t the Kleins counter-sue these lesbians, claiming violation of their 1st Amendment rights? I’d contribute to that GoFundMe page right quick.

  8. Something smells fishy. Vicious dykes did not go into bakery to buy a wedding cake. They went into bakery to pick a fight with Christians. If they wanted a cake, for less money, they could have gone to 3 Safeway stores, 1 Fred Meyer store, or 1 Swiss bakery, all within a 2 mile radius. The guy who ruled against Christian bakers to the tune of $135,000? A filthy, disgusting, piece of shit democrat fudge packer.

  9. @ organgrinder
    Targeted. They find the ONE straight bakery or flower shop in town….they get the attention they crave and cash to boot.
    I feel like there are many who seem to play gay for the payday.
    Gay for pay, it’s not just for porn anymore.

  10. I read on a conservative blog somewhere that the constitutional questions about this issue aren’t addressed at the lower courts. This was the case with the Christian Baker before the SCOTUS right now.

    When that decision is rendered, and I’m assuming, confirms the bakers’ right to decline, THIS case, and many others, will use the ruling to stop the nonsense occurring at lower courts. What I’d really like to see are AGGRESSIVE counter suits for TRIPLE damages.

  11. Wait to see how the Jack Phillips case out of Colorado shakes out for a ruling that sets the precedent.

    Meanwhile, targeting is a veritable cottage industry. See: Memories Pizza. Though it didn’t net the sjw’s or their scum-sucking lawyers any pocket money that time, it did set up their need for social bloodlust.

  12. Where has Oregon? It has been Californicated! California granola cereal (fruits, nuts and flakes) escaped the state they destroyed, invaded Oregon, and are destroying it the same way. Watch out, Washington! As the man said in the original “Invaders of the Body Snatchers,” YOU’RE NEXT!

  13. I have to wonder why dykes or gays do things like this. If it’s for the money or to humiliate and try to destroy Christians they have to remember that now their names and addresses are out there for everyone to see and maybe get a fatwa issued on them if there is an Imam in Oregon or Iran who takes issue with them.

  14. These two carpet munchers bring to mind an ole poem from the hills:
    May bloody piles torment you, and corns adorn thy feet.
    And crabs as big as buzzards sit on your cooches and eat
    And when you’re old and weary, syphilated wrecks
    May your heads fall through your assholes and break your freaking necks!

  15. Christian bakers in Oregon?


    I know there is no greater glory than to suffer for your faith – but to the point of enriching perverts and Satanists?

    God bless them (the bakers) and have mercy on the perverts and lawyers who engineered this scam.

    izlamo delenda est …

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