Oregon Gov. Kate Brown faces lawsuits over granting clemency to violent criminals – IOTW Report

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown faces lawsuits over granting clemency to violent criminals


Oregon Governor Kate Brown is facing a legal challenge over the use of her executive powers to grant clemency to violent criminals, endangering citizens of her state at a time when crime has exploded across Democrat-controlled areas, including Portland which recorded a record number of homicides last year.

On Tuesday, two district attorneys along with the families of murder victims filed a lawsuit against Brown that contends that her release of nearly 1,000 inmates is unlawful and that the victims and their families had not been notified in advance, Fox News reported.

Kevin Mannix who is president of the group Common Sense for Oregon as well as the lawyer of the firm that is bringing the lawsuit against Brown said, “This is the massive release of violent criminals through a process which violates the legal requirements of law.” more

11 Comments on Oregon Gov. Kate Brown faces lawsuits over granting clemency to violent criminals

  1. I have nothing personal against the liberal, lesbian, no-count, worthless piece-of-shit democrat, she just happens to be a stupid, fucking cunt that has nothing but personal gain on her feeble, sarcastic, misdirected, Marxist, commie mind.

  2. In the Left Coast Worst Governor Race, she’s still in second. But only because Newsome is fucking up a lot more cities, alot more people and a much larger state.

    Throw in million of illegals he’s encouraged to come on in on our dime and he’ll be hard to beat. Although I have a feeling Kate has got that can-do spirit & will continue to fuck up OR good and hard.

    I can only hope Inslee isn’t moved to start doing stupid shit to catch up like building Chinese flu camps…oh wait…

  3. My contention that progs are living vicariously through these malicious, maladjusted malcontents is a take on this that many others have not considered, but once put up for consideration I have had many come back and tell me: ya’ know, I think you may be on to something.

    Well, I did not just conjure that out of thin air. I have lived in close proximity to the bastards and once I recognized the malignant nature of the motivating force behind their actions it satisfied a lot of questions I had been looking for an answer to. Once I no longer was willing to concede good intentions to them and recognized them for what they are i was able to appreciate what makes them tick.


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