OSHA Suspends Implementation and Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate Pending Litigation – IOTW Report

OSHA Suspends Implementation and Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate Pending Litigation

National Law Review: On Nov. 16, 2021, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it is suspending all implementation and enforcement efforts related to the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on mandatory COVID-19 vaccination and testing in the workplace. MORE
h/t Jay

11 Comments on OSHA Suspends Implementation and Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate Pending Litigation

  1. We can’t sue Big Pharma for killing or injuring us, but we sure as hell can sue the fascist corpos who force their poison on us. Can’t we? Or are they going to weasel out of that somehow. I reckon the mandate pause will be lifted when they figure out their liability and immunity loopholes.

  2. In Canada, vax mandates for traveling by plane or train cannot be challenged in court because those mandates are not laws. How about them road apples.

    Perhaps the reason OSHA is seems to be rolling over at this might be that they are afraid that such a case may strip them of much of the authority they have assumed over the years.

  3. “Perhaps the reason OSHA is seems to be rolling over at this might be that they are afraid that such a case may strip them of much of the authority they have assumed over the years.”

    Plus their greed for more.

    I’m sure they were lighted-headed with power intoxication when first presented with it. Probably got a rush from it.


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