Oregon: Mexican Man In U.S. Illegally Allegedly Kills Woman, Is Able To Flee Country After Sheriff’s Office Sets Him Free – IOTW Report

Oregon: Mexican Man In U.S. Illegally Allegedly Kills Woman, Is Able To Flee Country After Sheriff’s Office Sets Him Free

Breaking 911:

PORTLAND, Ore. – On July 12, Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputies announced they had responded to a crash involving Alejandro Maldonado-Hernandez, as well as Patrick Ator and his wife, Janace Ator, who were traveling in another vehicle. Maldonado-Hernandez, who was in the United States illegally and allegedly responsible for the crash, was transported to the local hospital with only minor injuries. Mr. Ator was taken to the hospital where he was treated for severe injuries while his wife, Janace, lost her life as a result of the injuries sustained in the crash.

Maldonado-Hernandez was arrested by local authorities the same day and booked into the Washington County jail on charges of felony manslaughter in the second degree, felony assault in the third degree, and misdemeanor reckless driving.

On July 16, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers encountered Maldonado-Hernandez while he was being held at the Washington County jail and lodged an immigration detainer.

On August 8, the jail failed to honor the detainer and released Maldonado-Hernandez back into the community he had previously victimized. read more

7 Comments on Oregon: Mexican Man In U.S. Illegally Allegedly Kills Woman, Is Able To Flee Country After Sheriff’s Office Sets Him Free

  1. Get a lawyer (ideally one as smart and ruthless as Flynn’s) and the family starts to sue the Mayor, Police Chief, City Counsel and every cop that touched this guy after ICE issued their order. Sue them personally and individually. Drag them into court and bankrupt them and the city. Drown them in legal fees.

  2. It will come to the point that good people will lynch government stooges who fail to follow the law or try to enforce unjust laws like firearms confiscation.

    Seriously, if you are such a douche as a sheriff that you choose to favor an illegal invader over justice and safety for your citizens, please resign!


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