Oregon: With Strip Club Forced to Close, Exotic Dancers Are Now Delivering Food – IOTW Report

Oregon: With Strip Club Forced to Close, Exotic Dancers Are Now Delivering Food

KFI: When Oregon Governor Kate Brown ordered all non-essential businesses to close in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, among the places that were forced to temporarily shut down were strip clubs. Most simply locked their doors but Lucky Devil Lounge in Portland adapted to the mandate. Since the order allows for food establishments to offer take-out and delivery, Lucky Devil switched gears and became a food delivery service called Boober Eats. read more

21 Comments on Oregon: With Strip Club Forced to Close, Exotic Dancers Are Now Delivering Food

  1. Judges ordering people to stay at home, LA mayor shutting off power to stores he doesn’t want to remain open……..this is gettin good, folks!

    The civil war is coming. We’re about to see the country finally erupt and the country implode! It will be glorious!

    Then we can start over and the commies and the queers won’t be running everything. And it is about damn time!

  2. When did strippers become “exotic”?

    The meaning of “exotic” is something originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.

    What foreign country had strippers?

  3. “.this is gettin good, folks!

    The civil war is coming. We’re about to see the country finally erupt and the country implode! It will be glorious!”

    The fug is this diarrhea puddle on here rootin’ for the corona virus AND civil war?

    Someone get puddles a coloring book. Everyone else keep makin’ stripper jokes.

  4. Watch out for the big fat fugly bull dyke pole strippers, they’re the worst. Is the sale of marijuana considered to be an essential service like in Wash. state and Cal. We’ve lost our friggin mind folks to think that all these stupid democrap ideas are going to help us or save us from the Chink flu. And I like Popeye am totally disgustipated with the whole mess we’re in because of the left and their phony responses to dealing to with it. Thank God for President Trump and his courageous response to dealing with this crisis , he is proving himself to be a true statesman like Abraham Lincoln but more importantly like Winston Churchill.

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