Oregon Residents Screwed in Governor’s Renewable Energy Bill – IOTW Report

Oregon Residents Screwed in Governor’s Renewable Energy Bill

The governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, signed into law a 50% renewable energy requirement by 2040, and the cessation of coal use by 2035.

This is to “save the planet.” But, Oregon is not a planet.


…it “amazingly” does not include a requirement for the utilities to shut down their existing coal capacity, most of which is located out of state in Wyoming and Montana.

“Presumably those utilities will simply reallocate their coal plants to customers in other states or engage some swapping behavior so the conscience of Oregonians can be clear,” Kavulla said, “but it’s pretty clear that this bill won’t actually reduce carbon emissions despite that being the ostensible purpose of it.”

Opponents of SB 1547 argued throughout the legislative process that the bill would allow coal-fired plants to keep operating while Oregon would be served with expensive renewable energy.


ht/ Deer Park Dave

10 Comments on Oregon Residents Screwed in Governor’s Renewable Energy Bill

  1. None of the renewables, except hydro, work w/o a hefty base load and spinning fossil fuel plants in reserve. So in effect you are building at least twice the capacity and paying 3 times as much.

  2. We had some asswipe on the town council try to ‘start a conversation’ about ‘phasing out’ wood stove heat.
    This is because: Environment
    Funny these folk have no plan to pay the heating bills of those who rely on wood fuel heat now and must soon pay for other means of heat.
    Nor do they offer anything other than vague talk of subsidies and ‘focusing on strategies’ for the outlay of money for any conversion to other heating sources.
    This idiot told us that heating with fire was an outmoded idea.
    Since he looked to be the ‘theory’ type I reminded him about the theory of evolution. How cooking meat with fire allowed us to ingest the flesh of animals and not die of parasites and bacteria.
    How cooking meat with fire is the protein source that allowed us to power the growth of the human brain and gave us reasoning ability and language.
    Heating and lighting with fire gave us the extra time in the evenings for thought and reflection
    It protected us from wild animals.
    Fire is the very reason we have town councils.

    Having a reliable cheap energy source is like having a job.
    Don’t quit the old one until you have a new one in the bag.

  3. I thought Kate Brown killed people to save the planet. She sure stopped the usage of electricity at the Federal Wildlife Refuge, and when she kills a few more we’ll start to see real savings.

  4. I live here…..Oregon sucks big time. The asshole liberals that run the entire state from Portland are too damn self-centered to realize how fucking stupid they are.
    The only real advantage Oregonians have over Californicaters is that as an Oregonian……we can obtain a carry concealed permit.

  5. “Presumably those utilities will simply reallocate their coal plants to customers in other states or engage some swapping behavior so the conscience of Oregonians can be clear,”.

    the whole green agenda right there. “conscience … can be clear”

    people in support of these types of actions should just stop using all electricity. period.

    otherwise, they really don’t care about the planet, just what other “greens” think of them.

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