Organized Bus Operation Loading Caravan Illegals For Rides In Mexico – IOTW Report

Organized Bus Operation Loading Caravan Illegals For Rides In Mexico

FOX News Reporter Griff Jenkins Reveals Organized Bus Operation Loading Immigrants for Ride to Next Location:

5 Comments on Organized Bus Operation Loading Caravan Illegals For Rides In Mexico

  1. If you believe the footage, we are loading heavy armor, troop carriers and support cehicles onto trains and shipping it south. Joint Base Kelly Randolph Ft Sam has been disembarking regular troops from Ft. Knox and Ft. Campbell in C17 and C5s. That’s mucho whoopass.

    So all the Posse Comitatus will mean exactly squat if we decide to handle this invasion 100 yards inside Cacaxico.

    I have a dream.

  2. Sounds like someone screwed up when planning the caravan, and the chaos at the border doesn’t look like it will occur in time to influence the midterm elections. So they need to speed things up by bussing people.


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