Ottawa Pols Wanted Tow Trucks To Haul Away Truckers – But Their Plans Went Askew – IOTW Report

Ottawa Pols Wanted Tow Trucks To Haul Away Truckers – But Their Plans Went Askew

19 Comments on Ottawa Pols Wanted Tow Trucks To Haul Away Truckers – But Their Plans Went Askew

  1. A friend of mine called a Pizza joint and asked them to deliver 20 pies to the folks at the rally. He asked if they had been having any issues with their delivery drivers coming down with Covid, they just laughed and said they would send him video confirmation of the delivery.

  2. Perfect example of how broken their minds are.

    Lefty Logic: I know the answer! Let’s call some truck drivers to get these truckers out of here!

    Easy peasy! What could go wrong?

  3. NOW they will learn where food comes from. NOW they will learn where gasoline comes from. NOW they will learn where POWER comes from. Anyone not paying attention will soon learn the power of the proletariat. Governments derive their power from the consent of the governed. When that consent is withdrawn, they are POWERLESS. And I think that the governed have had enough of their governments.

  4. Geoff,
    Was thinking the same. All the tow truckers ALL coming down with the coof at the same time. (what a coincidence!) About like all cops coming down with the Blue Flu. At the same time. What are the odds!


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