Oregon is among top Afghan refugee sites – IOTW Report

Oregon is among top Afghan refugee sites

According to the U.S. State Department, Oregon is among the 15 states that have reached out as welcoming communities for Afghanistan refugees.  Within Oregon the places most likely to locate these refugees will be Portland and Salem according to the Medford Mail Tribune.   The number of expected refugees could be anywhere from 50,000 to 200,000 nationally. – Oregon Catalyst

30 Comments on Oregon is among top Afghan refugee sites

  1. Just read an article this weekend that over 100 of them were in Tulsa, OK. So I wish all of them were going to Oregon.

    Our governor is an idiot even if far too many can’t get that. He says he will welcome them because they’ve been vetted by the U.N. and federal agencies.

    But whoopie he signed some gun laws, 10TH amendment law and no mask/vaccine mandates for schools. He’s already caved on the mask bullshit and schools saying there is nothing he can really do about it but have the AG take them to court. So anyone who caves so easily will cave when the feds withhold money or put pressure on him. He refuses to call a special session to stop employers from mandating vaccines.

    All I can say is I didn’t vote for him in the primary, runoff or general election. I knew what he was going to be and to be honest he surprised me that he has actually signed some good laws.

    Honestly though the only gun law we need is a law that says we abide by the constitution and we’re all free to own or carry as many guns as we want.

  2. Also being reported today by the Virginia Department of Health…a surge of Measles in northern and central Virginia.
    Measles had been eliminated until the afghanis were flown into Dulles airport.


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