OSU Moron – Maryam Abidi: “Cops shouldn’t shoot terrorists in the act of terror because they deserve due process” – IOTW Report

OSU Moron – Maryam Abidi: “Cops shouldn’t shoot terrorists in the act of terror because they deserve due process”

America, we have a problem, and it’s coming from #fakeuniversities.


Activists at Ohio State University held a protest this week that framed the killing of Abdul Razak Ali Artan during a terror attack as unjustified.

Eleven students were injured Nov. 28 when Mr. Artan turned his car into a weapon. The Somali immigrant and logistics management student was shot by  Ohio State University Police Department Officer Alan Horujko, 28, before he could execute victims with a butcher knife.

Maryam Abidi, a fourth-year in women’s, gender and sexuality studies, defended the protest in a statement to the campus newspaper. She said Mr. Artan, 18, was added to a list of names of those wrongly killed by cops because lethal force cannot bring justice.

“In some cases, the deceased may have committed acts of violence against others before they were killed,” Ms. Abidi told the Lantern Thursday. “Perhaps they were domestic abusers, perhaps they threatened or killed others. This possibility is not something to shy away from. The protest against police brutality extends to the innocent and the guilty alike, because we know that no matter the crime, justice and due process don’t come from a cop’s bullet.”

The activist added that “right-wing pundits” have used the attack to focus “Islamophobia and xenophobia” onto Columbus.

40 Comments on OSU Moron – Maryam Abidi: “Cops shouldn’t shoot terrorists in the act of terror because they deserve due process”

  1. These people are so stupid they can’t even see the possibility that one day they or their loved ones might face a lethal threat, and if a cop is around what would they want that cop to do?? Well, let the perpetrator just continue shooting, maiming her and her family, all in the name of justice. Good one. Moron.

  2. “Maryam Abidi, a fourth-year in women’s, gender and sexuality studies, ”

    My daughter figured out that she had girl bits when she potty trained. Mulismas need to take out a mortgage sized loan to figure that out? After a batch degree in vag?!?

    Lemme guess… Another refugee/child of such?

  3. OK Bint, picture this scenario:
    You have just been run over by a car that chased you up a lawn on campus. You are lying on the lawn, writhing in pain from the broken bones and you see the driver get out and stab another victim multiple times. He then moves toward you and reaches above you, ready to lunch the knife into your body. A campus police officer shouts “Stop, or I’ll shoot!”.
    At that instant, are you going to shout “NO…he deserves due process!”

  4. Student loans for the study of gender, women, homosexuality, and butthurt ethnic minorities should be stopped immediately. These programs produce nothing but gibs-me-dat activists.

  5. I always pray these morons get exactly what they ask for, but they MUST wear a sign warning police not to intervene for them. This is only fair so a cop isn’t penalized for saving the SJW’s worthless life or property, plus it shows the world how pitifully stoopid they are.

    “Officer Horujko, why did you wait until AFTER the jihadi stabbed Ms. Abidi before shooting him?”
    “Your honor, she was wearing a ‘No Cops Wanted’ sign so I didn’t want to violate her right to be a victim.”
    “Case dismissed.”

  6. I swear they get dumber and dumber every day. Another useless sack of tripe pursuing a useless college major. I’d love to grab her with one hand and slap her silly with the other. But then, shit splatters so that’s probably not a good idea.

  7. Academia is the next swamp that needs to be drained. It’s time to abolish the tenure system and fire all these progressive propagandists. The future of our nation depends on it.

  8. WTF is a degree in women, gender and sexuality studies worth? It pretty obvious anyone who would spend the tens of thousands of dollars on such a degree that will never qualify them for any job in the real world is obviously mentally ill. The federal government should pass a law banning frivolous college degrees.

  9. God help these imbeciles if reality ever intervenes in their miserable, phony-baloney, bullshit existences!

    Cuz I won’t … and the cops shouldn’t.

    Deport her – naked – to Nigeria – or Sudan – or Indonesia – or Kenya – or Saudi Arabia – or Turkey – or Kazakhstan – or wherever ragheads abound – good luck and good riddance.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The officer used due process. He pointed his weapon at the obvious offender, following due process the weapon was clean and properly loaded. Life was in danger, no need to say “stop or I’ll shoot”. The officer used good judgment, and marksmanship. Case closed.

  11. I’ve come to the conclusion that women are good for three primary things: sex, cooking, and cleaning. If they work, that’s optional. Otherwise, I have lost faith in women and see them only as sex objects.

  12. The right of self-defense itself is under attack. Since their plans for confiscation didn’t go so well.

    “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

  13. We have raised the stupidest and laziest generation of all time. This is a good reason “free” education would be wrong. Next time I hope a student takes out the terrorist mudslide.

  14. Based on Mz Jihadist’s last name, the only “due process” she would experience in her home country is a horrific life threatening punishment under Sharia law just for having an opinion.
    The gullible left think that her comments are enlighten. In reality, her defense of terrorists as if they have a legitimate reason for their deadly actions, is inspired by a barbaric 7th century tyrannical system called Islam.

  15. Kafir noted that this is an attack on the right of self-defense, the most fundamental and necessary right to a society.
    It sure would make it easier for the muslims to subjugate us if we cannot resist. I think that is her real goal.

    I do not wish ill on her, but I know her moronic view would change in an instant if she was the victim of an attack.

  16. If this is the kind of student OSU produces my son will NOT be applying to their college and I will encourage my friends and family to NOT apply to this “institution”. I would label this as “idiotic rhetoric” but nothing about this morons comments are persuasive in any way. “Let them finish up with the killing so they can stand a fair trial”. You, Maryam Abidi, are a F***ING idiot.

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