Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule – IOTW Report

Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule


“America is the land of opportunity.” “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” “America is a melting pot.” Those are examples of harmful “microaggressions,” according to Columbia professor Derald Wing Sue, lauded by Oregon’s state government as a “microaggressions expert.”

Now, under a soon-to-be-finalized ethics rule from the Oregon Medical Board, doctors who commit “microaggressions” risk losing their medical licenses.

Under Oregon law, doctors who fail to report “unprofessional conduct” from themselves or a colleague within 10 business days can face severe penalties, including loss of license. The state’s medical board is in the process of shoehorning “microaggressions”—innocently intentioned behaviors interpreted by women or minorities to be subliminal communications of bias—into its definition of “unprofessional conduct,” according to the proposed rule, which the board unveiled in April. more here

23 Comments on Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule

  1. “Oregon Doctors Could Soon Lose Their Licenses for ‘Microaggressions’ Under Proposed Medical Board Rule”

    …but they can murder healthy infants, mutilate small children, give youths chemicals that contradict biology and cause massive physical and mental problems, and refuse White people therapies because of their race, and those licences stay perfectly safe…

  2. That street runs in both directions, and can used against the “woke”, as easily as it can be used against the “normies”.

    (Dr speaking to a non-woke, white, married person)
    “Do you have guns in your house?”
    “How many sex partners do you have?”
    “Have you thought about ‘transitioning’?”

    Be careful what you wish for. You may get it, and not like it.

  3. So the only doctors left practicing in Oregon will be those who will cower before authority or those who actually believe in this bullshit. Neither of those two scenarios make me want to trust my healthcare to someone like that.

  4. Arent Oregon doctors still jabbing chidren with experimental gene therapies posing as “vaccines” that are known to cripple and kill children and dont even address the disease they arent suceptible to in the FIRST place?

    Why arent *THOSE* licences in jeopardy?

    …apparently, theoretical “harm” that is nothing more than insanely sensitive peoples’ buttthurt = BAD

    …ACTUAL physical harm from myocarditis to sterility to death for ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT TO THE PATIENT = Perfectly OK.

    These arent doctors,
    Theyre politicians

  5. We need to separate from these Bolsheviks pronto! Let them have their own country that will miserably fail, probably within 5 years, while the real America flourishes without them weighing us down.

  6. “You should consider having a quadruple bypass.”

    “Hey, that’s a comment on the fact that I weigh over 350 pounds and don’t exercise at all, and affecting my body positivity. I’m reporting you to the medical board.”

    “I’m terribly sorry, that was an inadvertent micro-aggression and won’t happen again. Can your next-of-kin at least tell me when the funeral is?”

  7. …good point, @Wyatt.

    Guess the medical term “Morbidly Obese” will join the medical term “Retarded” on the ash heap of history.

    And I guess that means a gay White male can sue his doctor when he doesnt offer him a Pap smear and a sickle cell test, because that means the doctor is making forbidden identity assumptions…

  8. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist…

    “That street runs in both directions, and can used against the “woke”, as easily as it can be used against the “normies”.”


    It only goes one way.

    And you’re a racist if you think it can go any other.

  9. ^^^^ “Every Democrat Judge” et al
    Then I guess I’m a racist.
    But that’s only you’re uneducated, biased, bigoted, opinion.

  10. I can see how this goes.

    “Doc, something’s wrong, I no longer bleed or have wymxnstrual cramps.”

    “Sally, you are no longer be bleeding from your bonus hole because of an insignificant clump of cells inside of you that will want to feed on your chest should you not perform necessary elimination procedures.”


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