O’Reilly Interviews Lindsey Graham on John McCain’s Involvement In Trump Media Smear – IOTW Report

O’Reilly Interviews Lindsey Graham on John McCain’s Involvement In Trump Media Smear

Linds looks a little nervous, doesn’t she?

h/t Tuesday.

31 Comments on O’Reilly Interviews Lindsey Graham on John McCain’s Involvement In Trump Media Smear

  1. This guy acts so guilty as he tries to hide it. Funny mouth movements, eyebrow movements, shifty eyes, shallow breathing, rubbing his nose awkwardly. He then acts totally different when O’Reilly changes the subject and goes onto other topics. This guy, Lindsey Graham, knows more, much more than what he is telling right now. Trump needs to get to the bottom of it. There it is, John McCain and Lindsey Graham with info – MADE UP INFO – going over with each other their next move. I say the next move is OUT OF OFFICE WITH THE TWO OF THEM!!!

  2. I watched this on O’Reilly last night. When Lindsay suggested that the Russians might be behind the Trump smear, I never wanted to punch someone through the TV screen so much in my life.

  3. Remember the video of the little tyke with chocolate sprinkles all over his face denying to his Mom that he ate the sprinkles?

    Trump hurt his butt in the Primary re his cell phone and now it appears the little weasel collaborated with his butt-buddy McLame. How apropos for the two flamers to go down in flames together!

  4. I think some “real news” about Lindsey the Homo is lurking in the shadows, about to come out at the perfect time. Lindsey Fag is worried and he is setting the stage to dismiss it as a smear campaign but we all know its gonna be true.

  5. What I like about democRATS is they tell you they are against you.

    What I HATE about RINO’s is they want you to think they are on your side while they are stabbing you in the back!

    Lindseypoo is a FUCKING RINO!

  6. It was either his turn at bat with Dr. Ben Carson or General Mattis’ confirmation hearings, I can’t remember, but he was a prissy, hostile asshole. He peppered his questions like gunshot, pursed his lips in a sarcastic sneer, then abruptly ended his questions (and left, I think). A rude, little man.

  7. Stated, he hopes Trump won’t veto his bill to impose stronger sanctions, as there are many other issues he can “work with” Trump on to help move thru the senate.

    Tag team Warmonger & Back Door Schlonger (McCain/Linda) just fired the warning shot across the bow. You’re gonna do it our way or we’ll hamstring you for 4 years.
    Marco Retardo’s performance in Tillerson hearing was Act I in setting the stage for his run in 2020. Russia is the wedge issue and they’re gonna poke & prod the Bear forcing President Trump to pick a side.

    The Deep State no longer lurks in the shadows. They’re out front, stage center and don’t care who knows it.
    Pray for our President and his cabinet. These 4 years will be the mother of all battles and we know our enemies.

  8. Listening to Streep, CNN, Graham, McCain, and other distractors, I feel that Mr. Trump needs the protection of “Saint Patrick’s Breastplate.” (written 490 AD)

    “I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me……
    God’s shield to protect me….,
    From the snares of devils,
    From temptation of vices,
    From everyone who shall wish me ill,
    Afar and near,”

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