Orwellian Times – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Orwellian Times

  1. We don’t need a warning anymore. We need to resist now that his warning has come to reality.

    We’re in a fucking civil war – everyone shouldn’t need a ‘warning’ anymore.

  2. More like the future without politics, as politics means debate, give and take. If there is none of that, then there is only authority, end of discussion.

  3. @ Jimmy JUNE 8, 2020 AT 1:05 AM

    The links are dynamic and provide current images even in old posts – the photo is not static. Let’s not go down this hole. If we do, we’ll all look foolish when it’s widely understood.

  4. Coming from a lifelong socialist!

    The problem (as always) is the great swath of apathetic who refuse to see their stake.
    My BIL (in)famously stated that politics doesn’t matter because “nothing’s gonna change.”
    He’s NOT ignorant – he’s NOT stupid – he’s NOT a retard – he lives wrapped in the bubble of his own existence.
    I fear that he is not the exception. History is replete with examples of populations accepting tyranny rather than risk personal loss – usually resulting in the total loss of everything, including their lives.

    The nihilistic totalitarians are aware of this.
    They are NOT stupid – they’ve stampeded the negroes (along with a whole passel of wiggers (whiggers?)) and hope America folds.

    Arming yourself isn’t enough – we need organization, armor, and artillery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ^^^^^^^ THIS! 100%! without comms and organization we are a passel of well heeled INDIVIDUALS. The enemy appears to be financed, and organized.

  6. Crackerbaby

    Command and control is the big issue I see. We don’t have it. We need the oath keepers to step up. But they’ve been really quite since the Bundy thing.

  7. C^3 – Command, Control, and Communications.
    (Logistics included in Communications)

    4-D thinking.


    The maggots appear to think 2 dimensionally – and are already situated in Urban settings. Isolation should be fairly straightforward. After 3 days they’d start eating each other – but, of course, the other Urban areas which aren’t isolated would step in though their logistical trains would be susceptible to interruption.

    Lots to consider.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. When push comes to shove some people will take charge. Yucaipa, CA is a perfect example. When the ANTS/BLM said they were coming to the suburbs men took to the roofs with guns. And when the ANTS/BLM showed up they got their butts kicked and were run out of town. Happened in Seattle I think and Idaho too.
    What is needed is LEO and DAs and Courts to back them up and not side with somebody just because they’re black. That’s actual racism.

  9. Tim

    “Lots to consider.”

    The problem is our enemy seems to be big on command and control. We can’t win this without a certain amount of organization.


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