Orrin Hatch With an Extremely Optimistic and Complimentary Speech About Our President – IOTW Report

Orrin Hatch With an Extremely Optimistic and Complimentary Speech About Our President

Hatch said that if we all got behind this presidency, it has the potential to be the greatest presidency in generations, perhaps ever.

That is a very high bar.



ht/ All Too Much

18 Comments on Orrin Hatch With an Extremely Optimistic and Complimentary Speech About Our President

  1. I just received an email from GOP to rate President Trump. After I gave him the highest score “Great” I utilized the empty box to give PDT a message. I asked him to get the GOP behind him to build the wall, dump amnesty talk, and various other items. I then told him I think GOP leadership is weak and Rinos are a yuuuge problem.

    I wonder if the GOP that sent that poll will read it

  2. In my opinion and, he is already there by any standard units here to use, ending a generational war in nine months, and highest stock market 80+ times, lowest unemployment rate in 17 years, cutting through generations of regulatory horse manure, this is how a real American President takes charge, and changes what is into what he wants it to be! Barry does not even deserve to be in the same conversation.

  3. I was watching PRESIDENT Trump and the rest of the GOP talking about the historic tax cuts. Looking around it was great to see that EVERYONE was on the same team.

    Except John McStain. He’s a peanut and corn filled turd.

  4. I’m not expecting it but wouldn’t it be great if the republicans taste of winning enciurages them to get behind more of the Trump agenda?! They’ve been so comfortable not leading and running things. Why stop now. And take a page from Trump, that means build the wall and stop with immigration BS.

  5. That’s one in a row, Orrin. Good for you. You STILL need to retire, now, and not run for another term. I hope you get “generaled”.
    “What do you call a Senator who’s been in office 18 years? You call him home.”
    You should have kept that campaign promise 24 years ago, Orrin.

  6. @Deplorable B Woodman–as much as I would like Orrin to enjoy his twilight years, I think Trump wants him to stay to keep Mittens for running for that seat. There is no love loss between Trump and Romney and Romney would be a stick in the mud for sure.

  7. Thanks for the reminder Hatch… Limbaugh has be screaming that from the rooftops for (Months/Years).
    Say hello to the Never-Trumpers at this years Christmas parties for me, for some reason I wasn’t invited.
    Happy Retirement!


  8. Orrin is my senator. I was sort of surprised by his comments today, but I agree with them! That being said, I’ve been voting against old Orrin for about the last 3 times he’s run….enough is enough! Noone is indispensable!

  9. Orin Hatch and most of the establishment republican uniparty are in full panic-mode because Trump is going to eventually primary their asses out in 2018 and sooner.

    Trump signs this tax cut into law and the republican uniparty instantly becomes IRRELEVANT. They know they aren’t needed now and are starting to kiss the ass of the American people who might vote for them in 2018.

    Remember, these were the assholes who PROMISED to repeal ObamaCare if they had the House, then the Senate, but did NOTHING but hinder and obfuscate so that their American electorate based gravy train could remain perpetually subsidized.

    Trump has made them all irrelevant in my opinion, which tells me that he’s in grave danger of being permanently eliminated, as in assassinated.

    Trump, being a smart and shrewd guy, is basically calling their bluff to take him out. They are just greedy enough to try it.

    Pray hard.

  10. I finally watched the video. Hatch and the rest of the RINO cronies should be very nervous about the success of everything POTUS Trump undertakes. I hate being this cynical, but I think Hatch is getting out in front and trying to make it look like a parade instead of facing the music of hordes who will skin them all alive if they don’t get behind the president. And I am repulsed by Paul Ryan’s constant mugging for the cameras with his stupid upside down smile and gratuitous “me too” fist pumping. I’m glad Trump called him out at the podium.

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