Oregon health officials postpone meeting because ‘urgency is a white supremacy value’ – IOTW Report

Oregon health officials postpone meeting because ‘urgency is a white supremacy value’

BPR: Medical professionals are expected to know how to prioritize demands, especially when confronted with decisions that could mean the difference between life and death. At least they were, until social justice warriors rushed in to slow down the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to address the pressing concern of “urgency” as “a white supremacy value.”

Throughout the pandemic, the OHA was at the center of providing information to residents on COVID and in coordinating the rollout of the vaccination program. Now, according to an email obtained by Reason, those seemingly pressing concerns may have been sidelined in 2020 in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Regional Health Equity Coalition Program Manager Danielle Droppers of the OHA let her colleagues know that a previously scheduled meeting was being postponed to address some of the damaging values of white supremacy. more

25 Comments on Oregon health officials postpone meeting because ‘urgency is a white supremacy value’

  1. I worked for the state of Oregon for ten years in mental health services, and yes, the administrators all do talk like this. It’s literally a case of the lunatics running the asylum.

  2. Isn’t urgency a supposed universal value that should pertain to all races and classes of people across America? One would seem to think so, whatever happened to the Golden rule of Do unto others as they would do unto you or is that passe like every other old-fashioned traditional rule. Urgent means urgent no matter who or what you are.

  3. One of the Lieutenants I used to run with is the Chief of my former department now. He’s very much a Black man, and I trusted him with my life and he never failed me.

    And he always had a sense of urgency, and still does. That’s one reason he’s a successful Chief.

    I hope that doesn’t disqualify him from being Black. Because he’d sure be in a hurry to turn your lights out if you said that to him.

  4. “If you challenge me on my incompetence or corruption, I’ll imply that you’re a racist.”

    – Literally every single fucking democrat

    democrats = filth

  5. OK geniuses, when you SJWs come to the ER with chest pain we will makeyou wait behind the guy who is there for an STD check up and the back pain. Man these people, are nut bags

  6. Hasn’t the shithole situation in Portland always been considered “urgent” by ANTIFA? All of the social media sites they broadcast their propaganda on always uses language like that. Oh, the horror!!!

  7. “No job is so important and no service is so urgent-that we cannot take time to perform our work safely”

    That creed, when taken to the extremes of Union Weapons Grade Autism, becomes… “We ain’t gotts to be doin’ no works, and sheit, yo!”


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